I stayed with a friend for a while that let me pay what I could until I got on my feet. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I ended up going with the Hell’s Kitchen area because of a great deal I found. The first thing you should know is that it’s a city of extremes. Check out our list of the 15 things you should know before making your move. There are tons that are wonderful to live in. Mike sprung for the $100/month MetroCard because he needed to get to job interviews, but he had some really bad luck out of the gate and entered month 3 with very little cash and no job. The r/nyc companion for all your NYC-related questions. I'm still learning tons and visiting new area all the time. Thankfully after about a week I was offered the job I still have-- which I also found on Craig's List and it's a well paying career type of thing, so don't write CL off as just a part time job search thing (I don't know if people do, but thought it'd be worth it to mention!!). I'm 24, dude, single, no children, black (if that matters), and originally from Seattle. My job would be located in the SoHo area of Manhattan. We've learned so much, and we want to share it with you! I roll my eyes because the fact is that a lot of kind friends and luck was involved in his ascent, even though it was damned impressive how he lived on so little for so long. I don't mind a 45min commute to work, thats one podcast episode. Moving to a new city is a big change, and if that new city is also located in a new … Certainly more young professional black folks and more diverse in the neighborhoods I included above. Graduated college in May, worked all summer, saved around $3,000 and spent most of August traveling back and forth from Connecticut to NYC for interviews and to apartment search. There is a ton about the city you'll have to find out by living here. … I found a girl on Craig's List who also wanted to move in September, so we met up, looked at one apartment in Williamsburg, found a third roommate and signed for it within like, two days. Knowing that he had a job and that he was good for it (Mike always pays people back even if it means great hardship for him) I leant him a bit of money so he could make it until payday. Weather is intense. It might be in your interest to look elsewhere for a bit while you're trying to find your footing. Good areas are Astoria, Long Island City, Woodside, Sunnyside (all queens, but with lower rent). Now, my friend Mike is my best friend and a great guy -- I love him like a brother, but he's a bit full of himself sometimes and when I hear him tell other people this story, he uses the framework of hard work and perseverance and the American dream and how anyone can do what he did if they only get down to brass tacks etc etc. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I also had a place to stay for a few months and a job that I was told I'd have guaranteed as a server (if I didn't fuck up too badly). I've gone to NYC many times, in many different areas, I'm actually going this weekend for a 3 day trip. EDIT: My budget is around $2200 for rent, I'm looking for a neighborhood with black people & other people of color, they don't have to be Yuppies too. Because your budget is going to cap out around $2250 because of the 40x rule, I would suggest UES, UWS, Hells Kitchen, or Murray Hill. It’s expensive. Before moving to New York keep in mind that your paycheck will not go as far in New York as they do at home. Mike was super depressed at this time, absolutely hated NYC, and didn't even leave the house, except to go to interviews and hang out with me from time to time. My best friend moved here with nothing; he doesn't use reddit so permit me to tell his story in his stead: Mike moved here with about $1000. See improv. You can get a train to anywhere in the city, you're close to multiple bridges if you want to Uber to Brooklyn, and the amenities in the buildings down there can be unbeatable for the price. The exodus that began at the start of the coronavirus outbreak, with many New Yorkers departing to their beach and country homes, has … But it's definitely doable...I may have had less than $3000 honestly, and after first, last, security and broker's fee, probably ended up with only like, $400-$500 to my name until I secured a job, which was super stressful when thinking about how I'd make rent for the next month.. My advice, for what it's worth, is to never focus on one neighborhood. I am considering moving to new York city to pursue a job in the book publishing industry, however I am very concerned about how expensive everything in the city is, especially the rent everywhere. Meditate in the Bronx. Quick Tips Before Moving to New Orleans. During this time, Mike pinched pennies like I've never seen it done before -- he bought, cooked and ate the cheapest ingredients he could find. Also worth pointing out, at 21, it isn't worth moving here unless you're in the 40k+ range because living paycheck to paycheck, never going out is no way to live. I'd love to be a … The living quarters are small. You need to write what you're looking for in a neighborhood. Can you elaborate on the "bait and switch" that people should watch out for? I would say skip finding a whole apartment, just do a roommate search and find an empty bedroom. Can I ask why you want to move to Bushwick and be on the L? I'd also suggest subletting a place for a month while you actually find a place in a neighborhood you're interested in. Especially in the Spring. Maybe East Village if you still like going out and don’t mind staying up late, east parts of Gramercy if you want something quieter, live with roommates in west village or Chelsea (they can be more expensive, but certainly doable if you’re splitting rent). But an area with a younger vibe, lively and a decent amount of bars. Honestly, it was pretty easy. It's dirty. I have a job offer from a company in NYC and I'd love to get some advice on where to look for apartments, and other general advice you could give to someone new to the city before I accept the offer and make the move out there. But at least this is proof that it's possible. So much so that I have made it my mission to one day relocate to New York City. He landed a gig at another startup company, which completely took off right after he joined it -- and now two years later is a paper millionaire, and probably has many more millions on the way!! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He was completely and utterly broke. Street blocks are short. Work picked up and I started paying in full. Good luck to you, and I wish you all the success in the world! 21 female - you can make it. I moved to NYC with -24$ in my bank account having never set foot in the city. I love the walk from East Village to Soho. So I recently visited the city from Upstate New York and, like everyone else, I fell in love with the place. Moving to South Carolina is a great opportunity to embrace the low-key Southern lifestyle and explore a diverse state. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. What are you looking for in a neighborhood? If you’re serious about relocating to New Orleans, you’ll want to be prepared for your move. Just perfect timing in almost every respect. I sent him a list of free things to do in NYC but he was too unmotivated by his situation to do anything. I did it by getting a job first, getting an AirBnb for a month, using that time to look for rentals, and then moving in. While you could find something bigger/nicer in Jersey City, etc, I would suggest you stay in Manhattan, at least at first. Not OP but probably moving to NYC next month. New York makes or breaks someone, and I plan on breaking apart until I make myself whole. You could walk to work when the weather is nice. You can also look in parts of Brooklyn, like Bed-Stuy, Crown Heights - again, young professionals, lots of bars in the area, etc. Hey there, I'm a 21 year old female planning on moving to NYC, preferable in Brooklyn, bushwick area or around the boarder of queens near the L train, I obviously plan on having a roommate because I know I can't afford it right now on my own. Here is a suggestion most people will disagree with. IDC about the borough, I just need to get into Manhattan everyday for work. I admit that I had him over for dinner a few times and let him take over the leftovers because I knew that would save him precious food budget. Chinatown, Brooklyn Heights, Redhook, Dumbo, Park slope, Bay Ridge are all on subway lines with a good commute time compared to further outside your area abd you could afford rent with some house hunting or just 1 additional roommate. If you've done curbside pickup you'll know it's a … It just felt like home in every respect. So here is a comparison of my total expenditures for the 12-month period before I moved to NYC to the first 12 months after having moved here. The move is on — to leave New York City. I want to know what I was missing before I learned to take a chance on myself. I manage that same restaurant and make a nice living. I am a Nursing assistant and plan on switching my license over ( and going to school there for nursing). Utilities include cable and internet, water and sewer, gas, electricity, satellite, and security system. Basically I got lucky as fuck. The r/nyc companion for all your NYC-related questions. New York’s rental market is crazy. If it's really important that you have a bustling neighborhood right at your front door it might not be your favorite, but as long as you're mentally prepared for insane crowds during business hours and borderline desolation at night you'll be fine. Plus if you don’t know anyone, having a social roommate could be really valuable to you. The financial district isn't 100% desirable, but it has great access to transit, close to Soho, and most buildings there have nice amenities which can help people adjust to NYC life. Drop off your laundry. I did this exact thing when I was 21. Once I started working, the money started coming in, and I was fine. Agreed, plus you can get a nice place for $2200 uptown. I didn't have a job offer when I moved so I literally spent from morning to night applying (full time and to restaurants, cafes, ect) and dropping my resume off. You will get the best for your money of all of those neighborhoods in Manhattan on the UES. Harlem, Washington Heights. One of my big questions is If you are like me and packing up everything to move … The job is paying a little over $90k a year. I remember he did a little OKCupid dating during this time but, man oh man, girls in this city really do not like guys without jobs. The airbnb sounds like a good plan I've done it every time over stayed in NYC how much did you pay for a month? 45mins, I'd be willing if they're minorities too and pretty sociable. What to know before moving to NYC. People Aren’t As Rude As All the Hype. 24M single, same salary bracket and just starting my move to NYC. That job didn't last, but he had a paycheck or two under his belt, and went right back into extreme penny-pinching mode. Living expenses alone will greatly increase as well as your expenses from your social life. Just watch out for the bait and switch when you go apartment hunting. At first I thought I'd just be giving the city a shot but now my new life is here and I have no intention of leaving until I've gotten everything I can out of it. Do you want to go out all the time or are you looking for something more relaxed? Also, we need more nurses. Needing to move out of the first place, he convinced another friend to let him stay in a tiny spare room (closet, really) in Park Slope for a small deposit and an I.O.U. Commuting isn't drastically different from a lot of areas, and ten extra minutes of train time is worth the several hundred dollars reduced rent. Based on this info can you all recommend a few neighborhoods I should look in for an apartment? And enjoy the ride. Press J to jump to the feed. 8. Plus you can be an ass and move out whenever the hell you feel like it. We are newbies and the transition still feels fresh, but we also asked for tips from our more experienced New … Sometimes he would just heat pasta with some salt, because he didn't have sauce or butter. The L train isn't all that great. Those who move to the city will know … There are no moving costs because my employer paid to move … It’s best to move with it. If you decide to make the move… I Grew up poor I know how to live decently on a very small budget. Thinking of moving to New York state? And if there’s anything I’ve learned from moving to New York as a young dreamer, it is that the ocean current of a big city is going to move you. The largest downside to New York City is its cost of living. This was a few years ago. Before you move, be sure to contact your utility companies to let them know you are moving. He struck out big time which depressed him even more. Anyway, aside from putting your everything into finding a job, and I'm sure you already know this but make sure your resume is really, really good. It's super doable, and don't let yourself be dissuaded. Updated what i'm looking for in a neighborhood, thanks a bunch. Been here almost 10 years. I moved to New York from Los Angeles about 8 months ago on a whim, not knowing much about the city besides the things I’ve seen from Sex and the City and Christmas movies.. Nine months later, I’ve found out the hard way that living in the New York is wildly different than visiting New York. Don't set your sights on one specific area, but generally look for how nice it is. I personally love Union Square area (parts of which you certainly can afford). … Culture Shock. I have around 2,000 saved up and planning on having at a MINIMUM 3,000 before I even start looking. It’s all about fall in New York … There’s a definite tension between Brooklyn and Manhattan. But if you have any other suggestions I am welcome to them! The New York subway is the most impressive system in the world, but it will cost you big time if you don’t have a monthly pass. The culture, the people, the everything. I had never felt more comfortable or at peace before … I've been in NYC coming up on 11 years, and lived in FiDi for the first year and a half. Moving Reminders: Before you get started, set a moving … I think I recall he was on a $5/day budget. :), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Never did I think I would be in posession of a pair of snow boots, but they are an … Up by Columbia is also cheap and safe with tons of great food. I have a job offer from a company in NYC and I'd love to get some advice on where to look for apartments, and other general advice you could give to someone new to the city before I accept the offer and make the move … 10. It's super easy on the last few days of the month, people are desperate to pay rent. He had a free place to stay with a friend for two months when he got here, and another friend donated a corner of a room for him to store his stuff in while he looked for more permanent living. Not every New Yorker you ask for directions will deliberately … Read on for some of our favorite moving tips. Depending on the time you want to move, there's a good chance a lot of recent grads will be doing the same thing and applying to the same jobs which is why I emphasize the resume. 1. Bushwick is on the cusp of getting hit with some crazy gentrification and increases in rent. Avenue blocks are long. Compare the moving costs (don’t forget to take into account the hidden costs of moving on your own) and consider all the other relevant factors as well – time, safety, efficiency, insurance, … I wouldn't say "nothing," as I had saved up enough money for a few months of rent (which wound up being one month + broker fee + security deposit), but I did move right after college. Worked out pretty easily. Let's talk about the nitty-gritty realities of living in Manhattan! What's your limit on commute to work and would you live with roommates? He rented a truck (another huge expense for him) to get his stuff out of the "storage" space because his friend was getting sick of storing it for him. Then move to a better spot after a year. I second this. for the remainder of the rent. ... but because I didn't know my ass from my elbow and had never done it before. 21 male - would be much more difficult. Here are nine things you should know about New York before moving here, from the expertise of a native New Yorker: Yes, NYC is expensive. You're not going to be able to be too picky, and will likely end up in a studio. I Grew up poor I know how to live decently on a very small budget. Work picked up more and I moved out on my own. I've spent time there and I like the area plus it's near my friends house. I got a job first, before I moved to the city, then I crashed on a couch for a bit to save up for rent. I was living that way on a little more than that, but I also have about 70k in student loans, so that takes a huge chunk. One of my big questions is If you are like me and packing up everything to move to one of the biggest cities. I have around 2,000 saved up and planning on having at a MINIMUM 3,000 before I even start looking. I’m moving there this weekend and I looked for “decently priced” places in Hell’s Kitchen, kips Bay, turtle bay, and east village. It's an amazing place to live. Way less hassle. So it would be good to follow up with what you want out of a neighborhood and how much you're willing to pay in rent monthly. Personally I was quite set on living alone but after some research, and actually being here I’ve decided living with one roommate is a better option. That area is extremely central and easy to get up or downtown, and into other boroughs. ... then think very carefully before moving … His luck turned when he got a job, it was a startup and the company took forever to pay him. I don't have a job lined up or anything like that. Please [read the sidebar](/r/AskNYC/about/sidebar) before posting! Try the financial district. You May Have to Pay a Broker’s Fee to Get an Apartment. Actually, as a nursing assistant, by Columbia is a great idea even if you don't work there. I’m in a very similar position. It has been REAL moving to New York City! In order … Usually … When I realized the day before our move that we didn't have enough stuffing or boxes to pack our kitchen breakables, we wound up at Lowe's. It’s a large state with a rich history and plenty of natural wonders. And New York and New Jersey. 10. You could also do Brooklyn or Queens, but I'm sure you'd like to keep your commute to a minimum. As far as areas, East Village is cool, definitely has a younger vibe. A lot more areas become ‘in budget’ and you’ll be able to get into a building with better amenities. tell me your story. I don't have a job lined up or anything like that. No background/credit check, no broker fee, no need to buy tons of furnishings. Bikes are fast so it’s important to watch out for opening car … Laundry and A/C in your building is a big luxury. Of course, there’s a lot more to moving than learning about your new home’s culture and history. LES and Greenwich are also pretty desirable to me but you can’t go too wrong anywhere in Manhattan (except midtown). Just spend that first year going to different neighborhoods, figuring it what you like, etc. 9. I think it would be a lot harder for someone who is not within distance to make it to an interview with a few days notice, or to hardcore apartment hunt. Before you make the big decision to move to NYC, here are a few upsides and downsides to living in the city you should know about: 1. Thinking about moving to New York City? If you already have an address in your new … Moving to New York Advice From Locals If you are considering moving to NYC, we put together some tips to help ease you through the transition. That’s what I pay around 145th and I have a giant gut-renovated one-bedroom. I moved here with $600. I also did this, and would say, it is probably a best bet. Id stick to whats a reasonable subway commute. Press J to jump to the feed. It should be visually appealing with in-depth information on your skills, your responsibilities at internships/past positions, no grammatical errors, ect. Where would you suggest looking for roommates? Cookies help us deliver our Services. There’s more to New York state than the five boroughs that make up New York City. I'm a black, mid 30s, born and raised in Harlem if that matters to you. His unemployment this time only lasted for a month. How did you do it? He's obviously moved out of the Park Slope spare room and into a modest place of his own in Manhattan, and now he picks up the check from time to time when we go out to dinner. There is no cell service on the subway, so bring earbuds for music, or a book. Please [read the sidebar](/r/AskNYC/about/sidebar) before posting! Our hosts and producers tell you how to survive -- and thrive -- in this insane place. 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