UPDATE: All the Asgardians are now farmable. Place as many debuffs as possible on Ms. Marvel and spread them on Daredevil and Spiderman. Really hope I can get 85 Hela shards in the next 11 days! At the start of the mission be sure to place all debuffs on Sif because she will taunt and is in the middle of other mobs so spreading your debuffs will not be really hard. This is about 45% faster than through individual character shard purchases. If she is unable to do that, you will easily deal with the rest of the mobs with the deadly arsenal Symbiots have. There are really good graphics with minimum power levels you need for each legendary. The event will run for a few days, and they'll give you 5 shards during the week before, so you have 11 - 14 days to get 80 shards, if you have her node then refresh it a few times a day. Get the latest news, original content, and special offers from Marvel. When you kill both Hela, the fight is practically over and you just need to finish off the remaining enemies keeping in mind that you need all members of the team alive. is the most useful character for FtD! With a few exceptions (like defenders), teams really need a legendary character to enable them to go from mediocre non-meta teams to the top meta teams in the game. Powered by Invision Community, https://www.marvelstrikeforce.com/en/updates/blog-update-7-24. The main problem in this period is Black Bolt so be sure that none of your units drop below 25% HP because Black Bolt will kill them. Kingpin’s Vault orbs do not help unlock any legendary characters, so the best way to farm for legendary characters is to prioritize which characters to farm. UPDATE: Phoenix is popular as a option for hard U7 nodes. How to become the best [Game Version 4.4.2] Hello and welcome to MSF Challenges page! After you kill the first two Operators, Kingpin will spawn along with the other 2 Operators. Because of that, I will not say to equip all your Heroes with Skirmisher ISO-8 class which could be extremely helpful against Drax, Blob, and Juggernaut – you need to have at least 2 Strikers to inflict enough damage on Operators with Vulnerability to kill them fast enough. Be sure to use Black Bolt’s ultimate where they are all together and you will have nothing to worry about. You will not be able to kill Falcon before he uses his special but that doesn’t matter because all enemies used their CD’s and you will instantly eliminate Kree Royal guard, Kree Cyborg, and Psylocke with Juggernaut ultimate. Buying orbs is by far the best value over the long term and this is the approach I have taken because we don’t know which characters will be useful later (different events or buffs). Ironman is considered one of the weakest legendaries and doesn't provide much value outside of alliance war at this time. It sounds like more resources will be available. https://www.twitch.tv/shanksy https://twitter.com/shanksy1387 Want to be part of the awesome community check out the discord at https://discord.gg/shanksy This is the last and hardest mission of the Training Day Challenge. AUGUST EDIT: Of the first 3 legendaries (SL, Fury, Mags), Magneto has become the one with the most uses. Once you unlock Anti-Venom the rest is only mechanics. View the final rank with our tier list graphic, view the past tier list stream on YouTube, and be sure to join us live for the next tier stream. FoxNext is saying he will be used in Arena. Have fun and play the way you want to. Shuri, Invisible Women, and Black Bolt have a lot more usefulness in the current game meta. Having Yo-Yo (mine Yo-Yo is 60k strong) in the team as a sole Defender means that every enemy will have Offense Down before they attack. She is being advertised as being a part of one of the top Alliance War attack teams. UPDATE: IW has seen a lot of play since being released. This guide assumes that most players will not have early access to Loki or Hela's nodes. I just opened up the Cosmic Campaign in MSF, so have to start at least trying to bring this part of my roster up at some point. Primary Modes: Alliance War Offense, Blitz, Leadership Ability: None except for a little added synergy with War Machine. It is doable, trust me. You might have seen my beginners guide I posted last week. Last Updated: June 2020. In various videos on YouTube most of the players doing this mission with Hela, Loki, Scarlet Witch, Mordo, and Invisible Woman hoping that the RNG will be in their favor and that they will slowly eliminate opponents using Mordo’s Blind and Stun and Scarlet Witch’ prolong negative effects ability. The Inhumans are expected to be one of the top arena teams, but this has not been confirmed. It would be best to kill enhanced Hela before the second enhanced Heal appears but if you cannot do that try to avoid hitting Hela’s spawns because whenever you kill one of the spawns she will slightly heal herself making your job more difficult. Join Now. Additionally, Nobu and Hand Assassin and not used in many other game modes at this time. Hi everyone, I'm Voltagesauce. Only Cable and Deadpool are currently farmable and there is no information on when the other three will be farmable. Fully formed, the Supernatural team will be a high-skill squad capable of terrifying teams in battle. There are four ways to upgrade a character: Level, Rank, Gear, and Abilities. Obviously, I am using the same Blaster team as before. Black Bolt himself is self explainatory (since he is Legendary needing 5* Asgardian Team) Hela - Villain 7-6 Loki - Mystic 3-6 Karnak - Nexus 8-6 Yo Yo - Premium Orb "firewall" with only 2%. Additionally, she summons an additional minion each time an Asgardian dies, meaning that you’re often up against 2 or more of these squishy minions that heal the time every … Unlock the world of Marvel Digital Comics! Black & Ebony – LEGENDARY – Requires 5 Inhuman characters to unlock Ebony Maw, who opens at 5-stars (310 shards). Additionally, the Sinister Six make a really good option for efficiency because Invisible Women requires five 5* Sinister Six characters. Hela's node is hard to get to because of the node restrictions. Original Poster 9 months ago. 3 months ago. AUGUST EDIT: With the introduction of new teams and new legendaries, I don't necessarily recommend working toward Starlord, Nick Fury, and/or Magneto first. In the second wave, you will face enhanced Carnage, and if you saved Venom’s special be sure to use it on him because you don’t want that Carnage place 3 Bleeds on Ghost Rider. Primary Modes: Unsure because he is brand new to the game, but it sounds like he will be an amazing overall character. With three of the required characters in the Blitz store it is fairly easy to get them all to 5* over a short amount of time. Blitz Credits - For farming characters, the options are the Blitz orb for 350 credits or individual character shards for 500 credits (minions are 400). It is important to remember that it is only the kree minions and not any kree that can be used for the unlock. Having Anti-Venom helping a lot in this mission but as you can see it I cleared it with Ghost Rider. It is hard to estimate how fast a farm the Arena store will be because it depends on where you are finishing in Arena. Upon clearing the first wave, you should save Black Bolt’s ultimate until all remaining 10 enemies spawn together which will happen at one moment. If you succeed in placing Slow and Disrupt on Ebony Maw you are practically done. Focus on her despite the fact that Hand Sentry is behind her. A general rule of thumb for Raid orbs would be that if you are interested in 3 or more characters then buy orbs. For example, farming for the Defenders and Starlord do not overlap. He is a direct counter to some of the other top characters in the game (Ultron and Minnerva). For example, Khasino has good ones. Each region involves different risks according to the context in which our humanitarian intervention takes place. Finally, VIllains 7-4 to 7-6 requires Villain Mystics. This part of combat is really tricky and one wrong move can lead to the death of your Hero so you may be forced to clear this mission several times before you do everything correct. The goal in this mission is to kill Operators before they use their ability 4 times in total, so you should focus on killing them to prevent that. A lot of people uses also Mister Sinister for obvious reasons but I find it that my way is faster and easier. Asgardian Black Order The last wave is fearsome – you will be against Magneto, Emma Frost, X-23, Spider-Man Symbiote, and Carnage. Since I saved Vision’s Ability Block at the start (he was blind so I didn’t use it) dealing with Kingpin was easy for me. Also, yoyo is a premium orb exclusive character, so she is hard to farm to 5* without spending. Try to focus first on the Vulture near Rhino because he is adjacent to most units. It is best to use Ultron’s ultimate on Hela but that depends since if Ultron can’t kill her it may be better to kill someone else and to gain energy for another ultimate. It is of utmost importance to kill them before they use their special ability. Who you choose to farm may come down to who you pull from your random orbs. For this mission, I am using Crystal, Kilmonger, Black Bolt, Falcon, and Ultron. MSF Terms You Should Know – Part 3; Welcome back to Marvel Strike Force Mondays! Reply. All the characters available in the blitz store that are requirements for legendaries are good targets. Farming Advice: There are more good options than bad options for this event. PS: I am one of the Free-To-Player. Try to eliminate both Hela before they spawn too many minions who can be extremely dangerous to your low-health Heroes in that period of the fight. MARVEL Strike Force is a strategy RPG available to download for free on Android and iOS mobile devices. Marvel Strike Force Character Overviews. Please help!!!! I probably have chosen this team because I have Magneto and Juggernaut on 6 red Stars but it proved that this team is capable of clearing this challenge a lot easier than the team everybody using. If you want to fully witness the power of this team be sure to place Thanos between Black Bolt and Ebony Maw in order to have their abilities ready to be used during the whole combat. But when we factor in the RNG of the store this is lowered to approximately 3.2 shards per day. All debuffs should be focused on one Operator while Black Bolt’s special should be used on the other. Since you can’t prevent Sif from Taunting it is best to not use Juggernaut’s ultimate immediately because you want to affect as many targets as possible. You must do everything to prevent her from doing that which means that you must use Stun on her or to kill her before she plays/ Killing her fast enough may be really difficult so be sure to have Stun ready when she spawns. If you don’t have Blitz/Arena/Raid Credits then you farm the characters. Paste as plain text instead, × Emma Frost is very handy here because she applies Immunity on your team while placing Slow on all enemies allowing you to inflict enough damage before Psylocke removes negative effects from her team. A Guide To All Things MSF . The other 3 members should be according to their strength so you can try your combinations instead. In Orb Fragments Challenge you need Global characters. 8. In this mission, the goal is to kill Operators before they use their abilities 4 times in total. At this point in the fight, no one can prevent you from attacking Operators so you should focus on them totally regardless of other enemies. As you can see in the video, for the last wave I used Falcon’s and Crystal’s AOE while they were under the effect of Offense Up. See the dev blog for the latest info: https://www.marvelstrikeforce.com/en/updates/blog-update-7-24. Hela: Hela is the MVP of the Asgardians. It is hard to estimate the number of credits being generated now since it depends on the alliance league rank. That is why you need to slide through the first turn with minimal risk trying to inflict not too much damage forcing Minn-Erva to use her basic ability instead of ultimate. If you just complete your daily objectives then you can get 5 shards every day. They are more expensive than blitz and arena and only 3 characters show in the store at one time. These abilities are typically in their passive and significantly boost their allies. In general, legendaries have powerful abilities and stats, but a main reason they make the teams so powerful is because they have what are called "leadership abilities". That is the reason why you should focus your initial attacks on Stryfe (preventing him from Taunting is a must). I would recommend focusing on Starlord, Nick Fury, and/or Magneto first. I left him in the guide, but he is not really considered a legendary anymore. Leadership Ability: Inhuman allies gain +40% Resistance and +50% Max Health. Then, players must be Villains 7-1 to 7-3 with Hydra, S6, or AIM (Hydra with Red Skull or AIM is recommended). Using the 1429 Raid credits to buy orbs would generate about 1.02 shards per day for each character. Superior Ballistic Weave The requirements for each legendary are different, so the difficulty to farm for each character varies a lot. When the second wave of Operators spawns all you need to do is to unleash all your damaging salvo onto them and to finish the mission. If possible try to place debuffs on Daredevil but be careful that his HP doesn’t drop before you can spread those debuffs. Shield Security (Arena Store or Heroes 3-6), Captain America (Heroes 6-9 or Nexus 5-9), Shield Trooper (Raid Store or Villains 4-3), Shield Operative (War Store or Heroes Assemble), Shield Medic (Heroes 2-3 or Villains 1-6), Kree Noble (Cosmic 1-6) UPDATE: Noble's 2nd node was removed recently, Psylocke (Cosmic 3-6) UPDATE: Psylocke got added to a node recently. Some characters have multiple nodes, which can speed up the farming. I use all my bliitz credits to buy war supplies. Black Bolt is still new, but he appears to be one of the strongest characters in the game. | All game-related assets are property of developers and/or publishers and are used by the BMG team for informational and educational purposes. I think this will seem a lot to some people and not enough for others, but hopefully it is a decent middle ground to get a feel for the numbers. At the start of the mission, it is important to kill Doctor Strange before he flips positive effects from your team and to try to prevent Thanos from taunting. These rewind your speed bar and heal the most injured player each time they die. Or why do I not see how he is easy to unlock. Instead beat down 1-2 cyborgs. If he has no debuffs be sure not to use Hela’s ultimate for nothing – you must spread debuffs with her ultimate. Watch the original stream . One simple way to look at it would be to decide how many characters in the blitz store are useful to you. Clear editor. Farming Advice: There are only five available characters for unlocking Fury. This mission is tricky as Tier 14 Challenge should be but it is doable and since most players have those Heroes at maximum it shouldn’t be hard to clear this mission for the majority of them. However, Pyro is currently the main character to be farming from the store for a legendary, so it is not a major bottleneck for unlocking legendaries. During this period of combat, Juggernaut’s special and Invisible Woman ultimate should be ready again so be careful to use it before the last wave of enemies appears. On this page, you will be able to see videos for almost all Challenges in MSF cleared with 3 stars on a free-to-play account. Upload or insert images from URL. Requirements - Five 5* Sinister Six Characters, Primary Modes: Unsure because she is brand new to the game, but most likely Alliance War Attack and Blitz. At the moment, we can say that the best hero “Brawler” character in the game is Gamora. The Fantastic Four are also being advertised as a versatile team, so they may be able to see play in other games modes by replacing Namor with other characters. At the start of combat Magneto’s ultimate will allow you to avoid initial damage which is probably crucial when we know that Loki, Hela, and Falcon literally cause you no harm with their abilities. However, when you gain enough energy to use Black Bolt’s ultimate for the second time all your problems should be over and you should kill all enemies except Juggernaut. I just started this game - needed someone to do in quarantine - if anyone is new and wants to look into a guild (or whatever they are call in this game) hit me up. He is only possible through purchasing offers. Also, when Colossus is an ally - On Spawn, Colossus gains Defense Up for 2 turns and all X-Men allies gain Defense Up. Superior Arcane Magic. In this mission, the main problem is the Mercenary Riot Guard who will try to prevent you from focusing on operators. You could try other combinations but be sure to have a strong single –target damage dealer and strong AOE damage dealer. Most Recent MSF Tier List Every character ranked - every month. Guide. At the start of the fight, the goal is to prevent Scientist Supreme from flipping negative effects on her team and to be sure that Psylocke will use her ultimate on someone with Immunity. IN this video I made a classic mistake and decided to use Ultron’s ultimate on Heal with more Health instead to kill other Heal which brought me nothing but the healing of low-health Hela who could be killed if I decided differently. Don't cloak with Loki yet, don't taunt with Thanos or Juggs yet. There is nothing more I could say about this Challenge – Kill Scientist Supreme fast enough and then kill Invisible Woman fast enough and you will complete the mission. So to get all Blitz Store characters from 0 shards to 5* would take about 278 days. Marvel Mastercard® Videos. For how to use the legendaries, I want to give a shout out to u/FullMetalCos because he has some really solid guides on Reddit for using each legendary. One thing to remember about buying individual character shards from the Raid Store is that only 3 characters show up at any given time, so it can significantly slow down the farm if RNG is not in your favor. They are considered one of the top Alliance War Attack teams and can also be useful in early Arena shards. Opening Legendary characters is always important for competitive players and fans alike in Marvel Strike Force, and Phoenix is being billed about as highly as any character ever has in MSF. When you kill the first enemy from the initial group 3 more enemies will appear – Another Kree Royal Guard, another Kree Cyborg, and Falcon. You will likely be able to unlock the other 4 Wakandans very easily, and you will need to find a 5 th member until you can unlock Shuri. Since you probably have all those characters already maximized because of Raid it is most likely that the strength of your team will be high above 400k which will allow you to complete higher Tiers of Training Day Challenge as well. Key steps for me were: Mordo stun Noble, blind any other. If she does that, some of your Heroes will most certainly die and you will not be able to achieve 3 stars. For most players they will be using Crystal, Quake, Karnak and Ms Marvel to unlock maw. The best character in the villain “Blaster” category is Winter Soldier. Ironman has a lot of characters that fulfill the requirements to unlock him. The main problem at the start of the fight is Psylocke who will transfer all negative effects from her team on one of your Heroes. This guide is just supposed to be the basics. AUGUST UPDATE: Fury and the shield team have become fairly one dimensional. Reply. At this point, if you have done everything correctly, Barriers on your Heroes should be full because Juggernaut was Taunting in the meantime and you should have Invisible Woman special ready for use. I highlighted the most important moments in the video so you know when and why to use certain abilities. Report Save. The nice thing about farming for Starlord is you can “passively” farm many of these characters while farming the Defenders nodes. Arena and only 3 characters are only five available characters for unlocking Fury from math! Ms. Marvel and spread them on Daredevil but be sure to prevent Carnage msf hela unlock placing defense on! S own decision to make, so read section 12 for obtaining Black Bolt helps lot! Have any follow-up questions or just want to farm 11.7 shards a day, node. Go on Loki we tried to finish the mission legendaries with the arsenal. Of characters that fulfill the requirements for legendaries are good targets this mission should be easy you... 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