Interview with Betsy Berne, I still think that's really unfair. POSITIVITY. When I look at the pictures, I never see myself; they aren't self-portraits. I feel I'm anonymous in my work. The more horrific works came out of a feeling that everyone accepted my stuff too easily. The MIT Press, 2006. "Studio: Cindy Sherman". Cindy Sherman Quotes « Previous Previous; ... — Cindy Sherman. What I didn't know would creep into the portraits was a vulnerability behind the strong facade that most of them wear. Cindy Sherman: Untitled Horrors. Cindy Sherman. Arguably, Sherman’s experiments with masquerade began when she was growing up in suburban Long Island. The major distinction is in the priority of who I ultimately wanted to please: myself or the audience. She grew up on Long Island and was the youngest of five children. Tweets by AllGreatQuotes Edited by Johanna Burton. “Every time you have to come up with a new body of work for a new show, you’re aware that people are just ready to rip you apart, they’re just waiting for you to fall or make the slightest trip up.”-Cindy Sherman. Cindy Sherman: Me, myself and I She is the star of her own photographs but claims they aren't autobiographical. At first I was dismayed that I wasn't making work with a clear enough message. BrainyQuote has been providing inspirational quotes since 2001 to our worldwide community. It was almost like it was made already.. the challenge is more about trying to make what you can’t think of.” – Cindy Sherman “My ideas are not developed before I actually do the pieces.” – Cindy Sherman Cindy Sherman Quotes Inconsiderate, rude behavior drives me nuts. The still must tease with the promise of a story the viewer of it itches to be told. They either got it, or they didn't. Hatje Cantz, 2013. My message for people to not take anything for granted, to respect what they might not understand. And easiest of all might be work that evades the “Cindy Sherman is in it” versus “Cindy Sherman is not in it” binary: Evil Twin (2016), exhibited at the Swiss Institute in 2016. When thinking about this series, some aspects of her entire body of work immediately come to mind: disguise and theatricality, mystery and … Improve yourself, find your inspiration, share with friends, Cindy Sherman, Marianne Stockebrand, Westfälischer Kunstverein (1985). Cindy Sherman Quotes and Sayings. POSITIVITY. "It Began with Madame de Pompadour". It’s amusing how far someone can stretch my intentions and make a concept that fits their theories. Some wear hairpieces … I just wanted to use makeup in the same way, partly perhaps because as women get older, they're told to wear less makeup. I wanted to create something that people could relate to without having read a book about it beforehand. - Cindy Sherman - except from an interview with Wilfried Dickhoff., Prospect : Photography in Contemporary Art , ISBN: 390816219X , Page: 280 I didn't think of what I was doing as political. Being able to make a living doing something one truly loves to do - is my definition of success. The way I see it, as soon as I make a piece I’ve lost control of it. People assume that a self-portrait is narcissistic and you're trying to reveal something about yourself: fantasies or autobiographical information. I had to redo my last house after the pipes burst, and something was lost in the renovation. I just use myself as a model because I know I can push myself to extremes, make each shot as ugly or goofy or silly as possible. Alyssa Buffenstein, January 19, 2016 Sherman grew up on Long Island, New York. It seems boring to me to pursue the typical idea of beauty, because that is the easiest and the most obvious way to see the world. Best Quotes By Photographer Cindy Sherman. Enter contemporary artist Cindy Sherman, known best for her photography, specifically her “self”-portraiture. In horror stories or in fairy tales, the fascination with the morbid is also, at least for me, a way to prepare for the unthinkable… That’s why it’s very important for me to show the artificiality of it all, because the real horrors of the world are unmatchable, and they’re too profound. There has been a shift to what may be defined as a culture of negativity which goes well beyond coverage of politics. As I was looking through a book about German Expressionist films and their stars, it all came together because of the extreme way actors made their faces up in those early day of film in order to pop out in the black-and-white. Quite often, I will do something and think, 'Oh, no, she looks a little too much like me.' I'm still really competitive when it comes to, I guess, the male painters and male artists. Because the sibling closest to her age was nine years her senior, Sherman felt like an only child, sometimes forgotten in the … Cindy Sherman, American photographer known for her images—particularly her elaborately “disguised” self-portraits—that comment on social role-playing and sexual stereotypes. I wanted pretty pictures of older women - women who are trying too hard but succeeding - pulling off an extreme look. Everyone thinks these are self-portraits but they aren't meant to be. Quotations by Cindy Sherman, American Photographer, Born January 19, 1954. One reason I was interested in photography was to get away from the preciousness of the art object. What is disturbing is not seeing more lines on my face but seeing that the range of possibilities of what I can do is much more limited. Famous Cindy Sherman quotes The desired quotes […] If I knew what the picture was going to be like I wouldn’t make it. To me it was a way to make the best out of what I liked to do privately, which was to dress up. I think I'm really observant, and thinking how a person is put together, seeing them on the street and noticing subtle things about them that make them who they are. He was really racist and he'd talk about the Jews and blacks and Catholics even. "The still must tease with the promise of a story the viewer of it itches to be told." Cindy Sherman. Nowadays, with digital printing, it's so easy to make everything perfect, which is not always a good … Motivational Quotes. Sometimes they want fantasy. I have a tight-knit Southern family. (“Self” rather than portraiture are in quotes as the figures, which Sherman transforms herself into, are not representations of her own being or personhood.) Alastair Campbell. ... Next; Quotes to Explore. “Photographien”. People Celebrate Cindy Sherman’s Birthday with 7 Quotes on Her Creative Process. ", Follow AzQuotes on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Everyone thinks these are self-portraits but they aren't meant to be. 100 WALLPAPERS 390163 POINTS. 30 WALLPAPERS 10 POINTS. They’re willing to be more gullible. ISBN 978-3-7757-1942-1. Five to 10 years from now, if not sooner, the vast majority of 'The New Republic' readers are likely to be reading it on a tablet. To me it was a way to make the best out of what I liked to do privately, which was to dress up. Even people who don't spend any time, or think they don't, on preparing themselves for the world out there - I think that ultimately they have for their whole lives groomed themselves to be a certain way, to present a face to the world. - Cindy Sherman “I don’t analyze what I’m doing. Interview with Susan Sollin, Quotes by Cindy Sherman - (10 quotes). The work is what it is and hopefully it's seen as feminist work, or feminist-advised work, but I'm not going to go around espousing theoretical bullshit about feminist stuff. I feel I'm anonymous in my work. I'll see a photograph of a character and try to copy them on to my face. INSPIRATIONAL SUCCESS MOTIVATIONAL. My intentions are neither feminist nor political. Cindy Sherman, Zdenek Felix, Elisabeth Bronfen, Martin Schwander, Deichtorhallen Hamburg (1995). There is a mistake in the text of this quote. “Cindy Sherman: photographic work 1975-1995”, Schirmer/Mosel. 54 WALLPAPERS 287359 POINTS. 100 WALLPAPERS 841714 POINTS. Cindy Sherman Quotes. About Cindy Sherman Cynthia Morris “Cindy” Sherman (born January 19, 1954) is an American photographer and film director, best known for her conceptual portraits. That may be because I have nothing specific in mind when I'm working. July 2013. In 1972 she enrolled at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo and I’m trying to make other people recognize something of themselves rather than me. Every time you have to come up with a new body of work for a new show, you're aware that people are just ready to rip you apart, they're just waiting for you to fall or make the slightest trip up. Sometimes I disappear. I have tried to learn not to be afraid of that when that happens. Positive Quotes. People think because it's photography it's not worth as much, and because it's a woman artist, you're still not getting as much - there's still definitely that happening. Sometimes the mistakes are really what make a piece. In fact, none of my work is about me or my private life. I think people are more apt to believe photographs, especially if it's something fantastic. I’m really just using the mirror to summon something I don’t even know until I see it. Blake Lively. Museum of Modern Art, 2012. Nowadays, with digital printing, it's so easy to make everything perfect, which is not always a good idea. I didn't think of what I was doing as political. Dreamers are those who have achieved in love and life, because it is a dream that got them there. "The still must tease with the promise of a story the viewer of it itches to be told." 100 WALLPAPERS 390626 POINTS. January 11, 2012. Hatje Cantz, 2007. I am not trying to obliterate myself and completely hide within the images like I used to. Aug 10, 2019 - Explore Eric Landgraf's board "Cindy Sherman photos" on Pinterest. It was almost like it was made already – the challenge is more about trying to make what you can’t think of. ISBN 0-262-52463-5. The still must tease with the promise of a story the viewer of it itches to be told. They're willing to be more gullible. "I'd never even thought about compromise when I worked in my studio. See more ideas about cindy sherman, sherman, cindy sherman photography. We're all products of what we want to project to the world. Cindy Sherman. Here is a collection of some of the best quotes by Cindy Sherman on the internet. I try to put double or multiple meanings into my photos, which might give rise to a greater variety of interpretations. The best thoughts from Cindy Sherman, Photographer from the United States We're all products of what we want to project to the world. – Cindy Sherman. ISBN 0870708120. I was deliberately trying to be antagonistic towards collectors and critics. Cindy Sherman - From the Challenge category:. I like making images that from a distance seem kind of seductive, colorful, luscious and engaging, and then you realize what you're looking at is something totally opposite. When I look at the pictures, I never see myself; they aren't self-portraits. June 1, 2003. ISBN 978-3-7757-3487-5. Sometimes I disappear. Shortly after Cindy's birth, the family moved to Huntington, Long Island, where Cindy grew up as the youngest of five children. Are you interested in famous Cindy Sherman quotes? Early in my career, a critic said that I needed to "explain" the irony in my work, suggesting that I needed to add text next to the images to help people understand what I was trying to say. Share with your friends. The models have always been the least interesting thing about fashion. Cindy Sherman Quotes ... — Cindy Sherman. Sometimes they want fantasy. I think people are more apt to believe photographs, especially if it’s something fantastic. I think people are more apt to believe photographs, especially if it's something fantastic. I'd like to follow in the footsteps along like Jodie Foster and Natalie Portman, who got their education. [My work is] maybe about me maybe not wanting to be me and wanting to be all these other characters. I think I always resented the fact that people thought I was trying to entertain them with my multifaceted, chameleonlike character changes. No? The still must tease with the promise of a story the viewer of it itches to be told. I don't think I can see the world through other people's eyes, but I can capture an attitude or a look that makes others think I can. That's when I realized that that was the exact opposite of what I wanted to do - that I wasn't responsible for a misinterpretation of my work, that there should be some ambiguity to it. I wasn't thinking in terms of precious prints or archival quality; I didn't want the work to seem like a commodity. And I guess the inconsiderate rudeness of social ineptitude definitely fuels my work. I have had a lifelong fascination with horror movies, scary movies, how they work. A contemporary master of social photography, Cindy Sherman is a key figure of the Pictures Generation, a loose circle of the most influential and productive American Artists who came to artistic maturity and recognition during the early 1980s, a period notable for the rapid and widespread proliferation of mass media imagery. Sherman herself, speaking about this reading of her work, said: “I know I was not consciously aware of this thing the ‘male gaze.’ It was the way I was shooting, the mimicry of the style of black-and-white grade-Z motion pictures that produced the self-consciousness of these characters, not my knowledge of feminist theory. "The Real Cindy Sherman" by Cathy Horyn, The soul of the old space was compromised. But I don't want to have my own narrative and force it on to them. I don't analyze what I'm doing. Tool box. 30 WALLPAPERS 10 POINTS. Or at least try them on. 54 WALLPAPERS 287065 POINTS. To me it was a way to make the best out of what I liked to do privately, which was to dress up. Cindy Sherman Quotes. Cindy Sherman: A Play of Selves. They're … – Cindy Sherman “If I knew what the picture was going to be like I wouldn’t make it. It’s much easier to absorb – to be entertained by it, but also to let it affect you psychologically – if it’s done in a fake, humorous, artificial way. She was the youngest of five children – a 19-year age gap separated Sherman and her eldest sibling – and has often explained her early enthusiasm for dressing up as unusual characters as a means of commanding attention as the baby of the family (in an interview with the Guardian in … It's more challenging to look at the other side. Inspirational Entrepreneurship Quotes. Or I'm just very, very smart. Permalink; Print; Facebook; Google; MySpace;; Name: Cindy Sherman Books & Videos: Cindy Sherman Books & Videos One reason I was interested in photography was to get away from the preciousness of the art object. Positive Quotes. I always need to get away from whatever it is I've just finished, to feel a distance from it. I want there to be hints of narrative everywhere in the image so that people can make up their own stories about them. Cindy Sherman’s Untitled Film Stills comprises of over seventy black and white photographs made between 1977 and 1980. It is not like adding wrinkles to look older; it is using the wrinkles I already have to say something else. “Nowadays, with digital printing, it’s so easy to make everything perfect, which is not … I am always surprised at all the things people read into my photos, but it also amuse me. Everyone thinks these are self-portraits but they aren't meant to be. 100 WALLPAPERS 840257 POINTS. But I can't know what they experience. Although I liked doing that, I wasn't out to fool people and say 'Guess which one is me.'. Cindy Sherman was born January 19, 1954 in Glen Ridge, New Jersey (virtually a suburb of New York City). Inconsiderate, rude behavior drives me nuts. The artist turns 62 years old today. Cindy Sherman established her reputation—and a novel brand of uncanny self-portraiture—with her “Untitled Film Stills” (1977-80), a series of 69 photographs of the artist herself enacting female clichés of 20th-century pop culture. Carine Roitfeld. All Cindy Sherman Quotes and Sayings - find your favorite inspirational quotes! I just use myself … And I guess the inconsiderate rudeness of social ineptitude definitely fuels my work. I don't think because you have money you have taste... Education and money - this is quite rare. I just use myself as a model because I know I can push myself to extremes, make each shot as ugly or goofy or silly as possible. It was almost like it was made already... the challenge is more about trying to make what you can't think of. Cindy Sherman. A round a small table in Cindy Sherman’s New York studio, there are a dozen mannequin heads crowding in to face us as we talk. I have an appreciation for why people choose to look the way they do. I realised that in my last two bodies of work - the mural and the Chanel pieces - that I didn't use any make-up because I was changing the faces digitally, and I realised I missed make-up in a major way. I didn't have any interest in traditional art. Even people who don't spend any time, or think they don't, on preparing themselves for the world out there - I think that ultimately they have for their whole lives groomed themselves to be a certain way, to present a face to the world. – Cindy Sherman. Inspirational Entrepreneurship Quotes. I didn't want to make 'high' art, I had no interest in using paint, I wanted to find something that anyone could relate to without knowing about contemporary art. If I knew what the picture was going to be like I wouldn't make it. Every day we present the best quotes! My dad was such a bigot. ENTREPRENEURSHIP BUSINESS INSPIRATIONAL. INSPIRATIONAL SUCCESS MOTIVATIONAL. I'm really just using the mirror to summon something I don't even know until I see it. I can be fearlessly strong at times to protect an inner frailty. ENTREPRENEURSHIP BUSINESS INSPIRATIONAL. I've read convincing interpretations of my work, and sometimes I've noticed something that I wasn't aware of, but I think, at this point, people read into my work out of habit. He was a horrible, self-centred person. Cindy Sherman was born Cynthia Morris Sherman on January 19, 1954 in New Jersey. Motivational Quotes. - Cindy Sherman - except from an interview with Wilfried Dickhoff., Prospect : Photography in Contemporary Art , ISBN: 390816219X , Page: 280 I didn't think of what I was doing as political. Cindy Sherman Quotes.