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PMID: 6724559 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] The physicist must be able to assist the radiology department, facility staff, planners, and architects, in the appropriate physical layout of the department, examination rooms, and support areas for efficient workflow and radiation protection. 2011-12-15T11:49:42-05:00 k6T/AOxQ/wDJJKV/zj6r/pOk/wDsUP8AySSlf84+q/6TpP8A7FD/AMkkpX/OPqv+k6T/AOxQ/wDJ saved saved TV2WtOn/AAILgkpxv+c+f/3Kwv8A2FzP7klK/wCc+f8A9ysL/wBhcz+5JSv+c+f/ANysL/2FzP7k &�l����Y@���>cՊAw�2��� �;� SSU7uJZWfqzkPBwNocZNbHjG5Z9NpZu/BJThfaKP3uh/9tXf+kklK+0UfvdD/wC2rv8A0kkpX2ij /wDvSUrb9Rv+5Tv+3b/70lNzp/Vvqn0xr24mWGiwgu3usfx/XlJTp4XWul9RtNGFkNusa0vLQCPa 2021-01-25T06:05:03-08:00 6b/7DVpKV+zPrR/5dN/9hq0lK/Zn1o/8um/+w1aSlfsz60f+XTf/AGGrSUr9mfWj/wAum/8AsNWk 5 0 obj saved Adobe InDesign 7.0 /bx/8ikpX2n60f8AcLF/7eP/AJFJSvtP1o/7hYv/AG8f/IpKV9p+tH/cLF/7eP8A5FJSvtP1o/7h /;/metadata In a well regulated X-ray department of modern design and staffed by trained personnel the radiation exposure to staff can be less than the dose limits for the general public. ZhaHW02MBeNzZO0ajuElPOf8zs3/AEmF/wCw4SUr/mdm/wCkwv8A2HCSk2H9UbK8lj8z7JdQCd9b MjsyMjIyOzs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7OztAQEBAQDtAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQED/wAARCAEA See more ideas about brochure design, brochure, radiology. endobj saved f9zc/wD9ga0lK/aF3/c3P/8AYGtJSv2hd/3Nz/8A2BrSUr9oXf8Ac3P/APYGtJTPHzrnX1g5mcZe The optimal form of the radiology department depends on a variety of factors, including architectural layout of the hospital, available space for imaging equipment, logistics for inpatients and outpatients and distribution of medical specialties within the campus. application/pdf X2PE/wBBX/mN/uSUr7Hif6Cv/Mb/AHJKY9O/5Pxf+Jr/AOpCSmwkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKYe VlHV31NpfYCG3PDA4taw6S5vCSnN+wfUb97C/wC3x/6USUr7B9Rv3sL/ALfH/pRJTcwcr6s9NrdV endobj 2011-11-07T16:15:56-05:00 X2HP/wDK/M/9yLP/ACCSnZxcfIb9Xb6nY17bC4xS7JDrDq3i/bA+5JTjfYc//wAr8z/3Is/8gkpX pMkpzus14L6a/t+VZhsDjD67DVJjhzgkpyfQ+rn/AJd3f+xiSleh9XP/AC7u/wDYxJSvQ+rn/l3d 1 2011-11-07T15:59:55-05:00 Y4ObZ0UOaZBDNQR/YSU7XSuodf6hlsqbm4NlTCHW+gC52wESBLQNeElPUJKUkpSSnP65c/HwHWV2 2011-12-21T15:04:12-05:00 2011-11-07T14:59:18-05:00 kpW+j9zof/gv/kklK30fudD/APBf/JJKVvo/c6H/AOC/+SSU2ulOpPUsYBnRwfUbBo9T1OfzNxiU Ay8d17uT9Fza3wElOJ9uwf8AT9J/9gbP/SKSlfbsH/T9J/8AYGz/ANIpKV9uwf8AT9J/9gbP/SKS xmp.iid:5D31C4B23F27E11184069A23181A2B73 zSU0f+dOB/3F6l/7jsz/AN50lK/504H/AHF6l/7jsz/3nSUr/nTgf9xepf8AuOzP/edJSv8AnTgf yv8A3Gs/8mkpX2jJ/wC5uV/7jWf+TSUr7Rk/9zcr/wBxrP8AyaSlfaMn/ublf+41n/k0lPRfVh9j B3AsbqBE6cx2SUkSU1+nf8n4v/E1/wDUhJTYSU8r1SzLHULxW7rIbu0GNSHVcD6B3cJKavq537/X endobj wjTycNUlORswv+43SP8A2Jf/AOTSUrZhf9xukf8AsS//AMmkpWzC/wC43SP/AGJf/wCTSUrZhf8A Radiology department personnel need to understand basic regulatory requirements for safety and how to promote and improve safety in the future. 8j/2Hf8A+RSU2un9Wws651GNXbW4N3k2VOrEAgckD95JToJKUkpr9O/5Pxf+Jr/6kJKbCSnOz+sf Radiology design: planning a functional department. Adobe PDF Library 9.9; modified using iText 4.2.0 by 1T3XT 2011-12-15T12:09:08-05:00 Philips Healthcare Tranformation Services Nordic region and Philips Design were approached to support with a current and … 2011-12-27T11:26:30-05:00 /wD5YY//ALBUf+RSUr/m11f/AMsMf/2Co/8AIpKV/wA2ur/+WGP/AOwVH/kUlOh03ov2et7eomjM CBOoHikpvJKUkpy/rG5rOluc844G9v8ATGudVz3DA4z4JKeS+0UfvdD/AO2rv/SSSlfaKP3uh/8A KQu/pdX/ABdn/VVJKTJKafUsfqORWxvTssYbw6XuNbbNwjiHJKc/9mfWj/y6b/7DVpKV+zPrR/5d 2011-12-21T15:04:29-05:00 6TSU2+lZmO/qWMxvVKribGgVtwGVl2vAeGDb8UlOn9YsS+l7+pWZtWNj+1sPxK73A8fSc0uSU4P2 saved dbUCPiC9JS3/ADs/7pP/AO3af/JpKV/zs/7pP/7dp/8AJpKdPpnULuoNe+zFsxmgNLHPLXB4dP0S /;/metadata /;/metadata iJ7JKcfrz8cYz6szEdmUWWDcGvFYaWtZtlxez8qSnnvS+rf/AJTP/wDYof8ApdJTf6d1jA6VW+rA SZJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklIcrLxsKo35djaqwQC92gk8JKaf/OToX/c6n/OSUr/nJ0L/ALnU/wCc Bj�iU��[t�f�IfN�F��@X@U"aBHc�l)����s�uiJT���N�ֳ��3�}�k*�rJ���$��)%Y�d�;O�e�MS�-?z�Է'���E���;m� AC8klO3/AM5uh/6S/wD7bu/uSUr/AJzdD/0l/wD23d/ckpX/ADm6H/pL/wDtu7+5JSx+snQiQTZf 8e42W2XEPEG3HGMRp2a0mfikp2klIXf0ur/i7P8AqqklJklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSU53Xm3O6c4U ZeLys4TD03Xj80aUpIW0lcTU5PSltcXV5fVWZnaGlqa2xtbm9ic3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3/9oADAMB WdWc3btPvSU4X7Kx/wDyvw//AGP/APM0lK/ZWP8A+V+H/wCx/wD5mkpX7Kx//K/D/wDY/wD8zSUr um4OVj1OZ1G9mZYXS14qZXDYHthoSU3PQp/0bfuCSlehT/o2/cElI7Kad1f6Nv0j2H7rklJPQp/0 CLDpqkp6Gz6df9Y/9S5JSRJTS6niZ+W2sYGacEtJLyKxZuB4HuIhJTcAIABMkDU+KSmF30B/WZ/1 xmp.iid:FC1355498309E111BCD78E3D15148BBA /wBIS1JTyvot/wDKxn/uUb/6VSUr0W/+VjP/AHKN/wDSqSlei3/ysZ/7lG/+lUlK9Fv/AJWM/wDc <>stream x�]���0D���Y���E�+��;��� f35CSnk/2Vj/APlfh/8Asf8A+ZpKV+ysf/yvw/8A2P8A/M0lK/ZWP/5X4f8A7H/+ZpKV+ysf/wAr /;/metadata 2011-11-17T09:19:01-05:00 xbLT9XMh5vtc8OMWnFa141ZxRuhySnE+0ZP/AHNyv/caz/yaSlfaMn/ublf+41n/AJNJSvtGT/3N This is especially true in the branch of medicine called medical imaging. May 27, 2020 - Website design for radiologists and radiology imaging centers. 11 0 obj ABvul/8AcjI+9n/kElK/8b7pf/cjI+9n/kElK/8AG+6X/wByMj72f+QSU6fRPq7idCdc7Gsss9cN R66SmZ+p/Qg8M+zN1BP0ru0f8N5pKSN6T0v6uts6ni0FrmN2O9MWWOIc5ogNdae6SmH/ADqx/wDQ x�S�*�*T0T0 B�����i������ y\' You can change your ad preferences anytime. lNj6xOqHVLA5vSydrdcv1PV4HO0x8ElObvo/c6H/AOC/+SSUrfR+50P/AMF/8kkpW+j9zof/AIL/ TUlPK5d3S8vIsyTldXqNhnZUHtYP6o9MpKTdOzuldPe9/qdSyt4AjKrfYGx3b7BCSm9/zj6V/wBx 15 0 obj KZ49uab6wX9dje2fUoAbz+cd3Hikp0vrE/Ibk1ei7qQGzX7BWHsmT9IkjVJTlernfv8AX/8Atgf+ GfT9T7Lyz6c+5JTh/q3/AJof/B0lK/Vv/ND/AODpKV+rf+aH/wAHSUr9W/8AND/4OkpX6t/5of8A xmp.iid:8FDB8DCA0E2CE1118F1DCABDB56D790F pJSklKSUpJSklKSU1+nf8n4v/E1/9SElNhJTkZeB9YLciyzF6q2ilxllRoY/aPDcdSkpF+zPrR/5 7Zif6ev/AD2/3pKV9sxP9PX/AJ7f70lK+2Yn+nr/AM9v96SlfbMT/T1/57f70lK+2Yn+nr/z2/3p Adobe InDesign 7.0 3 0 obj 7Gj+5JTvfV1tjaLvUryKjvEDKuFzjp+aRwElOukpC7+l1f8AF2f9VUkpMkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpS dlJSklNfp3/J+L/xNf8A1ISU2ElKSUpJSklKSU4f1p9L9k5Hrelt9Zn896mzhv8Aofckp4n/ACd/ 2011-12-15T11:55:29-05:00 Bj�iU��[t�f�IfN�F��@X@U"aBHc�l)����s�uiJT���N�ֳ��3�}�k*�rJ���$��)%Y�d�;O�e�MS�-?z�Է'���E���;m� xmp.iid:FC0A920D7346E011AC5DD71CB916DF66 Adobe InDesign 7.0 saved 85tTToOGFhhJTU+w5/8A5X5n/uRZ/wCQSUr7Dn/+V+Z/7kWf+QSUr7Dn/wDlfmf+5Fn/AJBJSvsO Bj�iU��[t�f�IfN�F��@X@U"aBHc�l)����s�uiJT���N�ֳ��3�}�k*�rJ���$��)%Y�d�;O�e�MS�-?z�Է'���E���;m� M0lKSUpJTCz6df8AWP8A1LklM0lKSUpJTC76A/rM/wCqCSnhOvX0N6vlNdZigh+osdmB3A59L2fc Radiology department planning 1. endobj fsDI/wDLbO/z2/8AkElK/YGR/wCW2d/nt/8AIJKdDCxX4lApffZkkEn1LiC4z20ASU2ElKSUpJSk 97of/bV3/pJJSvtFH73Q/wDtq7/0kkpX2ij97of/AG1d/wCkklK+0UfvdD/7au/9JJKel+qr2Pxr The left monitor is commonly called the text monitor. Customer Code: Creating a Company Customers Love, Be A Great Product Leader (Amplify, Oct 2019), Trillion Dollar Coach Book (Bill Campbell). 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