Luckily, you don't necessarily work too hard at mastering any of the things, and you mostly enjoy learning new subjects and keeping your mind entertained. Concentrating and focusing may be challenging now, as you are not especially clear-headed, or you may be too personally involved to be objective. Superficiality in others could also be particularly irritating to you. Harmony: The Bright, Fast Thinker. You may find yourself buzzing with electricity, tension, and excitement, be less able to sleep or relax, or find your natural rhythms and routines disrupted in some way. Look to planets in Taurus and Libra in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Uranus is now infusing with the urge to break out of existing routines. Mood swings, erratic emotions, insecurity, disequilibrium. Future-oriented thinking and open-mindedness will also lead to original and ingenious discoveries. It analyzes and organises and defines the way we interact with others. Interpretation from our Life Trends report. Alternatively, the information you receive now could be impractical or lead you astray. Uranus transits square Mars Passions and anger that you may not even know you had emerge during this transit. When transiting Uranus trines natal Jupiter, youre likely to enjoy new opportunities and a spirit of progress. Mercury conjunct Uranus transits tend to bring original and innovative approaches to problem-solving. *Your energy level is high now, and you work very enthusiastically. Mercury sextile Uranus is a modern thinker, naturally leaning towards progress, science, and development and with an interest in scientific, electronic, technical, mathematical or musical subjects. You could discover a student or a younger person that opens to you. *You are more spontaneous, free, and uninhibited in your expression of feelings now. In a search to attach greater meaning to your thoughts and ideas, you may exaggerate, overstate, or overestimate. A certain amount of mental tension can be expected, so bear with it. The mentality does not think with the status quo, as there is something within that thinks outside the box and looks for the unexpected. It's energy is to free us from our routine and to try new things. If channeled well, however, your ideas are inventive, original, progressive, and unbiased. Speed reader, fast learner, high-speed talker. As well, your powers of persuasion are particularly strong now. You may also come across as rude, arrogant, and blunt when conversing with others, so watch out for that as well. You might make a verbal connection with a female, your mother, or a person from your past now. This is a good time to deveopt your psychic ability. Original, creative ideas are easy to come by now, and progressive conversations can take place. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. Mercury opposition Jupiter Impatience with existing conditions and responsibilities in your life, whether they are a job, relationship, family life, or what have you, characterizes this period. If something doesnt work in your favor, for example, learning that it wasnt a big deal feels wonderful! You're more likely to tell a joke or play a prank than revolutionize an industry or write the world's next great novel. *Parties, celebrations, social gatherings, music, dance, and vacations are very high on your priority list now. This is an excellent resource for outer planet transits: Jupiter through Pluto. Thats Uranus in general.. Games, sports, dancing, music, joking, and other lively entertainments are highlighted. You may meet under very unusual circumstances and share a love at first sight. Whether or not this turns out to be a successful long-term relationship depends on your ability to maintain this sense of excitement after the newness has worn off. Or, you may simply become unwilling (as this time period progresses) to live within the confines of your old life. Mercury square Venus You may have to control an urge to rebel and be different that could set your ambitions and goals back a step. Mercury square Pluto Technical facts can be glossed over at this time. This is a good time to submit ideas, applications, promotional efforts, and so forth, all things equal. Some people open up their marriage to include other companions or sexual partners. Perhaps the only things and people you're not friends with are boredom and boring folks. Improved solutions, insights, and approaches make this an opportunity not to be passed over. March 11, 2023 Travel plans may change unexpectedly. With a transiting square from Uranus to Mars, we begin to get things off our chest whether we wanted to or not. You will find that others who normally resist your suggestions are now more receptive and supportive. It is a good day to find new solutions to old problems. +You may find that you have intuitive and psychic abilities that have never surfaced before. They bring excitement, stimulation, and liveliness. In some cases, you might be the victim of gossip or you might be forced to deal with dishonesty in others. Something you hear now, or new information that you learn, can give you pleasure . This is a time when you dont really want to hear truths or facts. Something you hear, learn about, or the opinion of someone could bother you and disturb your sense of balance now. There can be multiple, significant disruptions to your routine. April 25th, 2021 - Mercury Conjunct Venus The mind plugs into the universal and receives knowledge from a larger domain. +A possibly explosive time during which a rebellious urge within you presents an emotional challenge. This transit is a real mind-opener. Mercury conjunct Uranus With your increased openness to all that is new and different, you may encounter opportunities that appear to come out of the blue. Theres nothing dire about interpretations written by Bil Tierney. You have to be able to exercise total freedom in your emotional self-expression. If your job is tedious, boring, and unexciting, there is a strong possibility that you will quit your job now. May think a number of thoughts at the same time. Re-assessing decisions you have made already, or adjusting your plans, may be in order. Often during Uranian periods there is a distinct changing of the guard in our social circles; old relationships end, new ones appear. This slow-moving planets transits are long-lasting, and each transit takes its time to unfold. Are you and your love interest meant to be? An insight about your support system, your mother, or other females may be important. This transit has a stimulating, electrifying effect on your thinking and communications. Exciting outdoor activities appeal to you now. It reminds us to be flexible when it comes to insights. Chance encounters are possible with eccentric or, in other ways stimulating people. Sometimes this energy is experienced in such a way that changes in a relationship seem forced upon you (especially with the opposition). For example, if you rarely travel but wish that you could, then you may visit an unusual and exciting place. A lover or friend might offer you information or advice that you dont want to hear. You likely have mental and physical agility with many things, and others enjoy your company for the broad and curious perspectives you have on life and your surroundings. You have more spontaneity, which helps you avoid boredom or daily routine. Forgetfulness can be a serious problem. Its not the best time for business transactions, beauty treatments, or purchases for the home. Its not a good time to make a presentation, to ask for what you want, or to formalize agreements. Solve old problems in a new way. The pace of your life is accelerating, and some changes may be forced upon you. +A time when you could achieve real breakthroughs in the form of ideas, communications, and the mind in general. Quick decisions can be made. Mercury sextile Uranus: Different than Mrs Average, The outstanding Daily Horoscope by Astrodienst describes your individual topics for each day. Its not a good time to present an argument or an important idea. Youre a freethinker today, and you dont want anyone to put restraints on you. Be willing to drop involvements, projects, or methods when something more right for the moment/time present itself. Look to the houses of your natal chart with Aries (and Scorpio) on the cusp for areas of your life where Uranus is acting to awaken. *Your job and career advance very nicely now. Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it., There are now 1600+ Astrology Membership Articles available for reading. Mentally, you are not as disciplined as usual, however, as you prefer to chat with others and to think about more pleasant things than work. *You are mentally alert, sharp, and on your toes during this time period. If youre a genius or a great personality, this is an outstanding period of your life; if you are an ordinary mortal, you have to look out for expressing the temperament of genius without getting its results or meriting its rewards. You could be quick on the trigger when it comes to verbal reactions to others, and you may seriously lack diplomacy at this time. Second-guessing figures now. This transit represents an opportunity to introduce an element of contrast or volatility that heightens your perceptions and brings fresh energy, insights, or new ideas into something which has grown stale. You are very demanding and difficult to please now. You could find a teacher or guide, a new approach to your career, and so on. Mercury trine Uranus transit opens your mind to new possibilities. Ideas are taken from the outer-realm and transported into the daily sphere of the mind where the person will talk or write about progressive insights. It can be a very creative day if you maintain control and flexibility. You are inclined to think positively and with growth in mind. We don't collect your IP address. In fact, it's hard to have a proper appreciation for your own uniqueness unless you consistently set time with yourself and away from everything else that stimulates you. Try to control your mind and slow down because you speak and think too fast when transiting Mercury is in opposition to your natal Uranus. *Upset and unexpected changes are standard fare now! It is all too easy to miss or neglect important details under the influence of this transit. Your conversations are animated and expressive now, and spontaneous impulses tend to work for rather than against you. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Together with your creative talents, this could lead to a career in education, the media, or the entertainment industry as a singer, author, or actor. Avoid signing contracts under this influence. This is a time when you are bound to discover information that you need at just the right time. By Corinne Lane Leave a comment on Mercury Transits to Natal Uranus. In your communications with others, startling new ideas will come up. +Sudden insight into your home, family, and sense of security. You may encounter new ideas that cause you to consider old problems from a new perspective. This might be a good time to discuss domestic matters, as you are more likely to approach the topic with objectivity. Beneficial synchronistic events which lead to unexpected opportunities. Others communications could frustrate you today or rub you the wrong way. There is an expression that applies here: Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. In your attempts to make changes in your life, and to rid yourself of limiting conditions, you are prone to making hasty decisions and leaving behind circumstances, jobs, or people that you might one day miss. Transiting Uranus acts to awaken and to make us aware of our feelings of being restricted and constricted. Mercury sextile Mars These are the days when you can meet with interesting people and experiences. Be kind to the part of you that fears change, as well as to the part of you that wants the renewal and revivification this change will bring. This is a period of sudden awakenings that can lead to greater independence and personal freedom, more authentic self-expression, and living your life more on your own terms. Youll realize what you need to feel free. A time when the new and unexpected may figure in your living situation or surroundings. You see potential where you never saw it before. You may well have to take a stand, in a way that is controversial or sets you apart from the crowd. Yet, if anything becomes too difficult, contentious, or requires a lot of concentration, then you're inclined to lose interest quickly. Uranus surprises, jolts, and stimulates. +New and (perhaps) unusual ways of appreciating and loving may be possible now. Either way, the ability to transition between super-specialized or hidden worlds and the common realms keeps either world from becoming too much. Pleasing conversations with females, relatives, neighbors, or people from your past figure now. An unexpected discovery. Mercury may make it appear as if everything is brimming with brilliance and intrigue, like a child receiving gifts during their favorite holiday season. An inner struggle between your sense of purpose or direction and a need for independence and freedom makes this a possibly tense time. The person prefers to focus their thoughts on forward-thinking activities that they think will improve the human condition. *Breaking free from past habits and attachments, seeking emotional freedom, sudden changes of mood and the development of new attitudes towards life are key issues now. You may have a straight job and an unusual home life, or you may do something quite exotic or unusual for work and yet lead a quiet suburban home existence. Your vision of possibilities strengthens, and this boosts your spirit and outlook. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology by James Braha. Avoid rash speech and things said out of anger in the heat of the moment. +A time that can mean great change for you personally, during which you break away from the past and try new and different ways of presenting yourself. This transit may cause nervous exhaustion or an overload of stimulation that prevents you from relaxing. Youre inclined to base your ideas on half-thoughts or not finish what you start. Obsessive thinking, attempts to persuade others to think like you do, insisting on knowing the truth or on exposing falsehoods, making mountains out of molehillsthese are the more unpleasant possibilities. Transit Mercury Sextile Uranus Your thoughts are inventive and original and you love shocking other people with your outrageous opinions, all in the spirit of fun. Mentallythere is a cool detachment of the mind, the native is interested in whatever is unique and has an ability to spot previously overlooked truths. Consider all alternative, unusual, or nontraditional possibilities that are presented to you now. At least once a day, slow down, breathe deeply, consciously calm and center yourself. You could be asserting more independence, perhaps at the expense of your friends and relationships engrossed in your personal and domestic scene. A revealing conversation or connection to someone could figure now. Electricity is in your head and probably the rest of your body. This is a time when you are bound to discover information that you need at just the right time. Fortunately, the mood is lively but not hectic. Awareness of your emotions, as well as the need to verbalize them, comes with this transit. You can understand them much better on these days. You are likely very busy processing information and thinking just now. Mercury trine Mercury What does the Moon rule in your chart? Side Note: More clues to the nature of the potential changes can be found in the condition of the Sun in the natal chartits house position, aspects, and the areas of the chart that it rules. Even if there is no specific deadline for a task, you work as if it must be completed with lightning speed. Mercury trine Sun uranus mercury sextile uranus. Mercurys transits to your natal Uranus are marked by surprise and open-mindedness. There is a difference between Minor Transits and Major Transits. Mercury sextile Mercury When transiting Mercury is sextile your natal Uranus: You may find a solution to an important problem through creative thinking. Uranus transits opposite Sun You could find it hard to follow facts, directions, and instructions. Its a strong period for objective observation and discussion. Dramatic inner emotional and psychological shifts may coincide with significant changes in your personal life, home, or family structure. A no-win situation that requires treading a fine line on your part. +You may have to control an urge to rebel and be different that could set your ambitions and goals back a step. Exciting times! You should be able to develop lucid dreaming and will have a talent for occult subjects like astrology. This can be quite positive, but take care not to be too impulsive or insensitive with those you care about as you express your newfound desires. Intelligently organizing, planning, or taking care of correspondence would be wise now. Your persuasive powers, strategic thinking, and observational skills increase. Anyone who tries to limit you in this area will meet with great resistance. Experiment with something new or different, however small. New and original ideas bombard your mind, and you want to express these in communication with your friends. Mercury trine Midheaven You could receive unexpected help from someone older or from authority figures. United States. Let new things and situations sink in before making a premature judgment. Mercury represents our rational mind and is the planet of everyday expression and communication. Transiting Uranus acts to disrupt, change, and re-do whatever it touches. In other words, communication and education are two areas where your abilities are expected. As well, you are more able to express your more charming or loving nature verbally. +A powerful time of change, during which you may have great insight into your career. and Uranus transits square Sun. Mercury trine Neptune Youll have to take responsibility for all your behaviors. March 4, 2024 When transiting Mercury is trine, or sextile, to your natal Uranus, your thinking is ingenious, original, clever, sharp, and magnetic. Period for objective observation and discussion presented to you out the free online readings. 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