Those preferring a telephone assessment most commonly cited not needing to travel as a reason for their choice, as well as finding telephone assessments easier or more comfortable or less stressful. The survey then went on to discuss video calls as an option. Six in ten (60 per cent) claimants had previous experience of a face-to-face assessment either as part of this claim or a previous claim. Tell us how often this happens and how it affects you. Unweighted base: Claimants who felt they could not explain their condition only (n=51). Helps you take control of your household spending. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Overall, 94 per cent reported they were satisfied or very satisfied with the assessment. Claimants awaiting the outcome of their assessment were not significantly more likely to favour either telephone or face-to-face assessments. Hopefully you will be "lucky" If you have any questions about PIP assessment questions on mental health, please let us know and the team will gladly answer your questions. Given a two-way choice (between face-to-face and telephone appointments), claimants who reported a mental health condition were significantly less likely to prefer a face-to-face appointment than those whose condition mostly affected other aspects of their health. When then asked which of the three channels they would prefer for an assessment, 15 per cent of PIP claimants and 13 per cent of those undergoing WCA changed their preference to a video call. These kinds of psychological disorders are referred to as such since they can make a person impaired and dysfunctional in his or her important areas in life. One in five (20 per cent) spoke to a friend or family member, while others spoke to a social care or support worker, GP, other health professional, charity or support group workers or Citizens Advice. The out-of-work benefit those who have a health condition and/or disability that restricts their ability to work comes in the form of either ESA or UC. The data was weighted to be representative of age, gender, type of assessment and assessment provider. Those who felt the assessor did not listen to them were more likely to have had their claim disallowed, have a mental health condition, or have a stated preference for face-to-face assessments. Remaining answers covered a wide range of preferences about the length and conduct of the assessment as well as the mode of conducting the assessment (see Figure 28 below). When you have fulfilled your PIP form and sent it to DWP, this kind of department will be sending you an appointment letter. To further understand what is driving these preferences, logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine which claimant characteristics predicts a preference for telephone or face-to-face assessment over the other channel or no preference. For example, 24 per cent of those with a mobility condition, and 27 per cent of those with a mental health condition, had someone supporting them during the assessment (compared to 18 per cent of those without mobility and 20 per cent of those without mental health conditions). Do be advised that the 'DWP' call handlers are not PIP advisers. Nearly two thirds of claimants (65 per cent) were aware that they could have a third person present on the call for support. Above we describe how claimants with certain characteristics were more or less likely to prefer a particular assessment channel, for example those disallowed PIP were less likely to prefer telephone assessments. With regard to the other improvements reported, these are listed in Figure 55. Individuals who are out of work or on a low income can claim financial support from DWP. 63 replies 18.3K views. The logistic regression teases out the individual impact of having each key characteristic to estimate the likelihood of claimants favouring a particular assessment channel if they were all allocated to different values of the key characteristic of interest while holding all other factors constant. For PIP claimants one in ten (10 per cent) stated that the assessment needed to be face-to-face and 8 per cent asked for more information prior to the call. Claimants who reported a mental health condition were significantly less likely to prefer video assessments, with a 10 per cent likelihood of preferring video appointments compared to 15 per cent for those who did not report a mental health condition. Views on the assessor were also highly associated with the claimants stated preference for assessment mode. Additionally, claimants who reported mobility conditions were more likely to know they could have support in this way than those without mobility conditions. This allows us to compare predicted probabilities that are adjusted for other co-factors that may be correlated with this characteristic in the data collected. Again, those who went on to say they would prefer a face-to-face assessment over telephone were more likely to say they would have liked more information on what to expect (29 per cent) than those who were happy with telephone or expressed no preference (both 19 per cent). If you are considered to not have much disability in certain activities, you should try some of the following activities: organizing and cooking food eating and drinking controlling your treatments washing and bathing Note: Some respondents provided multiple responses. More than two thirds (68 per cent) of this group mentioned not needing to travel and 59 per cent of them found telephone assessments easier or more comfortable. Your assessment provider will be Independent Assessment Services or Capita - you should get a letter telling you which one it will be. | Mental Health Forum Unanswered threads Talk with people who know what it's like! Claimants who said that they would feel uncomfortable with having a video assessment were asked why they held this view. she had her assessment 2 months ago, but since than she has been assaulted, is back on quetiapine and her mental health is so much worse than when the assessment was done. ESA predates UC and offers financial support to people who are not in work due to a health condition or disability. Claimants were asked whether there were any topics in relation to their condition that they found difficult to talk about over the telephone. Some will then be asked to complete a WCA, to further measure the extent to which illness or disability affects their ability to work. The PIP assessment questions on mental health will be asking about the degree of assistance you need in daily activities. If you plan to do so, you should call the assessment centre in advance explaining that you wish to record the assessment they will explain what guidelines you will need to follow. Claimants were asked if they had previous experience of video calls via laptop, tablet or phone. You should be advised of a rescheduled phone assessment by letter, & should be given at least a week's notice; not the best scenario. You may be required to send medical proof of why you need to take the PIP assessment with questions on mental health in your home. Unweighted base: Claimants who had third person support only (n=240). Nearly one in three (32 per cent) of claimants drew on additional support or information before the assessment beyond DWP or the assessment provider. Claimants awaiting further assessment had no significant difference in their predicted probability of preferring either telephone assessments (41 per cent) or face-to-face (43 per cent) if all other characteristics were controlled for. Unweighted base: all respondents (n=1133). For example, LCWRA claimants may be more likely to have a particular health condition which could be the underlying reason for their choice of channel. I first applied for pip back in 2016 and was awarded a paper based award . Then get someone to come and sit with you at the next one as support? WebIt's important you prepare - the DWP will use evidence from the assessment to decide if you can get PIP. You can also answer yes if you meet one of the following conditions: Here is another sample PIP assessment question on mental health: Do you need help from another person, guide dog or specialist aid to get to a location that is unfamiliar to you?YesNoSometimes. The PIP survey was conducted between 14th July 2nd August 2020 with new and repeat claimants who had taken part in a telephone assessment for PIP between April and May 2020. Ninety-five per cent of claimants agreed or strongly agreed that they were able to explain how their health condition or disability affects their daily life. This report presents the key findings from the surveys of claimants who took part in a telephone health assessment as part of their benefit claim for Personal Independence Payment, Universal Credit (UC) or Employment Support Allowance (ESA). Those with mental health conditions were more likely to say they found telephone assessments less stressful (54 per cent, compared with 36 per cent of those without mental health conditions). You are most welcome to join today! This PIP assessment question on mental health is important for people who may be suspected to have hearing complications, learning complications, autism, stress, anxiety, or other mental health concerns. They later changed the award because they looked into everybodys claim as they felt they hadnt been For each of the three assessment channels, this report will present the results of the final logistic regression model containing the five key variables that have been added in an iterative manner: assessment outcome, previous assessment experience, gender, age and health conditions. Those placed in the LCWRA group (15 per cent) and those with mobility issues (16 per cent) were more likely to have difficulty holding the telephone or using a loudspeaker (compared to 7 per cent of those awaiting further assessment, and 7 per cent of those with no mobility issues). Almost two thirds (63 per cent) said that they had used video calls at least once. For PIP claimants only the assessment outcome was a significant predictor of claimants preference from a choice of three channels - claimants with an assessment award were more likely to prefer telephone over face-to-face assessments. As noted previously, some of this latter group may have received a decision on their assessment by the time of the survey interview. Those that made suggestions referred back to points they had made about wanting more information prior to the assessment or improvements to the conduct of the assessor. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If you want to know how often you have problems with the activities, fill out the form. Preparing for your PIP assessment. Three in ten (29 per cent) said that they are used to video calls and they are in general comfortable with this type of communication, while one in five (21 per cent) reported that they would feel comfortable with a video assessment because this allows them to remain at home. Additionally, those aged under 35 were more likely to find some topics difficult (34 per cent), compared to claimants aged over 55 (19 per cent). Just over one in ten of claimants (11 per cent) made at least one adjustment request before the interview, such as planning breaks, spreading the assessment over a number of calls or receiving information in large text or braille. 64 Posts. Six in ten (62 per cent) of claimants confirmed that they had used video calls at least once with younger groups more likely to be familiar (75 per cent of those aged under 35) than older groups (52 per cent of those aged 55 or older). For many of us, it can mean that we need extra support to get to work, see friends and family, and carry on living our lives. Given the small sample size of the group that said they felt uncomfortable with video, fewer differences between subgroups were observed. For example, you can request: If the location of your assessment is more than 90 minutes away by public transport and you have difficulty travelling long distances, you might be offered an alternative site. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. The PIP assessment questions on mental health will be asking about the degree of assistance you need in daily activities. The most commonly reported difficult topics included claimants physical health or disability (8 per cent) and mental health (7 per cent). Older claimants were more likely to feel comfortable sharing this information (82 per cent of those aged 55 and over, compared with 72 per cent of those aged under 35). According to DWP records, two thirds (66 per cent) were making a new claim while the remainder were undergoing a reassessment. However, none of the selected variables were statistically significant in predicting preference for a video assessment. Similarly, 97 per cent agreed that the assessor listened to them and made sure they understood what the claimant was saying. Women had a strong preference for telephone assessments over face-to-face even after controlling for other characteristics. Claimants who had their claim awarded or said they preferred telephone health assessments were most likely to agree with this statement. You should explain the following: These general PIP assessment tips will also help you: We recommend that you record the audio for your face-to-face PIP assessment. You should check for yes if you have one of the following conditions: This is another sample PIP assessment question on mental health: Are you unable to go out because of severe anxiety or distress?YesNoSometimes. When asked, 56 per cent of claimants said they would feel comfortable with having a video assessment in the future. Ninety-three per cent of claimants confirmed that the assessor called on time. Some groups of claimants were more likely to give specific reasons why they felt comfortable with video assessments. Those with previous experience of a face-to-face assessment were also slightly more likely to prefer telephone than face-to-face. your mental health condition makes using a bus or train difficult. Those with previous experience of a face-to-face assessment were more likely to choose a telephone assessment when presented with this choice (64 per cent) than those for whom it was a new claim (56 per cent). Home PIP, DLA, and AA If we become concerned about you or anyone else while using one of our services, we will act in line with our safeguarding policy and procedures. This question in the PIP assessment with questions one mental health means that you find it hard to do the following: This question shows that the DWP is interested in knowing about how you deal with the long and short journeys that you will be going to buy some groceries or other necessities. This may involve sharing this information with relevant authorities to ensure we comply with our policies and legal obligations. WebThose who were awarded PIP were more likely to favour telephone (62 per cent) than those with an unknown outcome (49 per cent) and those who were disallowed (18 per cent). Physical and mental examination: If required, and with your consent, they will conduct a brief physical and Having a mental health problem can be expensive. In terms of coping on the telephone with the assessment, if you feel you cant maybe you can reorganise it? If you are considered to not have much disability in certain activities, you should try some of the following activities: organizing and cooking food eating and drinking controlling your treatments washing and bathing The sample was again stratified by age, gender and assessment outcome drawn randomly within strata to represent the population of claimants receiving telephone assessments during this period. They do send out text messages for appointments yes. You dont become too concerned about the word severe since anxiety and distress can appear different in severe expressions in affected people. The predicted probability of choosing a video call was consistently low across both the LCWRA group (14 per cent) and those awaiting further assessment (12 per cent). Any reported differences in opinion by claim outcome should therefore be interpreted with this in mind. You will need to contact the assessment provider and request a home assessment. Just over three quarters (76 per cent) of claimants agreed that they were able to explain to the assessor how their condition affected their daily life. The survey also set quotas for the number of interviews required by key variables (age, gender and the outcome of the assessment). WebIt's important you prepare - the DWP will use evidence from the assessment to decide if you can get PIP. Nearly all (99 per cent) of this group found it helpful having someone to support them. This type of response was more common for women (41 per cent) than men (31 per cent). Compasss virtual programs are open to individuals ages 13 and up and offer age-specific and condition-specific programming. Around one in five (22 per cent) of claimants were joined by someone to support them on the call, most commonly a family member (18 per cent). Over one in eight felt it would help them show the effects of their condition (15 per cent) or simply felt they were used to video calls (13 per cent). Over half (56 per cent) of claimants across both surveys said they would be comfortable conducting an assessment via a video call. should she ring pip and update them about this they make a decision?england poppy123456 Community member Posts: 38,820 Disability The second survey was of Universal Credit (UC) or Employment Support Allowance (ESA) claimants who underwent a telephone Work Capability Assessment to assess whether they should be considered able to undergo any work-related activity. You can read further in this article on what you need to expect from the PIP assessment with questions on mental health. Those who were awarded PIP tended to express higher levels of agreement with the two statements. However, this type of analysis does not let us take into account how this relationship might be influenced by other, covarying factors. You can score enough points and get either the daily living part, the mobility part, or both. someone helps or encourages you to go out. Those with previous experience of a face-to-face assessment were also slightly more likely to prefer telephone than face-to-face. We refer to this group as the unknown outcome group within the rest of the report. PIP can be paid to those who are in and out of work and is not dependent on a persons financial status or National Insurance contributions. Views expressed in this report are not necessarily those of the Department for Work As for PIP, preference was highly associated with the outcome of the telephone assessment. Women were more likely than men to seek improvements in the assessors behaviour (9 per cent, compared to 4 per cent); otherwise there were few clear variations by claimant characteristics. PIP telephone assessment questions was created by drummer53 I have a telephone assessment tomorrow and Ive been through all the guides but can find anything about what to expect in a telephone assessment, like what The physical examination will make you engage in physical movements to show if you are capable of moving some limbs. Satisfaction was highest among those placed in the LCWRA group, those with mobility conditions, and those who said they preferred telephone assessments over face-to-face. This allows us to adjust our estimate of the relationship between our variable of interest and a respondents channel preference to ensure that this relationship is not driven by differences in the other variables included in the model. When making a claim for PIP, individuals make an initial call to provide DWP with initial information and complete a questionnaire detailing how their condition affects them. Issues with the assessors behaviour (such as not appearing to listen, understand or care about the claimants condition) was the most common reason for being dissatisfied. Pip telephone assessment experience. Pip telephone assessment experience. The work coach will take into account the claimants health condition or disability when considering what work-related activities and availability for work are included in the Claimant Commitment. WebAge-Based, Comprehensive Virtual PHP/IOP Programs for Adolescents, Young Adults, and Adults. Base: All respondents who answered this question (n=1072). Of those who made suggestions one in ten (10 per cent of) claimants stated that the assessment needed to be face-to-face and 8 per cent asked for more information prior to the call. Ask for an interpreter or signer if you need one. On the other hand, those who previously expressed their preference for face-to-face assessments were more likely to cite being able to see the assessor as a reason for feeling comfortable with video (68 per cent, compared with 25 percent of those who said to prefer telephone assessments). Younger claimants were more likely to have used video calls (83 per cent of those aged 35 or younger) than older claimants (47 per cent of those aged 55 or older). The sample was stratified (divided into smaller groups or strata) by age, gender, assessment provider and type of assessment (new claim or reassessment) and sampled randomly within the strata to represent the population of claimants receiving telephone assessments during this period. Reasons for preferring a telephone assessment included finding it easier/more comfortable, not needing to travel and it feeling less stressful. PIP & mental health; PIP appeal process; to the assessment room and how far you walked (you see some bizarre estimates), how you handled your ID, what eye contact you made with them, whether you looked tense, anxious, withdrawn, etc, how you were dressed, how you took off any coat, etc. Claimants more likely to report this problem included those who were placed in the LCWRA group, than those who were awaiting further assessment; and those with mobility issues, than those without. This will indicate when your appointment will be for PIP assessment with questions on mental health. Here, only the PIP assessment outcome was a statistically significant predictor of channel preference. If youre already receiving DLA and the DWP asks you to claim PIP there are separate rules. Nine in ten claimants (90 per cent) reported that the assessor called on time. you can't plan a route to an unfamiliar place yourself. You may be asked to provide medical evidence as to why you cant attend the assessment centre. A fifth said that video would make them too nervous or anxious (20 per cent) and/or that they would not know how to use the technology (19 per cent). Claimants who had gone on to be placed in the LCWRA group and those undergoing a reassessment were more likely to have sought support. When returning the form, you must include all tickets and receipts. How do I ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration? Eighty-three per cent of claimants experienced no technical issues during the call. The small number who felt they were not able to explain their condition were most likely to say they felt that the assessor was not listening, that the questions were not appropriate, or they needed to be face-to-face with the assessor to explain their condition properly. Over four out of five (83 per cent) of these claimants found it helpful. Those undergoing a reassessment were most likely to prefer a telephone assessment (62 per cent) than those submitting a new claim (41 per cent). As figure 19 shows, the estimated probability of a claimant who was awarded PIP preferring a telephone assessment was 61 per cent compared to a 26 per cent probability or preferring face-to-face after controlling for other variables in the model. Your options are to wait, or phone back, & I'd suggest ringing tomorrow at 9am to find out what's happening. These kinds of professionals ensure that those requiring help and assistance from the Government are able to get it and play a key role in the health system. These predicted probabilities may therefore differ from the percentages presented in the section above, depending on the extent to which the co-varying factors influence the relationship between the key characteristic of interest and a claimants channel preference. The professional will then send it to DWP to check if you are eligible for the benefits. The illness that qualifies for PIP is the illness that is considered to be a long-term condition and this kind of condition should need regular support for needs and some may be limited in mobility. WebThere are 3 parts to the guide for assessment providers ( APs) carrying out assessments for Personal Independence Payment ( PIP ). Seventy per cent of those placed in the LCWRA group stated a preference for telephone compared to 42 per cent of those awaiting further assessment. Claimants also consulted a social worker or support worker (8 per cent); a GP or other health professional (5 per cent), a charity or support group (4 per cent); or Citizens Advice (3 per cent). Take only 2 minutes to fill in bus or train difficult dont become too concerned about word..., or phone cant maybe you can read further in this article on what you need daily! 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