Shadysides newest piece of s**t makes the front page! Deena: S**t is doomed!Samantha Fraser: It doesnt have to be. Something way worse. Deena: The dude was probably just some sad sack who hated his life, just like the rest of us, except he decided, Hey, why dont I get out of here for good? And, Hey, why dont I take Heather, and a couple other mall rats with me? Theres no angry dead witch who made him go postal. Hes going to go right by. Second, yeah. My whole future, my whole life in Shadyside. I love you, Sarah! It will follow you for eternity. I confess I confess! That doesnt fit your carefully constructed bulls**t view of the world? Im right here. And we know where the body is, so all we need is the hand. Is the hand bone still there? Move back to the settlement. Mad Thomas: Heathens! ThenSimon: Smile, you son of a b**ch! Ziggy Berman: Nick, this isnt your fault.Young Sheriff Nick Goode: But not you! Official Post from Aly Fitzgerald. Janiak, the director, has said that her shooting style for the 1666 installment was . Ziggy Berman: Nick Goode, heir apparent, daddy was the police chief, the King of Sunnyvale, and now youre going to be the same. Copyright 2023 PerformerStuff. No more murders, no more curse, no more pain. He lives in Richmond, CA with his family and dog. I can see everything. Okay, dont breathe. Hannah Miller: Something is wrong. So what difference does it make if we do now?Hannah Miller: What are you saying? Whats going on? Cindy Berman: S**t!Tommy Slater: Did Cindy Berman just swear?Cindy Berman: Not now, Tommy! How we save Shadyside. Based on R.L. The cave was alive, Alice. Horrible, superstitious fear. Cindy Berman: [to possessed Tommy] F***ing die?! I love her. A murderous guilt shows not itself more soon. I'm a symbol. I gave you too much freedom, and now it is too late. Everyone believes weve done it. Mad Thomas: I see the darkness in you, girl!Sarah Fier: Be still, Thomas!Mad Thomas: Beware, Sarah Fier. Whose sin? The story I just told you. If we are ever to end this misery, then we must root out the guilty. Sarah Fier: Youre right. Its been three centuries. See, you cant even say it! Fear Street Part Three: 1666 is the tale of Sara Fier, the chief villain behind the evil machinations of the first two installments. Solomon Goode: I grant you that, but you Hannah was just a dalliance, Sarah.Sarah Fier: And if it wasnt?Solomon Goode: What do you mean? The truth is you like Stephen King, and spiders, and the weird girl from Shadyside.Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Alright, first of all, Stephen King is like super popular. Perhaps that can save us. But she was a woman walking alone at night, and I was a man walking behind her. Alice: Blood will fall. Satans stone, okay? Stines best-selling horror series, the trilogy covers three different time periods, 1994, 1978, and 1666, and follows a murder mystery that shakes up the town of Shadyside, Ohio. 'Fear Street' Trilogy Review: Carnage and Close Calls Gore and nostalgia characterize this scrappy horror trilogy, which follows an endearing cast of teenage rebels through three time periods.. Officer Kapinski: [over radio] Someone called for you. Were going to kill Sheriff Goode, and were going to save Shadyside. With Maya Hawke, Charlene Amoia, David W. Thompson, Noah Bain Garret. But being the heir apparent isnt always easy either. Maybe something happened to you, something that can help us stop her.C. For all of us. Children: [singing] Pastor Miller, blind as a bat. Berman: Theres not! Our pastor was a man of God. After a few mix-ups with all these women, The Other Woman finally asks The Man, How many women have you brought here? The speech that follows is The Mans response. - Solomon Goode (Fear Streat Part 3: 1666). There must be some explanation.Alice: Oh, my God. We stopped the killers.C. With Fear Street there's the sort of extravagant world-building and myth-making that we only see within superhero cinema, three stories that exist in the same place but at different times, each. Im sorry. Kate: This is the way. Youre like me.Sarah Fier: I am nothing like you! Alice: The witch did this. Of me. I thought if I just put my head down, and followed the rules, everything would be fine, that Id get out of Shadyside. Do you think, did we cause it? His brother becomes mayor. I snitched on you, I got new friends, I started dressing like this. for Tommy. 5. Sheriff Nick Goode: [to Deena] Youre going to be famous! And you think you can stop it? Cookie Notice Tommy Slater: [referring to Nurse Lane] Did you see her eyes? Martin: Any tips for fighting these things?Josh: Yeah. Josh: Guys, I think theres someone in the woods! Cindy Berman: Once in your life, could you just not be so mean?Ziggy Berman: Could once in your life you just stop pretending? You could have watched us dead on the six oclock news, but you didnt. I see all the dark secrets in Union.Sarah Fier: You must be busy. Theres a reason I wear these. The child ends by imagining themselves grown up with a job in an office building and wondering if theyll ever feel safe. Im going. Josh: [referring to C. Berman] Yeah, just like you. I like fun! Its the curse.Young Sheriff Nick Goode: No, its just some psycho.Ziggy Berman: No, no, its not some psycho. You are now subscribed to our More Good Stuff maling list. Privacy Policy. A night shift, a day shift, and a million empty beer cans, just like my dad. In this monologue he describes his condition and its possible stress related causes. He extended his hand to the darkness for my family, for me! 4. Were high and hungry. I fear the mother that would let her daughter hang. Kate: Its just fun.Deena: Its sick.Simon: What? You hear me?Joan: Yeah. Kate: Hey, how do I not die?Simon: We! Which I also wouldve done, if I knew there was a chance that Tommy f***ing Slater would ax my boyfriend in the f***ing head! No. Goode gives a name to the Devil. I ask, do you have proof? Okay, well, maybe were going to die, but Kate is not nice. That feels too easy to me. Look, some guy went crazy and killed a bunch of people at the mall last night.Deena: Holy s**t.Josh: It was all over the news. Deena: Its just like Kate said. I will never let you go. You know what? She knew it. It was the witch. A monologue is a speech given by a single character in a story. The story follows a group of teens discovering that a series of horrifying events that have plagued their town, Shadyside, Ohio, over many years might not be random, and that they may be the next victims. Colonel Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds. She wasnt a witch! A vampire. Well, they will see. Theyre afraid because they know youre different. And last night, tragedy struck again. But tonight, even though we are in hell, I feel like I have another chance with you. Kate: Theyre coming for her. It was right there. And mark in every face I meet. And, second, I cant like the weird girl.Ziggy Berman: Why not?Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Because Im a counselor. I lay with him I bewitched the good pastor. In order to avenge the deaths, Sunnah's father, William Goodse, had cursed the Fiers. Your registration has been updated. Josh: I need you to stay calm, alright? So no one else knows where she is.Lizzie, Abigail, Hannah, Isaac: Except us. Im getting out of here. Not that one could exactly call these "slasher" films, but the long-bladed. Hannah Miller: I am to hang on the morrow. C. Berman: The witch. As the activities at Camp Nightwing are about to begin, another Shadysider is possessed with the urge to kill, and the fun in the sun becomes a gruesome fight for survival. Not anymore. Cindy Berman: [to Alice] And I knew then, I wasnt different from the other Shadysiders. Female Monologues. Josh: Was she singing something? Alice: [to Cindy] I watched my dad go to jail when I was six. I look in his eyes and its as if something crawled in from the night and put on Fathers skin. She wouldnt.Joan, Gary: But the witch might! Solomon Goode: Please, do not make me hurt you! You called us back.C. This scene entitled Too Told to Learn. A child is speaking to a friend about learning how to swim for the first time. We have to get her back. Now I know. Deena: I was back in time. But Nick had a destiny in this town. Sheriff Nick Goode: Sam, you look like a ghost. So how does this turn Fear Street into the Marvel Cinematic Universe style property it was pitched as? No way out. The truth will come out. Young Sheriff Nick Goode: [to Ziggy] Clearly you dont need my assistance. Cindy Berman: Explain to me whats so funny.Ziggy Berman: How dumb you are? Were going to eat cheeseburgers and listen to the Pixies, and make out, and have the best night of our goddamn lives. We set the bait. I miss them both. In this fast moving kaleidoscope of a play, more than a hundred characters try to make sense of what they know. Not you too. If I die, she dies! And some foul-smelling paste made for whores like Abbi Berman. This monologue, entitled The Child Who Didnt Know Fear, is one of over seventy short scenes that go to make up Caryl Churchills full-length play Love and Information. Skull mask killer. And now Father is sick. I fear Union. Josh: Dont you see whats happening to us? I walked with the Devil. Dead killer chasing Would you say he was more Dawn of the Dead, or Night of the Living Dead?Samantha Fraser: Wait. A room without light. Deena: We ended it. Were ending this together.Simon: Die well, my friend. Lets assume that the witch has been possessing people for some sort of messed-up vendetta. She reaches from beyond the grave to make good men her wicked slaves.. Are you in need of a monologue from someone who is finally coming to terms with their worst fears? The first day of camp. Stine, stars Sadie Sink, Kiana Madeira and Gillian Jacobs. But thats the story this department will go with, unless you can help me to see it differently. Offering our town.Solomon Goode: Our town?Sarah Fier: Yes. (Male, Comedic, 20s 40s) Well, here it is. Cindy Berman: Found what?Alice: Three guesses. Good audition monologues will: Be less than two minutes. Something perhaps a mother could have rooted out, but you were raised like a boy. Than love that would seem hid: love's night is noon. Alice: [referring to Alice killing Tommy] You did it.Cindy Berman: We did it. Kate: You know we dont believe this witch s**t, right? For beasts that meet me run away for fear: Therefore no marvel though Demetrius Do, as a monster fly my presence thus. And shes doing some f***ing spell s**t and possessing people. Ziggy Berman: You believe me, right? And no one believed me.Deena: And Nick? Youre out.Ziggy Berman: Im out? I will shadow you for eternity. Welcome to Shadyside. Thats not true. To feast on our misdeeds. Who was it?Caleb: As both of them lay with the Devil.Elijah Goode: Both of them?Caleb: Hannah Miller and Sarah Fier! Its Sarah Fier. I know that you just needed me to listen, to hear you. Why wont you f***ing die?! Which one is your fav? Its Tommy. George Fier: You know, it was your mother who convinced us to settle this land. Deena: And the Goodes do it over and over, again and again. You lying f***ing Brutus. The play is one of twenty that make up a larger performance piece called Decade. The wind sits in the shoulder of your sail, And you are stay'd for. TV Reporter: Shadyside, small-town America. Deena: Everyone says Shadyside sucks because its full of s**tty people, that bad things happen here because were bad, that we deserve what we have coming. You know, maybe if you werent such a frigid b**ch.Sarah Fier: [she slaps Caleb] Theres your kiss. I was there to push people beyond what's expected of them. She was wise enough to understand this land was special. This isnt the same as the mall massacre. Sheriff Nick Goode: You came here for my help. I couldnt do anything. I thought you were different. You dont have to do this. Watch the Entire Trilogy Now Sarah Fier: I was never normal. Someone who refuses to settle for the rules of these dogmatists, who seeks more from the world. And Im not going to lose you again. C. Berman: I thought he was different. You sound like Mad Thomas.Sarah Fier: Perhaps Thomas is right.Solomon Goode: Thomas is a mindless drunk, nothing more. When I went to Sunnyvale, I ran away from you. Its never over. Today's 'Heardle' Answer And Clues For Tuesday, January 10. Wheres the body?Cindy Berman: I dont know! B, A, start.Deena: What?Josh: Its the Konami Code. Berman: But you havent stopped her. She isnt turning people in Shadyside into killers. Chasing shadows! He drops the book, holds his face like the character in Munchs painting and then screams. Tommy Slater: Why would Nurse Mary want to do something like that? I was always me The truth will come out. It doesnt matter if we did it or not. Tylenol cant do that. Thats how it was for Sarah, and thats how its been for us. The kitschy genius of Leigh Janiak's "Fear Street" trilogy, which the writer-director has adapted for Netflixfrom R.L. Josh: It happens in Shadyside over and over. Fear Street: The Beginning The classic and heart-pounding Fear Street Series from beloved author R.L. She was in choir. And Im looking at you, witch nerd!Josh: I dont know!Samantha Fraser: Theyre not coming for us! Solomon Goode: One person every few years seems a small price to pay.Sarah Fier: One person? Samantha Fraser: Maybe youre right. II. Youre not safe. Overdone Shakespeare Monologues. But, of course, the media wont talkabout the most important part. Despite our differences, were all perfect! I had you to keep me afloat. He was a boy, just a boy, when I was a very young girl. Opening monologue to The Fog (1980) Opening to a ticking pocket-watch as it counts down to 11:55. Martin: [referring to the Discman] Look at this dumba** thing. Lizzie: A good night to enjoy the fruits of the land. 63 $12.99 $12.99. $11.63 $ 11. Which one of us is valedictorian, again? Now lets do this. Panic. Do you think itll wash out?Ziggy Berman: You might need to buy a new polo. The killers came after us because we found something they didnt want us to find. You know the cops called him at work about some accident last night?Deena: Please get out of my room.Josh: You get out of your room! Tried to read the Bible, and his eyes went splat!The Pastor Cyrus Miller: Oh, but I see you. 8 Monologues from Characters Facing Their Fears : PerformerStuff More Good Stuff It appears that you are outside of North America. The campers. What wicked and dissembling glass of mine Made me compare with Hermia's sphery eyne? The sun will shine on us. Just admit that Shadysiders do it better.Kurt: I aint admitting s**t.Joan: He knows. Get them away from me! Please. Sarah Fier: You ought to rest some. Okay? Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 5 min read. Consider the sequel curse broken: "Fear Street Part 3: 1666" satisfyingly wraps up Netflix's R.L. Or so we thought. No one gets out of this town, not even Miss Perfect. Was she singing a song, like an oldie song?Simon: Jesus, Rain Man. Sheila: [to Ziggy] Youre going to hang, witch. So we kill you. Were safe here. Shadyside isnt just some hotbed for psychos. Its true, you were dead without me. Look, check that out. and our You know nothing good comes from those woods after sundown.Sarah Fier: You sound like my father.Solomon Goode: So youre going?Sarah Fier: Going where? Its camp, but looks like she drew all over it. Olde School Witchery. Except one.Cindy Berman: Tommy? So she tried to kill him. Deena: [referring to Sam] Youre suggesting killing her.Josh: I mean, thats not exactly what shes saying.Deena: Oh, youre on her side?Kate: Youd let us all die to protect her. But thank you, truly.Sarah Fier: Of course. And now Ive found it. The Devils gift.Sarah Fier: More like Mad Thomass gift.Lizzie: Well, whoever she lay with, Abbi made me go to the widow with her. Im sorry, I forgot. You have sinned! Like you just came back from the dead.Samantha Fraser: Shock, I guess. I clouded her mind. Deena: [as Sam has been possessed] Sams not feeling like herself. on the ground! Bob, described simply as disheveled, is reading Stephen Kings The Shining for a few seconds and then develops a twitch which becomes progressively worse. So?Simon: So, lets undisturb it! Since mom started drinking. Ive got eyes in the back of my head! Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Im not letting you get hurt! Thank you, King of Sunnyvale, future Police Chief Nick Goode, for rescuing poor, helpless Shadysider me. Lets try to bring me back. The vengeance of the Lord and the justice of God. Rosalind (in disguise as a male) explains to Orlando how his brother fell in love so quickly. What if that psycho shows up again?Deena: Then well be ready. I mean, here we are. I love this one.Customer: Its trash. Indeed, 1666 smartly finds a way to reuse . Its for my stepdaughter. Jakob Berman: There is a dark and evil force at work here. They are described only as The Man, The Woman, The Other Woman and Another Woman. Stine] It began as a prank and ended in murder. Fantastic choice. Someone must pay! Monolgue spoken by Olivia Act 3, Scene 1: O, what a deal of scorn looks beautiful. A London mosque. Yet you resign yourself to it! Solomon Goode: You can always come to me, Sarah. Depression monologue in The Darkness. It stops here, tonight. Fear Street (Series) R.L. Cindy Berman is a Shadyside resident determined to leave the troubled town behind despite the fact that her sister Ziggy . Ziggy Berman: [to Nick] It was her. Hey, you look at me when I'm talkin' to you, bitch! She learned their medicine too. Because even if we lose, were still winners in our hearts. In this monologue, a troubled teen describes the discrimination and fear of passers-by after 9/11. Co-written and . He says the Goode family are not farmers. And because of that, General Hummel has more depth and is more engaging as a villain. R.L. She was smart, and kind, and fearless. C. Berman: Like I said, your best chance is to run from this place. Tommy Slater: [referring to Nurse Lane trying to kill him] It just doesnt, it doesnt make any sense. Sheriff Nick Goode: What are you doing here?C. The truth shall be your curse. The doctors say it was a psychotic episode, that she just snapped. And this whole fake bulls**t life of yours, its going to come crashing down.Cindy Berman: Thats a horrible thing to say.Ziggy Berman: Its not horrible if its true.Cindy Berman: I dont know who you are anymore, but youre not my sister.Ziggy Berman: Then who am I?Cindy Berman: A monster.Ziggy Berman: Thats what they say. The script has been created from real-life interviews, which were then edited. It is red versus blue. Simon: Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. However, feel free to browse tips and download any public domain (free) monologues on our site. Marks of weakness, marks of woe. Even you, Ziggy Berman! Josh: [after Deena kills Nick] She did it. Josh: Wow. Following the blood trails! She said she could feel it in the air. This is Jesus! Youre Shadyside, in case you forgot. Im ending this. Cindy Berman: What are you doing?Alice: Three guesses.Arnie: Hey, careful. Example of a Monologue To end the curse?Alice: Yeah, the curse that made her daughter lose her mind. I mean most people are, but I always find comfort sitting in it. Ziggy Berman: You smell like s**t.Cindy Berman: Yeah, thats because Im covered in it. Josh: And the killers came after us to keep us from uncovering it. Maybe, I dont know, Stephen Kings new one is supposed to be good, I hear.Ziggy Berman: Im done with King. Pastor Miller, blind as a bat! Left, right, left, right. Sarah Fier: Thats why Im so afraid. So dont blame me when you wake up in ten years just like your dad! Three hundred years its lived, grown. There was something in there, something wrong. Dread! Deena: Its him!Sheriff Nick Goode: Josh! Sometimes its necessary.Ziggy Berman: Nurse Lane, thats kind of hurting me.Nurse Mary Lane: Sometimes it is good. And now, so is he.Alice: I thought you didnt believe in the witch.Cindy Berman: Yeah, I dont! Male Monologues. Two minutes is more than enough to show your stuff. Come on, lets play rough! 10 Monologues from Characters Who Need to Apologize, 10 Monologues from Characters Seeking Approval, 10 Monologues from Male Characters: Fathers, Brothers, and Sons, 10 Monologues for Women Who Speak Their Mind, 10 Monologues for People Who Have a Bone to Pick, 10 Great Monologues from LGBTQ-Identifying Characters, 10 Monologues for Characters Who Have Theatre on the Brain, 10 Male Monologues from Characters Dealing With Death, Top 10 List of the Most Offensive Shakespearean Insults. Sarah Fiers back.Deena: Oh, Christ. My brother! My family, for rescuing poor, helpless Shadysider me as the Man, how do not. Our goddamn lives but thats the story this department will go with unless!, fear street monologues of Sunnyvale, future Police Chief Nick Goode: Thomas is a dark evil. 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