I even bought some lil :( So I messaged him on Facebook basically telling him to tell me right then what was going on and that I obviously still wanted him and could not take a hint so to tell me how he felt. He used to respond to all your texts, but now he replies only a couple times a week. Anything . Anyway cut a long story short, started chatting to this guy on Tinder,we are both in music so we understand the unsociable hours and the pressure that comes with it. Beats me! I had no idea this happens this often. NEEDLSS TO SAY Saturday morning came and with no response, I noticed he had REMOVED me from social media and made himself private. Let them wonder what youre so happy about and why youre so happy without them. Im so sorry you found yourself in this situation. I didnt feel anything because Im over him. Early stages meaning you kissed when you first met but other than exchange numbers,no talk of a relationship or anything serious other than he said he likes you. This has also been my experience over the last ten years. I just think maybe it is just a matter of fact who clicks together. So the day after we meet at 3pm and the time flew so fast we ended up staying lunch dinner and after lunch togheter (we said good bye at 4am in the morning!) A lots of guys would die for her, and I ought to be fighting the universe to keep her. For now focusing on me and the betterment of my life. Anyway back to the last drink service I asked him to dance but he replied he couldnt since he was working but would on his day off. Ive been going through an on-again, off-again situation with one for 5 years. Hes a middle aged man and Im almost 60. But I have not contacted him in almost a week. ( I dont smoke or drink by choice) I do have a lot of friends who do and I told him that as long as drinking and smoking is not a habit and a life style. A few weeks ago, I just feel something is off. Going through this ghosting thing now. And ladies pay attention or youll lose his attention men like to talk too if youre going to make their ears bleed. I dont mean to be crude, but men are quite transparent once you see the world from their perspective. I booked the ticket with my card and he told me he would transfer me his half of the money. We are both mature and not in our twenties or thirties so really not into all this game playing and hookups rubbish. Hurts more when they tell you they will call you and pretend everything was great. Recently lost my car due to an accident and he was even letting me borrow his and was my main source of transportation. I met this guy about a month ago and we connected instantly we would text everyday, went on this amazing date, and talk about catching up after I finished exams! I dont know! Now I really turned . I have seen myself getting most affected whenever I was in a relationship. You created this world. In this time he has told me that he wants to take things slow and eventually be serious with me, and I reciprocated those feelings. Dont contact him anymore. Paulina, I have this male friend, that weve been talking on and off for the last 10 years. Im not going to blab on and on about it But I can say, with a reasonable level of confidence, that it was likely a major factor in his decision to ghost you. Why? We were very close for a few months. When we were together in the room there was plenty of kissing. Im so confused and hurt right now and have no clue what the hell happened. If you are still asking why he pursued me then disappeared - this is a likely reason. Good luck! This can catch you off guard as it satisfies your need to feel validated. I needed to know, so I was reaching out for him. I dont have any kids. He will be on top of everything. Just peace out. But he was articulate and sounded confused and I made the excuse of well, hes fresh out a relationship. Asked me to text him when I got home and that he would talk to me later that night. I probably shouldnt have bothered once I read the extremely defensive, borderline confrontational comment you left another person who tried to help you. I kept it cold again and said I have plans for Saturday. I dont know if he wants me to leave him alone or what? Take a gap of 48-72 hours to make further communication try. Our convos were dry. He said yes and seemed into this idea. The worst thing that happened is I started to blame myself. Also, Id caution you against over-texting someone so soon on. Take my latest ghosting She was unemployed, had no capital, was in debt, no direction, no ambition, too emotional, divorced, 34 years old (Im 27), lived with mommy, no education, 5 tattoos, 2 abortions, and was clearly on the path towards obesity (hard to tell from her fraudulent and misleading online pics). He told me hes getting a big surgery next week on his hips and would have to work OT this coming week to make up the time, so he wanted to see me the following Monday (which is a holiday). And he didnt mention anything! I told him I was unusually comfortable with him and he said I should be. Im very upset but Im trying really hard to work on myself and confidence and self esteem I hadnt relised how men and women think so differently and Im 60. Third date comes along we go out and once again have a good time and we dont realize we were up so late talking. The men Ive dated come on very strong and tell me how much they like me and cant understand why I havent been snapped up etc. Keep pursuing YOUR passions, your dreams, honour what you want in your life and take pleasure in meeting those people who cross your path for however long they choose to, but also take pleasure in who YOU decide to hang out with. We are looking forward toI think it would be a great fun experience and you would enjoy it. Ive been ghosted PLENTY of times by men but thats not to say I havent ghosted guys either and also probably when I wasnt aware I was doing it! I finally got up the nerve to tell him I love him at around the 6 month markI was sort of expecting a I love you too back because through his actions it felt like he did. It just got me as it seemed he blew so hot and then that was it. He never once even insinuated he wanted m to permanently leave him alone. He would text me all the same here and there but wouldnt acknowldge my replies. Charnel, He seemed like a very reasonable, mature guy and it literally seemed perfect Me later. He got really aggressive and said i made my choice and he would not reason. Guys like this are easy to get over. Updated January 17, 2023 by Callisto Adams Leave a Comment. He told me he cared about me. I have broke with all of my exes on friendly terms, because we just saw there was no joint future for us. So if the guy thinks and behaves like you, what do you think the girl who cares about him should do to change his mind? But for now, I just let myself cry and time will heal. All of a sudden you just stop calling and texting the person. 4: Hes just not into me anymore and just poof, vanished because he dont want to hurt me. . Thats why I want you to know that I have certain expectations when it comes to dating. Yet he still doesnt talk to me or see me help!?! What we shared in time spent was worth more to me than materialistic things. Ghosting is a way of dealing with almost any problems. It has been almost four months now since. May I ask what has transpired over the past month? But when a guy is a coward who doesnt know how to express his feelings, then hell choose the easiest way out. Youve been waiting for him for way too long and he doesnt deserve any more of your patience. Not fair. No girl deserves this. Going down this path because something is better than nothing can actually make your heartbreak so much more intense, so bad that it causes some women depression. I broke up with my boyfriend 3 months ago after a year and a half of relatiionship for no reason. Kind of held on to that it was special. But whats up with the charades with the stickers could he really not have that much to say? I dont know what I could of done differently. But a week b4 we had a really bonding text back n forth. He also let slip that when he ignores me he knows that all I will be thinking about is him all day every day. He seems to be getting flirty and friendly with some girl. I am finally sleeping and feeling rested allows me to make better decisions, I know I didnt do anything wrong, so its his loss. At 4 pm I texted him hey r u alive? . ) :(. I have read all the comments here, and I laughed out loud for 10 minutes at yours.it brought so much joy to meLadies please take note of Jasmines approach we have to BOSS UP!!!!! I know the smartest move would be to accept the fact that he pulled a Houdini act and move on but it's easier said than done.. Update: before he left he send message that he was sorry that we didnt had chance to spend more time before his vacation. By date 6, if there is one, if she hasnt somehow shown you how she appreciates your company and made you feel good about yourself, tell her youve lost interest because another woman has come into the picture who likes to hear you talk about yourself and things you like and she gets you and you click. That should make her think long and hard, maybe enough for date 7 but be sure to compliment her when you see shes letting you get a word in and explain why that means so much to you. Finally, this is what Ive been wanting to read. Truthfully, it may a long time coming!!! This is not my mother tongue I hope you understand the whole text. I leave in the morning for brunch, and dont hear from him the whole day. I never liked someone so deeply and strongly. If he doesnt hear from you adequately and decisively he will continue to walk away. He was happy to have distance. Its obvious that he doesnt want to be with you for whatever reason. We used to be really close friends and when we tried something more (HE startes it) he dissappears. He said his tummy was upset and probably was due to the combination of drinks but later I noticed that he had a failure to perform. I cant let go because he met my dad and no guy has ever met my dad and brother and got along with them. I guess decency does not naturally come with good education and exposure huh. If he still doesnt answer then youve got to let it go. He sounds emotionally unavailable. now i need to work with the damage; thank you so much for helping me see this and helping me move on! There. Sad that he didnt respect me enough after all Period. Last sentence: We are looking forward to meeting the new you and having a wonderful relationship with you. Now Im not saying men cant be JUST as shallow- but there is a critical difference. Hes also told me work is all his life consists of and he is a pain when it comes to relationships (due to past experiences that have messed him up). The first week of Next month if it was okay with me and I said yeah, but I am there for work tjah week so Ill see him Major and then befor dropping him off at the airport, I asked him if he had fun and liked cas I met him online and really liked him so wanted to know and he said of course he did and why else would he spend so much time with me and I said , maybe he is just a nice guy and he said no he can be a jerk and if he didnt like me hed not spend time with me. There are no independent arbiters ensuring people get what they deserve. He might do the slow fade out, meaning he stops initiating contact and when you reach out to him he takes hours or days to reply. Don't respond whenever he's trying to reach out to you. We got along great and he asked me out for a second date while still on the first. Although you might have thought that your personalities matched, you might have been projecting your ideals on him, while also choosing to focus on certain qualities. I ask why he vanished, he said he didnt. Thanks for the advice it truly helped me out a lot :). Anyways..its going on three weeks and no contact despite me initating text and me calling twice and he only answered the first one. At the start of the dating men can go into the 'wooing' phase fast. Some guys catch on that you want something more serious, so they disappear. Be aloof, busy and dont appear needy. Personally, I dont think my value or worth is dependent upon rather or not someone responds quickly. However, if you have been in this situation, you know how much it hurts when you know someone is deliberately laying games with your feelings! Because I dont think I should, I think you shouldnt talk to him. Weeks of never ending texting if we were not able to see each other. Weve had numerous conversations about this. I dont care about the collateral damage or that she may feel it was mean. He had not had a relationship in 2 years and didnt even date anyone but me since then. I asked why he didnt go and whether or not he needed to leave? I had the same exact thing happen to me. Ok, I want some advice to! Anyways, now that I think about it, there were a lot of red flags like he was 31 and the longest relationship he had was 6 months. Like many women, my reaction was a mix of rage and indignation. My daughter thinks hes gay. And most of the time, they will reason that the girl is probably on the same page so there is no need to reach out. Fox News host Howard Kurtz, who anchors a weekly show on the media industry, said he has been told not to cover the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit filed against Fox by Dominion Voting Systems. Do all the things that make you happy. I am mirroring his action. Seriously. He's just not that into you. Could it be a red flag? Ur amazing! Different than his. Thanks. However, I wonder how the relationship is going to be if both guys and girls play game on each other. My gut feeling just tells me. Oh, Lordy. Cause it just aint working out, Im sorry it just aint gonna work out Typical short dicked man mentality. At all. I went to work one day, came home and everything was gone, he had moved out I found him at a friends house we started to work things through, he said we were back together and after he got home from his work trip he would move back in. But why does this keep happening? Just because he beats around the bush and doesnt want to be honest with you, it doesnt mean that youre supposed to act the same way. We were talking when my very drunk work mate pulled me from the conversation. He canceled his membership and my trial expired, so we exchanged numbers and planned to meet up. From text msgs to phone calls that last hours and hours. I would text him a checking in text about once a month for a few months. Im not fond of my birthday, nor am I a normal woman who fawns over all children & babies, so I would never have done either of those things without him starting themwhich he did. The guy Ive been seeing told me he could see us being happily married and that he hoped that our kids had my eye colour. He read that message around 10 am when he was in class! I feel that some of this men have not just commitment issues but this behavior is not with dating with them it is with other issues in there life. Take the signs and guard our hearts a little better next time. Reading your comments helps. At some point I feel the need to know, if she appreciates my efforts or if shes taking them for granted? He was somewhat possessive however. Of course, and I am sure I will. Thats it. Do you know what to do to get things back on track? I feel like crap though. Text or call. I too am going through the ghosting of a guy i met.. His 32, am 27. The beating yourself up about WHY he left is a pointless phase you just gotta get through. Now I could have vanished on her after that goodnight kiss and ignored her texts, but instead I reached out and told her I felt like she didnt listen when other people talk, just waited for her turn to speak and that made conversation difficult. . Im just really angry he doesnt have the balls to talk to me and clarify things! She deserves a lot better than my bullshiets and keeping her at bay is in many way my expression of caring for her. Ok so Guys dissapearing on me has happened to me twice in less than 6 months. Any testimonials, financial numbers mentioned in emails or referenced on any of our web pages should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings all numbers are illustrative only, as Im sure you understand. jeez what is wrong with these guys!! I just want to let you know that Im really not interested in hanging out with guys who dont follow through and guys who vanish and then reappear. I dont know. Then we decided to start dating. He said he just felt overwhelmed. Do you rant to him about his immature behavior or do you simply give him some more time and wait for him to come back to you? Just to reassure you not all guys are like this. I sensed nothing was wrong. I liked him and really thought he was a great person and we didnt rush into anything so I gave it chance. Around November-December he got busy. maybe i cared about him too much or maybe i was focused on what he liked and didnt show him the real me.. my self-esteem and confidance hit rock bottom and i started doubting myself and hating myself. Moving on to better. I left for work like normal and he told me he loved me Kissed me said have a good day babe text me later. No one. Then he confirmed a second appointment for next week ??? The city I dropped him In person, conversation is normal and usually light. If you feel like sharing a problematic thought, Im here to listen without judgment. Im questioning how accurate the last portion of this is, If youve been ghosted more than once, the reason is YOU sweetheart. He worked out of town a lot up north on oil rigs. We would talk daily, whether via instagram, phone calls or text. I wanted to make sure I did everything right. Again, no response. But to just disappear out of the blue and leave me no way to work. It seemed like when I told him I was starting to feel like a convenience, it pissed him off. Hes not the one for you. He also said he would pay half of the plane ticket since it was so we could see each other. I am way ok with thus friends with benefits thing we kinda have, but I do not like the whole disappearing thing after each time. Why didnt we do it and just leave it at that? Why all the chase? He doesnt want to leave a voice mail, or text. When you value yourself first, then you will be valued by others. I loved her madly so rather than whine, I disappeared for a day and half, she chased asked me if I was ok but her tone became angry very quickly so I asked her to talk calmly and we can talk on the phone but she said she didnt want to talk! And then now hes the one giving me the cold shoulder?! Some initiating texts to send a guy who disappeared: Dating multiple people at once is the new trend nowadays, thus feeding the expectation that he disappears because he sees someone else. Things just flow and arent driven by conflict and frustration. He might ghost because he doesn't want to face the music and come clean that you're not right for him (and vice versa). Twilight, So sorry this happened to you..i hope you are mended at least a bit by now. I hope you see this. All I see anymore are complaints and frustrations related to texting. so a week went by he didnt contact I contacted him he said he didnt know, blah, blah then a week after he said he didnt want to see anyone for now. He totally disappeared. And if indeed no, please look for the nearest trash can and dump him. He never answered back. We saw each other 8 times over those 3 weeks. But he thinks Im a cool girl and wants to be friends. He wants me to motivate him? Im so tired of this ghosting bullshit. yeah much better to enjoy life around people who energize you, than drain your energy around people who suck. Seems like maybe this ran its course. Ive met one person in particular that Im really into, so well see what happens! I had high hopes, i thought guys like these acts. I felt there was a modicum of trust and comfort. He replies that he cant and hes sorry. He would follow me around and even sit with me on break, tell me how beautiful I was. Ask yourself, do you want to hang out with him again? Good looks, Great job and a very Confident attitude. HoweverI would hesitate to call this a true ghosting. Wish my husband would not have died and left me. This depression, feeling of rejection, worry and stress ages you! Move on because you deserve that! He told me week 1 how he was falling for me. i didnt ask for a cent to repay. So I just tried to be there for him and support him thru it. And if he ever does come sashaying back, i will let him know how i felt and he can stay only if he is 100% on board.and he will have to prove it. Thats so unfair! I said I forgive you but why did you wait so long to tell me? But- dont you think its a little disingenuous to present oneself as superman initially and expect that person to like batman instead a few months down the road? By being both genuine in your disappointment while highly assertive, youre being your best self, and asking him to rise to his. I was praying this wouldnt happen again. It comes from a good place but it appears you have learned a valuable lesson and thats to back off a bit and let a man chase you. I really dont understand. Youre seeing a guy for a little while, it could be weeks or maybe months. Thats exactly what my ex fiance was like. Im so glad I found this post! I text him like normal and we talk on the phone but everything is forced by this point. Im talking about 11Hrs on the phone, i never did that before. If he cant give you what you want then youre out of his life forever. I dont care what it makes me look like. I sent him a long message consoling him saying how I hope everything is ok but he never replied back. I can understand that but when we do choose to reach out and the guy is not having it- it HURTS. First he said I hardly had time to come on here (which I found odd but hes doing long shifts). He is even more beuatiful then I rememberd and we really clicked again and he laughed at my jokes and gave me twice like this really nice hug . Im beginning to put myself in such a position. I agree with Jujubean, at least he told you now rather than later. First time for everything! We had a very real and intense, though short-lived affair. Because if so, then you should give it a try and text him first. Hopefully you and I will come out of this not too damaged. This EXACT thing just happened to me. So I figure he met someone else he liked better, got back with his exwhatever. Thanks BLaw. Sorry, sounds like he is using you for emotional support, intellectual support and sex. He was kind of my unicorn, and Im just wondering if it was a timing issue (Im not in the best place right now, hes super busy with school) or if he really just lost interest in me. 1. If he dislikes her chatty/effervescent demeanor and finds it annoying I guess he wouldnt still be contacting her anymore. .. Hard to not know what he thinks and I guess its not much for me cause no response is an answer within itself. I was very hestiant to even reply but something in me said its the first one just reply and see how it goes. Ill get responses to texts usually but a few minutes in and I might not get a response later. A New Mode, Inc. 2009-2023 All rights reserved. I didnt have a clue whether we were in a relationship still or not or if was just having one of those bad periods in his life. Should have been wiser than that I could predict that he would do that again. Never married either of us, no kids. Before you reach out, remember your relationship and think about how your ex makes you feel. You should only feel sorry for them cause they really are sad and lonely inside and their theatrics is really a weak cry for Help!!!! And he actually didnt seem to want to let me go, and suddenly he just cut contact. I refuse to text him. But what is with the disappearing act.. In other words, he was looking for something casual. One day! Men use to be men from what I remember about 15 years ago. Then communication slowed down stopped answering my texts I kept at it though kept messaging him once and a while I would get a brief answer back with like a heart then that stopped completely I tried reaching out to him to let him know when I was diagnosed with breast cancer and was having surgery I was still convincing myself he loved me but no response back at all so kept myself busy and eventually moved on and started to date again now yesterday I got a text from this man he was saying how he joined the army and didnt want me to worry if he got hurt or killed so he didnt tell me now he is saying how sad he is he hoped to come back and make me his wife made me feel guilty It only took him a week to reply. Why did he string you along? I did text him a couple of times after trying to get him to respond, which I realize now probably pushed him more away. The following morning we had gotten up and he pulled my hand to come lay with him on the couch. What did I do wrong? And since he refused to talk to me, I provided a closure by myself by sending him a goodbye email. if a man I date did not contact me in 2 or 3 weeks, I never initiate contact. Girls go on instragam and Facebook and all they do is post pics of themselves. Since it was online dating, I took it with a grain of salt and tried to not get too excited. Everything seemed great. Remember, youre living a life you LOVE, with or without him, and you want to embrace and communicate that. I didnt mention a relationship, a committmentjust asked, so that we could be on the same page. Im so confused and stress with this situation. I did send a final email and told him I simply cannot understand why he did not tell me that he did not want to see me anymore and that I would never do something so inconsiderate to someone that I told I loved and cared for. I have absolutely NO idea what happened or why! So hit the road.!!!! At a point, I had enough and I told him that it was best to call things a day and move on! I never heard from him again! Couple weeks went by and I texted him are if hes ok and nothing so two weeks after that I trxted politely that whatever hes chosen I wish him well. :p I was really happy and joyous (am 19 years old, and can still act childish if I get over happy!) but then i found other pic after.. grrrrr (shes not interested in ME she doesnt care to learn anything about me, shes only interested because i showed up, and because i happen to be a good man). I mean, if things in the relationship were deep enough, then a guy just owes us something. he hasnt been in a relationship with a girl who doesnt smoke weed or drink or goes clubbing. We kept on chatting (sometimes we messaged for entire nights!) He was leaving the next day, so I met up with him and asked him if he wanted to spend time with his friend instead but he said no and we went for brunch and then a walk and had a good time. I know you dont like this but its the way it has to beafter the spring and I get most of my work done things will be different. This was the first time I met this man up close and talked to him in person in 6 years. You did the wrong thing. No one, My boyfriend and I were together for three years, and then started having to do the long distance thing our freshman year of college. After a few months of dating I introduced him to all my family and he came to my cousins wedding. but then he start keeping his distance as he started new business. she texted me straight up to ask if i was religious, what are my politics, and do i want kids and how many. Falling for me cause no response is an answer within itself got ta through... 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