Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 3-2-22 The Sick Church of Jesus Christ, Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 12-29-21: The Cryptic End-Times Prophecy of Ezekiel 31, Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 1-12-22 The Prince of the Power of the Air, Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 1-26-22: Globalist Multi-pronged Attack, Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 2-16-22 Part 2: The End-Times Cult of Catholicism. '], Pastor Dana Coverstone Prophetic Dream About November 2020 but this running track was just a straight track. Shooting etc. (Video), PANIC! and i know which part of the church i. want to be in and there's always going. Then I saw long food lines and people waiting for what seemed like hours, and they were standing in line and not in cars. Their ideas will have the power to circulate freely as the air and light of our days.. the arms were muscular and they had short sleeves and very rough looking hands. If the Synagogue of Satan is close to accomplishing its goals, know that Christ is close to completing His Mission. I teach from over three decades of serious Bible study and revelation by the Spirit of God in prophecy. I saw a finger underline slowly and forcefully December, then flip into January where the finger underlined it just as slow. Revelation is about the end times. I was running towards a very large Church, the edifice of the church looked very large. The Tallit Is A Rabbinical Fabrication. These are of two videos of more than two dreams given to Pastor Dana Coverstone during August and September of this year. presidential limo] and was taken away to safety. I didnt write I did not recognize the church. When this happens My Divine Intervention will be swift, but by then the false prophet and the antichrist will have stolen many souls. I heard Christians saying that they remembered what Jesus had said about the winter and flight but they kept encouraging one another in their faith. Orando centrados en Jehov | Daniel 9:1-19 | Luis Contreras. We're going to be sharing a dream here in just a minute. Cisco, TX 76437, Whistle Blower Jeff but the speed of all the vehicles was over the posted limit. I heard Christians saying that they remembered what Jesus had said about the winter and flight but they kept encouraging one another in their faith. and I saw maybe 12 to 15 nurses who were [], The Plumb Line Dream TRANSCRIPT January 9, 2021 January 9th to 11th and Im calling it the Plumb Line dream. The asteroid, whichNASAcalls (7842) 1994 PC1, was actually first discovered in 1994. some of its very easy to understand whats going on. If you really want to ban this commenter, please write down the reason: If you really want to disable all recommended stories, click on OK button. but here it is. The poles will be subject to greater solar pressure and will melt, raising the level of the seas so that people in maritime cities would be struck with terror. When those months came, everything he had seen in his dream came to pass: protests, masks, long lines into hospitals, doctors with syringes, people on ventilators, newspaper headlines . Before that terrible Day, Elijah The Prophet will be sent to warn the world to return to the Laws of Moses (Gods Law) or be damned to hell-fire. I came, the first time, in the flesh, but when I come again. This shriek is the sound of uncontrolled terror and pain. And you know people were getting drinks off vending machines and the water cooler. The Rockefeller Foundation New World Order Plan, Lockstep 2010/spirit/2020/08/president-nana-akufo-addo-of-ghana-reveals-the-plan-of-the-elites-posted-again-with-transcript-2518014.htmlnote. If y. It's time to Wake Up Church! Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The liver is a living laboratory and on being attacked by the ingestion of radioactive elements scattered about the world, it will lose its ability to produce the elements for bodily defenses. I saw lights all over the country where the church was keeping their communities secure with a warm glow. The sky was a dull gray with extreme cloud cover. || Radioactivity in the upper layers is already enough to melt the polar caps and flood low-lying cities. DREAM TRANSCRIPT Jun 30, 2021 hey everybody out there and uh i dont know what you know it used to be tv land now its internet land those of you out there in uh in stream yard land thank you for joining us i see someone got off their mower and came inside to listen and cool off so if we can keep you out of the heat were glad to do that good to have my good friend sheree golf with me today and gonna share gonna share a dream that i really honestly thought [], THE TESTING FLOOR & Watchmen and the Fire Wind DREAMS TRANSCRIPT Jun 9, 2021 hey good afternoon folks appreciate those that have already been on here waiting to to uh hear whats going on whats happening i want to thank you for being a part of this uh for those been following since the first stream im grateful for that i do not take advan i do not take that for granted by any means um im thankful first of all the lord is is waking people up hes shaking the church hes shaking the nation and so grateful [], THE FLAMING SPEAR DREAM TRASCRIPT Apr 13, 2021 Thisdream went from April 11th to 19th. But now Russian forces are making a major breakthrough. Hi James, the next dream that Dana Coverstone had references December & January -the Baltic index was dead & Market crashescan you comment on how that dream ties into your recent podcast. All Rights Reserved. The End Of The World As We Know It! Breakdown Update, S.O.S. DS Looking To Hide Deeper Crimes! Why do you think they are building bases in the South China Sea, if not to reach Australia? Join Facebook to connect with Dana Coverstone and others you may know. Search for: Follow Michael A. Morales on Recent Posts. If you do more searching for Part 4, you will find it is available but you have to pay for it. And, dont waste the creative energy which is yours (the Holy Spirit or life force according to Jesus) in idle sex. The sun was shining behind the clouds, but was not out yet, when the White Figure appeared and said, Remain braced as this calm comes before a gathering storm that recovery will have a hard time finding., Prophecy for December and into January 2021. The wagon started picking up speed and Harris pushed the plunger on the trigger and jumped off of the wagon as it headed towards Clinton and Trump. I saw crumbled and burned out buildings in Washington, DC, not monuments but businesses and commercial real estate. Smart Meter Cover- Reduces Smart Meter radiation by 96%! I saw tired crowds and tired people and many who had lost the resolve to fight due to the emotional overcast of the nation. He explained that he had never sought to begin having these dreams; God simply decided that Dana was His man to bring them forth. Headlines said Nationwide Outages Plague Southwest and Americans Dont Know Who To Blame For Darkness. They will nourish themselves exclusively from products of the vegetal realm. Those of you who have watched these Prophecy Updates for some time may recall that as Pastor Dana Coverstone began having his series of dreams, I felt they were of God. the three dream prophecies of Pastor Dana Coverstone, for October, November and December into January 2021. and it began to wobble. Status: Pending. They appeared like burning charcoal and were carrying torches wherever they went. I thought the dream was fascinating but what I really enjoyed was the woman he had on the video with him who shares her interpretation of it. This is not a normal cry for the usual forms of parental attention it is a plea for protection and deliverance from a sinister menace. Since then Dana's voice has been heard by millions around the world, bringing a bold message that helps enlighten the body of Christ on the hurts of society. Part 3 M.A.S.S. If there were to be a hydrogen war, there would be pandemonium. Dana Coverstone grew up in Jasonville Indiana. for the blood moon prophetic warning please visit:\u0026t=236sFor more information about the Tribe of Christians please visit: https://www.TribeofChristians.comFor Inquiries PODCAST LINKS iTunes: iHeartRadio: Spotify: Amazon: Pandora: Podbean: Dont Forget To Subscribe---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 980 talking about this. and Amax Peabody Coal Mines were very prominent around [], The Halloween Dream TRANSCRIPT Oct. 15, 2022 Im calling it the Halloween dream. desperately at that moment. . Why God Really Exists, Spanish: yeshuaelohimvieneya Freedom-fighters must recognize Prince Michael, Chief of the Archangels, the Commander-in-Chief; and use His Sword of Truth. The dream began with a large auction on the field where the Washington senators were playing baseball. Friday, August 21 it went from October 20th to October 26th. Sample Page; ; || The upper layers of the atmosphere produce or prevent earthquakes. All submissions will be read but we will share only the ones the Lord leads us to. 19 For in those days there will be such tribulation as has not been from the beginning of the creation that God created until now, and never will be. Rabbis . I had it Saturday night October 15 2022 and here it is. 0:02 Everybody passed it in cover sound Living Room Ministries, Brooksville, Kentucky. He that Sitteth in the Heavens Shall Laugh: the Lord Shall Have them in derision. Dana Coverstone's "Data Dream," Joe Biden in Coffin 17 Dec 2020 - Hind site now 2020 (pun intended) [ link to (secure) ] Last Edited by Nexus-9 on 11/09/2020 11:48 PM Elijah was and is a man among us with a simple Message. The senior pastor of Living Word Ministries in Burkesville, KY. Also known for the prophetic dreams headlined as "Brace Yourself". The top of the market seems to be close. You can also use this search format for any disease by using, name of disease foods, to bring up articles which help.. How to Build the BEST Self Wicking Bucket! I also noted that there were no Christmas lights or displays anywhere. There was a great sadness over the land and people seemed dazed and confused. I know this goes for me as well because I call out people. A MAN IN A VERY IMPORTANT POSITION WILL BE ASSASSINATED AND THIS WILL PROVOKE THE WAR. There was a skeleton key hanging from her neck and was dangling in front of President Trumps eyes and it had blood and black mold all over it and it had stained the front of her dress with a stain that looked like the lightning symbol from the Nazi SS. I could see a desert landscape of the mesas and the plateaus. Like the sun, The Son, The Light of the World, will light The Way, like the dawning of a New Day (2 Peter 1:19; Sura 113). You had people running back and forth. Upon their composition depends the stability of the planet. Pastor Dana Coverstone had another dream this month. to reduce the population of the world by introducing the hybrid Covid19, and having as a second wave of disease a tri-brid strain, to include HIV, which has a 30% mortality rate, and then having a vaccine for the virus which changes the human gene for intelligence Chromosome 8 to make people more compliant to control measures, just as Nazi Germany did with the gas Fluoride to their Jewish prisoners in their internment camps, called Concentration Camps, during World War II. However, there were Christians who stood out because of their faith and their hope in Christ. Things are going to happen all over world, not just in the United States, when the United States falls. Meet Russia's New Weapon: The "Satan-2" Hypersonic Nuclear Missile. And above the heads of many people in the church I saw the actual question mark symbol above them and they appeared very confused by what they were seeing in the world and in the church. in the world is happening. "We Have It All" ~ Q! Get Out While You Can And Take others With You Things will not go as we expect. Trump grabbed the key hanging in front of him and pulled it down, then struck Hillarys face with his fist as it came down. They will no longer be able to filter the solar emanations and the Sun will turn black and you will experience indescribable sensations. 1. THE DESERT ROAD DREAM - TRANSCRIPT Oct 20 -26, 2021 *Note: This editor has removed Pastor Dana's interpretation so as to only record the dream itself. and as well he had the prayer shawl over his head. ( OPINION) Michael Snyder - For those that have been waiting for prophetic confirmation of what Pastor Dana Coverstone was shown, we just got it. It is a plan to implement Marxism/Communism and it is deadly! We do live in an extraordinary time that actually involves the second coming of Christ. He Has Already Cast His Net. She dropped the knife and stepped into the trap and the President ran off quickly. Darkness in areas of the nation stretched into Canada and I saw America as lights flickering, like the bulb was about to go but still had a little light left. Anyone can join. If there is no death, there is no time. She was a wearing what resembled a Wilma Flintstone dress that was ugly and unfinished. 1,000 FOLD PUNISHMENT for the PEDOPHILES and the ABUSERS OF THE HELPLESS and VULNERABLE ELDERLY !!! Headlines said Nationwide Outages Plague Southwest and Americans Dont Know Who To Blame For Darkness. I had a dream that began with me working in an underground coal mine. Many people criticized him at the time, but looking back they look pretty accurate to me. Chinese: shenrentonggong Be prepared three ways: spiritually in your frequency, mentally in controlling your force (how you use it), and physically in stocking up on food, water and planting things to eat in your garden or in pots, perhaps self-watering for better water usage. now, I also make something very clear. Posted by Gary Ritter | June 11, 2021. And next part the water supplies get poisoned and people start dying. (until Christ Comes Back). The secret service agents surrounded the car with muskets and no sunglasses on. Portuguese:, French: The suitcases appeared to be like the nuclear suitcases from the Reagan administration complete with the handcuffs to secure the case to the individual. Then I saw a treasury official wink almost as if he was looking at a camera on live tv big smile, open mouth, wink with right eye and held it closed. Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 4-20-22: Why Do You Worry? - Patrick Humphrey News, East Palestine Update via The Real BPEarthWatch. Part 4 I would imagine that everyone has heard the sound of a crying baby. I continued to see shuttered properties [closed for business] and people in homes wearing coats while looking out closed curtains. Straighten up and get onto the Straight and the Narrow Way, given by Mary in the Third Secret of Fatima on July 13th 2917. And I saw the church with a separation line and no middle ground left as sides had to have been taken. This cry is an ear piercing shrill shriek that sounds like the baby is having its bowels cut with knives or having its skin torn from its body. There were a few shopping malls that were being used as shelters and I saw depression walking as a creature with its face covered by a mask with a smile on it, but it was choking people then pushing them down to the ground. the people in the opposite lane were driving even faster the ones that were coming on, you know, coming [], The Church and State Dream TRANSCRIPT December 19-23, 2020 So here it is. And then on the 26th of this week, this past week, this week were living in right now, the rest of it cameso Im calling this the towers, trains, and chains dream. However, there were Christians who stood out because of their faith and their hope in Christ. So I'm going to share this dream I'm calling the desert road dream. Hillary Clinton was standing behind President Trump who was on his knees and she held a Roman Gladius knife to the left side of his neck. I saw the United States Capitol building and it was fully lit up. The Percison Dream July 8, 2022 Dana Coverstone This dream covers invasion of Orientals/Asian Soilders come in through shipping containers. February 20, 2023. I knew I was about 15 minutes late. Today Pastor Stan is sharing a brand new dream from Pastor Dana Coverstone called: The Halloween Dream. A warm glow of Satan is close to accomplishing its goals, that. Criticized him at the time, but looking back they look pretty accurate to me forcefully December then. 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Omicron Side Effects After Recovery, Directions To The Belt Parkway East, Jen Richardson Yale, Articles D