Cependant, pour capturer ce dernier, il est prêt à contrecarrer les plans de Zhao, un amiral de la nation du feu, lors du siège du Nord. Après avoir été enfermé lors de la prise de la ville par la Nation du feu, il est sur le point d'être libéré par Aang, lorsqu'il lui révèle qu'un grand maître de la terre serait quelqu'un qui sache écouter, observer et ensuite agir. Il est inséparable de ses armes favorites, deux crochets du tigre. level 2 Lorsque Sokka la rencontre, il tombe immédiatement sous son charme mais malheureusement elle est déjà fiancée. Elle rencontre Sokka dans l'épisode 4 du premier Livre, puis réapparaît sous les traits d'une douanière dans l'épisode du passage du serpent, où elle suivra ses amis Aang, Sokka, Katara, Toph et d'autres voyageurs voulant se rendre à Ba Sing Se. Clancy Brown But they will end up discovering something else, a secret of the city. Incarnations On BTVA: 2 Versions from 2 Titles. Par la suite, il participa à l'offensive le jour de l'éclipse et fit partie des jeunes réussissant à s'enfuir sur le dos d'Appa. Long Feng said he’s never seen a Sky bison. Earthbending Ozai, irrité par cette marque de faiblesse, le défigura et le condamna à l'exil. The blue dragon that Zuko dreams up encourages his violent leaning (and has Azula's voice), while the red one tries to get him to think (and has Iroh's voice). Amie d'enfance et acolyte d'Azula, elle manie le lancer de poignards avec dextérité. Dans la saison 3, Katara part avec Zuko pour se venger de la mort de sa mère. C'était un fils du Feu. https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Long_Feng?oldid=2838870. Long Feng denied all the charges brought against him, claiming that he had never encountered a flying bison upon being blamed for Appa's kidnapping. Intelligent, ruthless and patient, he was able to achieve his goals by occupying important offices. He rose from his humble origins to become the most feared man in the city as the Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se and the Head of the Dai Li.[5]. Master Yu and Xin Fu. Elle est tuée lors d'un assaut de la Nation du Feu quand Katara et Sokka étaient plus jeunes. Long Feng claimed that he hid information on the war so the Earth King would not be troubled, but in reality, he only did so to retain his power over him and the city.[5]. Voice artist/actors Rodger Bumpass, Jill Talley and speak during 'SpongeBob SquarePants' panel discussion at Comic-Con 2009 held at San Diego Convention Center on July 25, 2009 in San Diego, California. “Of course,” Long Feng said, his voice slimy. Chief Hakoda. Long Feng bellowed, his tremendous voice easily carrying to his comrades over the noise of the battle down below. TV Show: Avatar: The Last Airbender Franchise: Avatar: The Last Airbender. The list of works are merely a summation as many voice actors work for many different projects that would be too numerous to list. And Long Feng does. Trending: 2,949th This Week. In a fit of rage, Jet flung one of his swords at Long Feng, who dodged and retaliated with a powerful earthbending move that mortally wounded him. [6], Long Feng was also knowledgeable in hypnotism, which was commonly used by the Dai Li. "Welcome home, Long Feng." The translation is also similar to the Cantonese colloquialism describing a person or group as "putting on a show of dragons and phoenixes", which means to put on an elaborate show with the intention to confuse, deceive, distract or misdirect. temingofthelbard Almost as savage as the actual line – popular memes on the site ifunny.co Yue est la princesse de la Tribu de l'Eau du Pôle Nord. “Wait! Elle se bat d'une façon particulière que l'avatar Kyoshi a développée et transmise à des personnes de son village (Kyoshi), il y a plus d'un siècle. Sí, te estamos haciendo SEO Negativo (100% gratis y efectivo) In the same episode, after Long Feng is imprisoned, the Dai Li tell Long Feng that they're still loyal to him, unlike the Council of Five … However, the group ran into Smellerbee and Longshot by chance, who revealed to the group that Jet had been captured by the Dai Li, prompting them all to conclude he had been brainwashed. As Long Feng, Brown is menacing and conniving, and he poses a real threat to Aang and the rest of his team. Happy birthday to Clancy Brown (voice of Yakone, as well as Long Feng from Avatar: The Last Airbender)! Earth Comments … Hélas, elle sera capturée et envoyée en prison. Ce personnage, citoyen du royaume de la terre, apparaît quelques fois comme un running gag de la série: transportant avec lui sur une charrette des choux qu'il veut vendre, ces derniers sont systématiquement détruits, parfois par les autorités du royaume de la terre, parfois à cause de Aang et ses amis, et il se lamente bruyamment sur la perte de ses choux. "Allow me to introduce myself. Admiral Zhao. [1] This effectively kept the citizens of Ba Sing Se in blissful ignorance and maintained the illusion that there was no war. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Still, things … He is voicing for him … Ba Sing Se (formerly)Dai Li (formerly) Il l'aide du mieux qu'il peut dans ses tentatives de capture de l'Avatar et il est aussi un sage professeur pour le jeune prince, qui est empli de rage et de haine. Despite his imprisonment, Long Feng was reassured by his second-in-command that the Dai Li still remained loyal to him.[3]. While Ozai was the lead villain for season three, it was Long Feng who remained the thorn in the side of Team Avatar during season two. By saying the trigger words "The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai", he could cause people who had been subjected to the Dai Li's hypnosis, such as Jet and Joo Dee, to obey his every word, essentially creating sleeper agents within the city.[6]. Elle les suit afin de protéger Sokka, qu'elle aime depuis leur première rencontre. Brought to you by 263px 1 Chapter 34-The Black Lion's Fangs 1.1 One Hundred And Forty Miles South Of Etake-Vale 1.2 Down On The Ground 1.3 Thirty Minutes Later 1.4 The Deck of Tortoise Fort One 1.5 Three Days Earlier, Full Moon Bay 1.6 Next Time: Etake Vale "Four hours," Teo thought, "Four hours and we wipe the Northern Vampiri off the face of the Earth. Toutefois, elle ne l'a jamais épousé. With the arrival of Avatar Aang and his team at the city,[1] Long Feng captured their lost flying bison, Appa, as leverage should they disrupt the delicate balance the Dai Li had created. Seeing him as a threat to Ba Sing Se's stability, Long Feng contemplated a way to quietly deal with Avatar Aang. He stepped forward. Réalisant qu'ils ne pourront jamais retrouver leur honneur aux yeux de leur seigneur, Iroh et Zuko se rendent à Ba Sing Se en simples réfugiés, espérant y commencer une nouvelle vie. ", she says her voice dripping with ice. Elle a été très marquée par la mort de sa mère, tuée par la Nation du Feu. Il a été enlevé par quelques maîtres du sable dans le désert Si Wong, puis par Long Feng, à Ba Sing Se il a été traumatisé par le feu. Yangchen est un Avatar qui précède l'Avatar Kuruk. The gang tries to explain that Long Feng is a manipulative liar, but the king requires proof. Team Avatar’s siege to the Earth King’s palace hall was a thrilling action sequence that gave each bender a satisfying moment to shine along with the arrest of Long Feng. Long Feng chastised Joo Dee for failing to control the situation the Avatar's presence had created. Voix française : Gwenaël Sommier Voix française : Laura Préjean Voix française : Tony Marot Voix française : Alexis Tomassian Voix française : Lucile Boulanger Voix française : Marc Cassot Voix française : Olga Sokolow Voix française : Pascal Germain Voix française : Lucile Boulanger Voix française : Axel Kiener Voix française : Bernard Gabay Voix française : Patrick Mancini With Zach Tyler, Mae Whitman, Jack De Sena, Michaela Jill Murphy. Durant cette bataille, il tue l'esprit de la Lune et finira capturé par l'esprit de l'océan, disparaissant à jamais dans le Brouillard des âmes perdus. He is the one pulling the strings in the city's government and uses the Dai Li to make sure that all of its citizens stay ignorant of the war with the Fire Nation in order to prevent a panic. Profile | Edit. His power was so absolute that even the Council of Five could not break through his stranglehold on the Royal Palace. To preserve the culture and utopian life within the walls of Ba Sing Se, Long Feng explained, no mention of the war was permitted. Klaus Dieter Klebsch . Il guide Aang à travers des visions afin qu'il réussisse à vaincre le Seigneur du Feu. The kids battle Long Feng and the Dai Li when they attempt to show the Earth King the vast conspiracy taking place in his city. Long Feng. As Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se, his position granted him a special relationship with the Earth King as his adviser, but in reality the Earth King was but a figurehead of Ba Sing Se's government, and Long Feng truly held sway over its privatizing affairs. Venant d'une riche famille de dignitaires de la Nation du Feu, elle a été habituée à ne jamais parler sans permission, et paraît pour cette raison toujours blasée. Azula: actually no, fiddles are quite difficult to play, I played you like the cheap kazoo you are. I have a feeling that when we find her, we'll find Long Feng. Azula, having planned this all along, mockingly told him that though he worked hard for his position, he lacked "the divine right to rule" that she had from birth. Elle a fui la demeure familiale et s'est jointe à la bande de l'Avatar (dans l'épisode 6 La fripouille aveugle, Livre 2). À la fin de la série, il va se couronner lui-même Le Roi Phénix, soit le maître absolu du monde. C'est la grand-mère de Katara et Sokka et leur gardienne depuis la mort de leur mère, tuée lors d'une attaque de la Nation du Feu, et le départ de leur père Hakoda pour la guerre. Âgé de 15 ans, c'est un guerrier de la Tribu de l'Eau du Pôle Sud et le frère de Katara. Long Feng managed to have the King dismiss the team's claims and attempted to arrest them, but he was stopped after the King learned Aang's identity as the Avatar and decided to at least hear them out. Long Feng's desire for power stemmed from his upbringing among the dredges of society. “I thought you said you could contact the Avatar himself.” Long Feng’s voice was low, almost angry. Ses parents ont été tués lors d'une attaque de la Nation du Feu sur son village. ALL; SHOWS (1) GAMES (1) NEW FEATURE - Click the Filter dropdown to view VAs grouped by reprisals. Chronological information Il assiégea autrefois la capitale du Royaume de la Terre, Ba Sing Se et il fera un voyage dans le monde des esprits durant cette période. [4], Long Feng was the son of a merchant in the Middle Ring of Ba Sing Se. Il se fait capturer et emprisonner sur un plateforme métallique car la maîtrise de la terre est interdite. Elle est la première à maîtriser l'élément complémentaire de la Terre, le métal. And you have something I need. He revealed himself to Appa and, after a swift and powerful earthbending move, trapped the bison underground.[2]. Long Feng describes Team Avatar as an "anarchist cell" and claims "If you listen to them, you're playing right into your own destruction." Il adore les animaux, il possède un certain lien avec eux. Avec Azula et sa milice, il fera un coup d'État contre le roi et le Conseil des cinq. [3] However, the Dai Li were still loyal to their leader, and Long Feng struck a deal with Princess Azula to give her the Avatar in exchange for power over the city, though Azula double-crossed him and won the loyalty of the Dai Li, claiming Ba Sing Se in the name of the Fire Nation. Leader of the Dai Li, Long Feng ruled Ba Sing Se from the shadows with an iron fist. His was voiced by Clancy Brown, who also voiced other villains like The Kurgan, Yakone, Savage Opress, Montross, Baron Praxis, Mr. Krabs, and Uka Uka. Long Feng: I want to make a deal. If we take him down, we can reinstate the Earth King to power and stabilize the government. Elle est la seule maître de l'Eau de la Tribu du Pôle Sud en vie, exception faite de Katara. Much of his persona is due to his voice actor Clancy Brown, who brought a low toned timbre to his performance. Il finira alors par perdre tous ses pouvoirs, lorsque Aang va utiliser sa maîtrise de l'énergie afin de le rendre impuissant. Huu. Even though Azula stated that it was his refusal to acknowledge power as a divine gift that caused his downfall, it was his overconfidence that ultimately led to his fall from power. This plan unfolded as a brainwashed Jet and a janitor worked to lead the Avatar and his group out of Ba Sing Se under the illusion that Appa had been shipped to Whaletail Island. Long Feng: Because I can get you the Avatar. [2] His ulterior motives were exposed by the Avatar when the Dai Li could not hide all evidence of the Fire Nation's invasion from the Earth King, so Long Feng was imprisoned for treason. Came a voice from behind him. Il y a un siècle, peu après que Aang se retrouve involontairement emprisonné dans la glace, la comète fut utilisée par le Seigneur du Feu de ce temps, ce qui explique la puissance actuelle de la Nation du Feu. The kids battle Long Feng and the Dai Li when they attempt to show the Earth King the vast conspiracy taking place in his city. Elle fut capturée par la Nation du Feu lors de l'une de leurs incursions dans le Pôle Sud. Experimento de web automática de imagenes. On le retrouve dans la Légende de Korra à l'épisode 13 du tome 2. “Unfortunately,” Azula did not address Ty Lee’s interjection, despite agreeing with her. After several attempts, they seemed to break the Dai Li's hold on Jet. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. He is also voicing for Kids Pick: The President of Niclodeon commercial as kid. Le jour du combat, dès qu'il s'en aperçut, Zuko présenta ses excuses. Hama. … Avatar Kyoshi. “We did not,” Azula said, refusing to be frustrated. The Boulder. He watched as the guards engaged in a heated battle with the intruders, before fleeing the chamber as it became apparent that the Dai Li were losing. ... Avatar: The Last Airbender as Long Feng, The Batman as Mr. Clancy Brown is the voice of Long Feng in Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Kazuyoshi Hayashi is the Japanese voice. “Avatar Kyoshi will not be able to convince Avatar Aang of anything, I’m sure. Avatar: The Last Airbender … Il ne pourra revenir et retrouver son honneur qu'en capturant l'Avatar. Contrairement à Aang, Katara et Toph, Sokka ne contrôle pas d'élément, mais la série lui laisse plusieurs opportunités de démontrer sa principale qualité : son esprit d'invention. Long Feng Avatar. Fang était le dragon de Roku. Toph est férocement indépendante et elle est fière de sa Maîtrise de la Terre. With Zach Tyler, Mae Whitman, Jack De Sena, Michaela Jill Murphy. Long Feng Voice Actor. Voix française : Marie Tirmont puis Marie-Eugénie Maréchal. (both smile wickedly) (Inside the Jasmine Dragon, Zuko is sweeping up for the evening. "Until now, you've been treated as our honored guest," the man states, voice rumbling like the beginnings of a rockslide. Mais dans le troisième livre, Mai et Ty Lee l'abandonnent et Azula se retrouve à se battre seule. Lors de la rébellion, elle capturera sans difficulté le directeur, permettant à elle et ses amis de s'échapper.elle sort avec sokka. Happy birthday to Clancy Brown (voice of Long Feng, as well as Yakone from The Legend Of Korra)! 5 yıl önce | 1 görüntüleme. The first was a situation in which he overturned a huge slab of ground on Appa in order to capture the Avatar's steed. “We cannot do anything so specific. Il est membre du Lotus Blanc. [1], Later, he utilized a mimic of Aang's bison whistle to trick Appa into approaching him. Aang adore voyager et il est toujours heureux d'apprendre de nouvelles choses. Luigi La Monica. Elle est aussi le Maître de Aang dans son apprentissage de la Maîtrise de l'Eau. Monk Gyatso. During their showdown, Azula strikes Aang with a bolt of lightning while he is in the Avatar State, though he is later revived by Katara. Shortly after his imprisonment, Long Feng made a deal with Azula, who, together with her allies, had infiltrated the city disguised as the Kyoshi Warriors; he gave her control of the Dai Li so as to lead them while he was in jail, and they managed a coup of the city. Il participe à l'offensive le jour de l'éclipse et décide de rester en arrière pour permettre à ses enfants de fuir. Bison volant âgé de plus d'une centaine d'années, il est le moyen de transport principal d'Aang et de ses amis. Long Feng glides in front of him, and Zuko fingers one of his knives under his sleeve as the dictator looks down his nose at the Avatar. Position She's terrifying... and inspirational at the same time. Play: Dice : ID: 99483: Wealth: From: Avatar: The Last Airbender : Media Type: western animation: Tags: goatee, moustache, long feng: Uploaded by: Hirunapyeer: Fav 2 Vote Up 1 Vote Down 0 Love 1 Hate 0 More. Saying Too Much: Long Feng revealing that the group attacking the palace are the Avatar … Han Chinese were forced to wear queues under Qing Dynasty rule. Malgré ses 112 ans, il a encore un esprit de garçon de 12 ans. Il sera délivré par Zuko. Azula’s coup now 100% successful, she goes to the crystal caves to ruin Zuko’s life just a liiiiiiiittle bit more. Plus tard, sur un bateau en route pour Ba Sing Se, il rencontre Zuko. Elle sait comment bloquer le Chi de ses adversaires par une simple pression sur certaines parties du corps. Tyler has also worked for Marci-X, The Backyardigans, The Ant bully and his most recent and prominent work is as Aang in Avatar- the Last Air Bender. After he used his influence to get them through the gates, he introduced himself as a cultural minister to the king, and insisted on escorting them, not letting them out of his sight. Long Feng attended a party being held for the Earth King's pet bear, Bosco. Admiral Zhao is a very ambitious man who wants to be remembered through history. Il fut tué lors du Génocide des nomades de l'air, Aang retrouva son corps cent ans plus tard. Political information Iroh is ever the voice of wisdom. Oct 11, 2019 - 5,633 points • 125 comments - Long time fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Il apparaît sous forme de fantôme à Aang. This is a list of voice actors. Long Feng: The Earth King's trust. Elle enseigne à Aang la Maîtrise de la Terre. Directed by Lauren MacMullan. Ayant passé 100 ans prisonnier d'un iceberg, dans un état de biostase, il a aujourd'hui 112 ans, mais n'a pas pris une ride. Ce comportement fait qu'il s'enlève toute possibilité de recouvrer son honneur, et sa propre sœur est envoyée pour lui régler son compte une fois pour toutes. Il a en effet une infinie passion pour ce breuvage aux multiples saveurs. In this part we begin the level in Ba Sing Se, taking on the Dai Li and infiltrating their secret base under Lake Laogai.\r Check out my Playlists: \r Intro Music: Bildir. He rose from his humble origins to become the most feared man in the city as the Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se and the Head of the Dai Li. Avatar-chang Long Feng: you played me like a fiddle. However, as Azula pointed out to him later, he was foolish in believing that he could accomplish total control on his own. He told her to await further orders, and ordered his right-hand man to "quietly" deal with the Avatar, so as to prevent Aang from threatening the Dai Li's control over the Earth King. Dominante et ambitieuse, elle va finir par s'isoler en perdant ses deux amies, Mai et Ty Lee. Azula se révèle être un personnage complexe, torturé, qui va sombrer dans la paranoïa. Il a autrefois dérangé le Conseil de Guerre de la Nation en critiquant oralement un plan qui aurait entraîné la mort de toute une légion de jeunes soldats. As Earth King Kuei's closest personal adviser, Long Feng hid the Hundred Year War's existence outside the Earth Kingdom city's walls while the Dai Li supplanted the king's power over his people. Sokka le délivrera en même temps que Suki de la prison du Rocher Bouillant. Long Feng was the Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se, the leader of the Dai Li, and a very charismatic, influential, and manipulative individual who lusted for power. The game focuses on Book One to Three in the Avatar - The Last Airbender TV series and the comics. Villains from the animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender, its sequel The Legend of Korra and related media. Après la fin de la guerre de 100 ans il ouvrira un restaurant dans la ville qui deviendra la Cité de la République de l'époque de Korra et où il s'associe avec la première compagnie industrielle du royaume de la terre, on retrouve d'ailleurs son descendant à la tête de sa compagnie dans la Légende de Korra, et une statue représentant le vendeur de choux est érigée juste devant le siège de la compagnie. Tyrannique commandante que rien n'arrête, elle échoue toujours dans sa tentative de capturer son frère et son oncle. IMPORTANT NOTE! RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender - The 10 Best "There Is No War In Ba Sing Se" Memes. In the second season, Aang and his friends Katara and Sokka are on a quest to find an Earthbending teacher which finishes when they recruit Toph Beifong. Directed by Ethan Spaulding. Name a famous cartoon and he probably had a role in it at some point. Top Row: Dark Dragon (American Dragon Jake Long), Sylas (Transformers Prime), Hades (God of War 3), Long Feng and Yukon (Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra) Second Row: Captain Black, Ratso and Tchang Su (Jackie Chan Adventures), Mr Freeze and Bane (The Batman) Elle a été confrontée à Azula et a soigné Appa avant d'être envoyée sur le Rocher Bouillant, la prison la plus sécurisée de la Nation du Feu. Long Feng brainwashed Jet into attacking Aang. [No Spoilers] TIL that Long Feng and Yakone had the same voice actor: Clancy Brown After re-watching The Earth King episode, we see that the Council of Five consists of the highest ranking generals in the Earth Kingdom. As the Earth King pondered over the apparently unlikely allegations, Long Feng whispered in his ear that Aang and his friends were part of an "anarchist cell" attempting to overthrow him, convincing the Earth King to arrest the team. Dans le Livre 3, elle retrouve Zuko et peut enfin vivre son amour. As the Earth King subsequently agreed to investigate all Team Avatar's claims more closely, Long Feng quietly retreated with his Dai Li agents. As the Earth King's palanquin was brought inside the room, Dai Li agents started to pick out each of the four friends one by one and discreetly brought them to the palace's library. "Long Feng I'm not weak minded enough for your brain washing to work, let alone think lowly enough of myself to willingly submit to a slimy snake like you. Il veut utiliser à nouveau la comète de Sozin (qui apparaît tous les 100 ans) pour porter un coup ultime et fatal aux autres nations. Our spiritual gifts have their limitations. Kuruk est un Avatar succédant à l'Avatar Yangchen et précédant l'Avatar Kyôshi. Surprotégée par des parents qui la considéraient comme faible, elle en a conçu une aversion croissante pour le moindre geste de pitié envers elle, même dans le cas d'un geste amical. As Head of the Dai Li, he utilized them as his own secret police to silence anyone who would disrupt the common peace or dare stand against him, secretly imprisoning them under Lake Laogai and using brainwashing techniques to subdue them. We are still willing to help in any way we can.” Long Feng was silent for a long moment. Ils passent quand même beaucoup de temps ensemble, pendant lequel elle lui révèle que c'est l'esprit de la Lune qui lui a donné la vie quand elle était bébé (d'où la couleur blanche de ses cheveux). Azula (as Head of the Dai Li) Long Feng After chasing the Avatar across the world to the North Pole, Zhao lays siege to the home of the Northern Water Tribe. Ads. Dans le livre 3, au lieu de laisser Azula attaquer Mai, elle l’immobilisera et tentera de fuir avec Mai. Elle se perfectionne en suivant les leçons du grand Maître Pakku, au Pôle Nord. Before they could do some serious damage, Appa appeared, having been freed earlier by Zuko, and barreled through the stone walls, causing the Dai Li to flee. Du moins, un certain temps… Il ne sait pas dans quel camp se situer : celui de son père ou celui de l'avatar. Until Aang merges with the Freedom Fighters of corrupting the Dai Li 's grip on the city Avatar! À elle et ses amis Jet in Ba Sing Se and head the. His own truth chastised Joo Dee for failing to control the situation the 's. Physique, bien qu'il soit souvent éclipsé par la capacité des autres et est! Face à Katara le nom de Mabouba ( Gran Gran, dans la paranoïa, roi de Tribu. [ 3 ] du Génocide des nomades de l'air, Aang retrouva son corps cent ans tard... 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