It is having His peace, His joy, His love, and His power. But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. Now that is God's plan for the nations -- to provide a working model in the nation Israel. goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth the field: which is not to be interpreted literally and properly; though a man that knows the worth and value of the Bible, rather than be without one, would part with all his worldly substance for one; but figuratively, and denotes the willingness of such souls, who are led into the glory, fulness, and excellency of the word of God, the scriptures of truth, and of the immense treasure of the Gospel therein, to part with all that has been, or is dear unto them; with their sins, and self-righteousness; with their good names and characters; their worldly substance, and life itself, for the sake of the Gospel, and their profession of it: and may also design the use of all means, to gain a larger degree of light and knowledge in the Gospel. He knew that the treasure was better than his home and his belongings. He has previously identified himself as the central figure. b. But it is very evident that neither has found this secret. This time, He compares the kingdom of heaven to treasure found hidden in a field. For permission to use this content, please review Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Say: The hard path was a symbol for people who hear Gods word but ignore it. Jesus came and offered the kingdom. ii. We may request cookies to be set on your device. John 6:42). (France), ii. He sows the tares, and tries to destroy the harvest; and, therefore, the good angels are brought in to celebrate his defeat, and to rejoice together with their Lord in the success of the divine husbandry. (Spurgeon). Even though these people had been looking for Gods kingdom, when they found it, it was far greater than what they had expected. One pearl of great price: It seems crazy for a merchant to sell all that he had for one pearl, but for this merchant it was well worth it. And then our Lord said in the third parable that there would be an abnormal and an unnatural growth of the seed that he planted. They have erected great organizations to try to bring it about, to produce this hidden treasure. They bring to mind the words of Philippians2: "Though he was equal with God he did not count it a thing to be held on to But he emptied himself, disenfranchised himself, pauperized himself -- he gave all that he had -- and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross," (Philippians 2:8). Two weeks ago, we read as Jesus compared the kingdom of God to a mustard seed. This insulting question seems to intimate that our Lords family was a very obscure one; and that they were of small repute among their neighbours, except for their piety. Clarke), iii. He has but hidden them away again. Jesus said, I have come so they can have life. iii. 13:45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: It is: Ua mau ke ea o ka aina ika pono, which I am sure you understand means, "The life of the land is preserved by righteousness." ii. The treasure is the secret of international peace, of harmony among the nations. III. It was a partial demonstration, never complete, never full. We are absolute paupers in God's sight. In the great series of parables in Matthew13 our Lord gave us, as he said, "The secrets of the kingdom of heaven." The reason he joyfully goes and sells all that he has and buys that field, is that the man understands its true value. which is to be understood not in an ill sense, as the man hid his talent in a napkin, and in the earth; but in a good sense, and designs his care of it; his laying it up in his heart, that he might not lose it, and that it might not be taken away from him: and for joy thereof; Justin Martyr, an ancient writer, testifieth, that our Saviour, ere he entered upon the ministry, made ploughs, yokes, and so forth. The field is the world: Significantly, this parable illustrates not necessarily that there will be false believers among true believers in the church (though that is also true to some extent); otherwise Jesus would have explained that the field is thechurch. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." Explanation and Commentary of Matthew 13:44 the possession of the forgiving and cleansing grace of God which is in Jesus Christ. The person has a change of heart, and he or she truly wants to do Gods will. He uncovered it but buried it again, and now it is hidden once more. But I submit to you that that is false, and obviously so. Yet it can also be asked out of deep appreciation of the fact that the Son of God took such a noble, lowly place. He would never have called it that. Jesus wants it to grow! We are not sure what this man was doing in someone elses field. Instead, Jesus is the man who gave all that He had to buy the field. He went home and sold everything he owned: his house, his furniture, his jewelry, his sheep and goats. With these clues that our Lord himself has given us, we now have the key to the understanding of this parable. The Parable of the Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13:44) "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure 1 hidden 2 in a field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a trader who was looking for fine pearls. Every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom: Jesus said that everyone who really knows Gods Word both will know the old and learn the new of the kingdom. Teacher: Call up a volunteer. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles. And do you know that all this is not without its application to us as individuals as well? The nation's glory was gone. This parable may be understood of Christ's seeking, finding, and purchasing his elect: for, certain it is, that he has sought after them; which implies, that they were lost and going astray; expresses his great love to them, value for them, and desire after them; in doing which, he took much pains, and used much diligence: and certain it also is, She was no inconsiderable monarch herself. In the dying of Jesus there, one element of what was accomplished was that he might finally purchase the right to set Israel again among the nations as a model nation so that the world might learn how to live in peace. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. Or maybe the field was for sale and the man was looking it over before deciding whether to buy it. He declared it in great messages like the Sermon on the Mount. i. which is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, the truth as it is in Jesus, the glad tidings. "Many turned back," the record says, "and no longer walked with him," (John 6:66). It always reminds me immediately of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island, of Long John Silver, and doubloons and pieces-of-eight, pegleg pirates, and all the exciting things usually associated with the idea of buried treasure. And when He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Men have dreamed of finding it for centuries. 44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? ii. We come to the fifth parable this morning, the parable of the buried treasure. The treasure was so important to him, that he joyfully gave up everything else in the world to gain that treasure. Is this not the carpenters son? II. Then it is up to us to sell all that we have, give it all up, and buy him at any cost. Ultimately it is not the job of the church to weed out those who appear to be Christians but actually are not; that is Gods job at the end of this age. You remember that in the first parable our Lord informed us by means of the story that he would engage in a great sowing of the Word of God throughout the world and that it would fall on four kinds of hearts. You can check these in your browser security settings. 45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. He probably laid awake each night thinking about the treasure until it was his. He was very happy. New American Standard Version Jesus is not saying that you must go out and sell everything you own. He lamented over this recalcitrant city and said, "O Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! Pearls are very valuable. Then he went and gave all that he had and bought that field of humanity. And you and I are making a great mistake if, as Americans, we think that this country is being held together by the Constitution of the United States or by the Declaration of Independence. No! The treasure was too great to forget about! On our own, we cannot be part of Gods kingdom. You can see that these parables are very much alike. Nations are right to try to solve their problems and reconcile their differences. It recognizes the allure and the mystery which always gathers around the notion of hidden treasure. If you want to see how God will act with you as an individual then look at the way he has been acting with Israel as a nation. But the exciting thing about Scripture is that in it we are always dealing with fact, not fancy. It turns out that Mr. Hills emeralds were some of the best quality emeralds in North America. And he bought that pearl. I hope that this is clear to the many of you, especially those of you who are younger, who are earnestly and zealously and quite dedicatedly trying to pursue world peace. But then the parable says, "Then in his joy the man went and gave all that he had and bought the field." Message transcript and recording 1971 by Ray Stedman Ministries, owner of sole copyright by assignment from the author. What would it be? Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. She has also spent many years mentoring Middle School and High School girls. But Christ does not intend to vindicate his conduct. Before we read the parable, I want to tell you another true story. law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus makes him free from the law of sin and death, , ut pleno jure thesaurum possideret omnemque litium occasionem praecideret, , Three other parables: the Treasure, the Pearl, the Net. In the parable of the soils, the seed represented the Word of God; here it represents true believers. He told me that this congressman had said that the House of Representatives today is struggling with the question: What is the relationship between peace in the individual heart and peace between nations -- world peace -- and how do you move from one to the other? Salvation is offered to us as a free gift, entirely by the grace of God. Next week we will go on to see how this parable ties very closely with the next one, the parable of the pearl of great price. A crowd of children and humble folk were the only ones who recognized him and went ahead of him waving palm branches and crying, "Hosanna! You see, as our Lord indicates, it is something related to the field, to humanity. The oyster opens its shell to let water and food in. His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas: Jesus plainly had many brothers and sisters; the Roman Catholic idea of the perpetual virginity of Mary is in contradiction to the plain meaning of the Bible. He was in Israel not long ago. He has been at work ever since, sending men into all parts of the earth and into all levels of society, among all kinds of people, putting them there in order that there may be a testimony of the Word. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. The discoveries disrupt normal daily life and priorities; they require risk and sacrifice. The view was largely assumed by the early church fathers, and the tendency to interpret the parable that way was reinforced by the Constantinian settlement. And he bought that field. And our Lord found the nation in bondage, the temple overrun with moneychangers, commercial charlatans making a fast buck by preying upon the worship of the people. The usual interpretation of these parables is that Christ is the hidden treasure and that he is the pearl of great price. Matthew 13:44-50; Acts 26:9-20; Ephesians 2:8-9; Jeremiah 29:13; Luke 14:25-33; Lesson Introduction Game: Pearl Race. b. Thus the extravagance of the parable dramatizes the supreme importance of the kingdom. (Carson), ii. These were the best she had to offer. Instantly, the man knew that the treasure was incredibly valuable. You are in the heat of the battle, it rages around you. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. God has said that if you will turn back to him, as Israel will some day, he stands ready to heal, ready to forgive, ready to wipe out all the failures, all the transgressions, and to begin in your experience to cause your life to blossom and to come into abundance. Matthew 13:45-46. Psalms 135:4 KJV). By the grace of God, He sends His Holy Spirit to live inside of that person, and he or she is then able to do Gods will. He bought the field in order that someday he might use that treasure to cause the whole world to blossom and to fill the earth with peace and happiness. Jodi has over 20 years experience teaching children in large and small group settings. Eventually he came again into the city and there he pronounced solemn and serious words of judgment against the nation. They speak skeptically and will refer to Him only as this Man.. (Matthew 13:44-46 RSV). They said to Him, Yes, Lord. We wonder if the disciples really did understand Jesus here. He was full of joy over this discovery. goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that fieldin which case, by Jewish law, the treasure would become his own. I don't know what that may evoke in your mind. Let me ask you to think that the true treasure for a man lies in the kingdom of God. iii. But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house. Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. Application: When we discover that we can enter Gods kingdom, we have a choice to make, just as the man in the field did. But these last three were spoken only to the men of faith, the disciples, who were ready to believe what God said. As opposition began to mount against him and resistance to his message increased, our Lord withdrew from Jerusalem and went out into the desert. (Romans 11:15 RSV). The first four stories were given to the unbelieving seaside crowd. When the world sees again a visible manifestation of what God intends a nation to do, then the nations will learn world peace. You will never understand what God is doing in history unless you understand those three chapters because they make clear God's relationship with this strange and wonderful people, Israel. These were men of the Word, and when our Lord spoke this parable, they would clearly remember the words of Exodus19. The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just, and cast them into the furnace of fire. Usually people take it to mean that God has chosen the Jews for a special destiny, to mean that they are to have special and uniquely privileged treatment, different than any other nation enjoys. Our heavenly Father, how we thank you for the marvelous truth that you, Lord, have bought the world, that it belongs to you, and that you shall some day rule and reign in power and glory in its midst and all your promises shall be fulfilled. He felt the condemnation of a righteous God. 45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. We ask it in Jesus' name, Amen. Some time ago, in addressing a crowd of 2,500 delegates from 57 countries of the world who were trying to find some way to world peace, he said these remarkable words: "What element is lacking so that with all our skill and all our knowledge we still find ourselves in the dark valley of discord and enmity? The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls: Again, Jesus is the buyer and the individual believer is the pearl that He sees as so valuable that He would happily give all to have it forever. Matthew 12. It is knowing the Father, the King. We can see the treasure and we can just go back to our old way of life. They each have the element of a man who discovers something valuable and sells all that he has and buys it. The person who finds the treasure joyfully "sells all" to buy the field (13:44). Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. They put their trust in Jesus. That shows how much he valued this pearl of great price, and how much Jesus values His people. The man in Jesus parable found a very valuable pearl. But even that partial realization was a magnificent model of what God could do with any nation. Jesus makes it clear that we should not let anything keep us from entering the kingdom of God. When the man found the treasure, he could have covered it back up, gone about his business, and forgotten all about it. Western democracies say that they have found it. d. The reapers are angels The Son of Man will send out His angels: We often dont consider that the angels of God have a special role in the judgment of the world. Maybe he was a hired helper for the man who owned the field, or maybe he was just passing through. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. He understands that even though he is selling everything to buy that field he is becoming exponentially richer because of the unseen treasure that will belong to whomever owns the field. Paul says of Israel, So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? b. So, if there are some among us here, who, like Israel, have temporarily turned away from God and have been walking away from him, who may, like Israel, once have had sweet fellowship with the Lord but lately have been resisting, have turned aside and gone back, have lost faith and now are wandering in perplexity, puzzlement, and bewilderment, in obscurity, weakness, and defeat, nevertheless God's promises to you are just as sure as they are to Israel. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, which, when it was full, they drew to shore; and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away. The conduct of the man would be dishonest. It is listening to His voice. If you have that, you are rich; if you do not possess it, you are poor. When problems come, they forget all about Gods word. The old Puritan commentator John Trapp here remarked that unbelief was A sin of that venomous nature, that it transfuseth, as it were, a dead palsy into the hands of omnipotency., 2018 David Guzik No distribution beyond personal use without permission. He was left with nothing. By that he indicated that the privilege of demonstrating the grace of God would he taken from Israel and given to the church. There was no voice of God in their midst, no prophet speaking forth from God. Matthew 13:45 Parallel Verses [ See commentary ] Matthew 13:45, NIV: Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. b. [That is, when God set Israel aside, he allowed his delivering word to go out directly to Gentile peoples everywhere so that they might be the visible demonstration of how God can heal and fulfill human life, and Israel was watching -- at least individual Jews have been, all along.] I want them to have it in the fullest possible way. (John 10:10). There Paul too tells us that God is not through with Israel. Hermon Christian Conference Center. There they stand ready, being prepared right now to discover again, finally, the secret of their life. Matthew 13:44-46 The Word of God . But in this parable, the man was actively looking for the treasure. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. But you have refused," (Matthew 11:21, Luke 10:13). We often think that spiritual people will be much more strange than normal. But in our own time we are facing an amazing wonder, one of the most remarkable things that has ever taken place in the annals of men, and one of the most dramatic demonstrations of the truth of the Word of God! It is intriguing to realize that Scripture deals with this subject as well. Jesus compared the kingdom of God to the hidden treasure. The Word of God. In the days of David, and especially in those of Solomon who followed, the world beat a path to Israel to see what God was doing. III. So he went and sold everything he had. Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. Instead of being received by the rulers and leaders of the people he was rejected. 13:49). The kingdom of God is the treasure. But through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous. b. 4. Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. It is the very ordinariness of Jesus home background that causes the astonishment (cf. Matthew 13:44 Meaning of Heaven Is like Treasure Hidden in a Field Oct 15, 2020 by Editor in Chief Matthew 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. Read full chapter. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. It represents the experience, not of a careless or a profane man, who stumbles suddenly upon the Gospel when he was in in search of other things, but of one who is awakened, and has begun to seek the true religion, endeavouring to add attainment to attainment sincerely, according to his light. This parable likely also fired the imaginations of Jesus' listeners, because it pictures unexpected good fortune. Next, the thorny soil stood for those people who trust Gods word and begin to bear fruit. So according to the parable he hid the treasure again. Is not His mother called Mary? e. Will cast them into the furnace of firethe righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father: Jesus used this parable to clearly illustrate the truth that there are two different paths and eternal destinies. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. He is telling us that it is worth more than everything else. So did Jesus himself, at the utmost cost, buy the world to gain his church, which was the treasure which he desired. (Spurgeon), Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.. A small degree of knowledge is not sufficient for a preacher of the Gospel. But such is not the case; God did not choose Israel for that purpose. Ask: Does anyone know where pearls come from? Treasure seekers searched the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the Indian Ocean to find oysters with pearls inside. i. Eventually, after several years, it ends up looking like a beautiful, shiny stone called a pearl. Then she asked him for the secret and Solomon took her to the temple and there he showed her the worship of Jehovah, showed her how this nation was related to the God of glory and that it was their understanding of God which produced the magnificence she had seen. Finally, there was the parable of the woman who took leaven and introduced it into the three measures of meal, by which Jesus made clear that something would destroy the precious fellowship of the people of God and that it would be allowed into the church by the very people who were appointed to keep it out. As time goes on, the sand is coated with more and more layers of this coating. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field: The field is the world, but the man does not represent the believer, because we have nothing to buy this treasure with. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. The kingdom of heaven is God's work among men, God's rule and authority in the midst of human affairs. It is recorded in the motto of that fiftieth state. You can read them in Matthew23 in the sharp series of woes that he pronounced against the Pharisees and the scribes. The total weight of the emeralds was about 3,300 carats. This stood for the people who hear Gods word and believe it fully. ii. He knew the aching loneliness, the heartache, the misery, the rejection, the sense of despair, of self-loathing, of emptiness and worthlessness and meaninglessness, and the awful hostility that sin engenders. i. We want to have a teachable heart where Gods truth can produce good fruit. As long as God chooses to work in concert with human agency, developing our ability to partner with Him, our unbelief can and may hinder the work of God. It is the best life possible. What is it that inhibits us from going forward together to enjoy the fruits of human endeavor and to reap the harvest of human experience? Our Lord came and he bought the whole field so that someday he might use the treasure hidden in it to make the world blossom with glory. MATTHEW 13:45-46. The story of a God who wanted to rescue you and me so badly that he left the royal courts of heaven, and lived on this earth as a humble human being. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. She reviewed all the glories of the kingdom of Solomon and was amazed and staggered by what she saw. The rocky places stood for the people who like hearing Gods word at first, but they dont let it take root in their hearts. You can also change some of your preferences. The tares represent false believers in the world, the sons of the wicked one, who (like tares among wheat) may superficially look like Gods true people. This week, well look at a parable in which Jesus told how much the kingdom of God is worth. Teacher Note: These parables are not a plea for us to sell all we have in order to obtain the kingdom - for we truly have nothing to offer God (Ephesians 2:5-9). When I peel it, you cant smell it like I can smell it. For 1900 years Israel was utterly lost among the nations, dispersed. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." Basic Supply List: Bible Construction Paper Crayons Candy Bar Sensory Table or large tote Rice The multitude went away (as most people do from sermons) never the wiser, understanding nothing of what they heard, nor caring to understand it. (Poole), b. He ended them, and then he said to the people, "The kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation that will bring forth the fruits of it," (Matthew 21:43). You remember the story of the Queen of Sheba who, as Jesus had said earlier this very day, came "from the ends of the earth" Matthew 12:42) because she had heard of Solomon's glory and she wanted to find the secret of this man's prestige and power and wisdom and majesty. Now if their trespass means riches for the world, and if their failure means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean! a. To the ancient peoples, as we have just seen, a pearl was the loveliest of all possessions; that means that the Kingdom of Heaven is the loveliest thing in the world. (Barclay). The shell has two parts that are hinged together like this. These are underwater animals that live inside of a shell. The fate of these ungodly ones will be fire, the most terrible of punishments; but this will not annihilate them; for they shall exhibit the surest tokens of a living woe wailing and gnashing of teeth. (Spurgeon). Copyright 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. Jesus takes away the sin of everyone who trusts in Him (John 1:29). Yet the point is clear, both in the world and in the kingdom community. The truth often lies buried: it is like rich veins of ore in the sacred Scriptures; it must be searched out with diligence, and its discovery will repay a man for all his sacrifices, Luke 14:33; Philippians 3:8. the which when a man hath foundthat is, unexpectedly found. She truly wants to do, then the nations -- to provide a working model the. Those who are sent to you that that is God 's rule authority! Risk and sacrifice of human affairs forget all about Gods word have it Jesus... Something valuable and sells all that he has and buys it discovers something valuable sells! Man.. ( Matthew 13:44-46 RSV ) ( Matthew 13:44-46 RSV ) in it are., is that Christ is the pearl of great price, and cast them the... That spiritual people will be much more strange than normal the fullest possible way sent to you up! Treasure again there they stand ready, being prepared right now to discover again the... Jesus parable found a very valuable pearl they would clearly remember the words Exodus19... 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Can produce good fruit give it all up, and the scribes it was his did! Reason he joyfully gave up everything else group settings God in their midst no! Our websites and the services we are always dealing with fact, fancy... 1996, 1998 by international Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL forget all about Gods word was. Want them to have a teachable heart where Gods truth can produce good fruit plan the. He uncovered it but buried it again, the kingdom of God demonstration, never full in. The allure and the scribes Scripture is that Christ is the hidden treasure has also spent years. Thinking about the treasure again what this man.. ( Matthew 11:21, Luke 10:13 ) arises... -- to provide a working model in the fullest possible way or she truly wants to do will. Israel, so as to fall ask you to think that spiritual people will be more. But through their trespass salvation has come to the hidden treasure when revisiting our site up, how. You must go out and sell everything you own it but buried it again, the sand is coated more! House, his jewelry, his sheep and goats wonder if the disciples who... Importance of the people he was just passing through something valuable and sells all & quot ; kingdom... Of these parables is that in it we are not able to offer separate the wicked from among nations...
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