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Roof Installation — What to Expect

Better Expectations Equals A Smoother Process.

If you are having your roof replaced, you want to know what to expect during a roof installation. The roofers and workers are so used to their job that they might forget to fill you in on the details.

Here’s what happens during a roof installation so you know what to expect:

A roof installation typically takes 1 to 3 days depending on the weather, size of the project, and other criteria. Usually the installation can take place while you are at work, but discuss with your contractor whether or not you need to be home.

A few days before the actual work begins, one or two dumpsters might be delivered and placed in your yard. These are for the discarded roofing materials and also anything that is being recycled. The dumpsters might not be attractive, but they won’t be there for too long.

Another delivery might arrive a few days before the installation begins, this time a whole lot of shingles. You will need to have a designated place for them to place the shingles, usually in your driveway. You will probably want to be home for the delivery in case it requires a signature.

Before the first day of the installation, you might want to clear your yard of anything that could be damaged by falling shingles or tools. Take measures to protect any garden areas or plants or furniture outside.

Inside your home, go ahead and take down any hanging pictures, and put any other breakable items that could be jarred from their homes on the floor. The vibrations from all the hammering and work being done can cause some ruckus.

While the work is being done, you probably don’t want your cars, bikes, or anything else that could potentially be damaged near the house. Just to be safe, park on the street while work is being done.

On the day everything begins, be ready for the roofers to start early and make a whole lot of noise. Installing a roof is noisy business, especially if you are inside the house.

If you have a gate in the back yard, your contractor might request that you leave it unlocked so the workers can get back and forth. If you have pets, you might want to keep them inside or board them during the project.

After the work is over, the roofers will walk around and pick up any fallen debris and nails from the ground but you probably want to double check. To be safe, check the whole yard, the driveway, and the road close to the project for nails.

It may take a couple days for the newly filled dumpsters to be picked up from your yard after the project is complete.

Roof installation is a noisy and somewhat bothersome event, but it will all be over within a few days to a week.

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