Okay, so you're a guy that eats meat generally, but seriously, the bacon from ButcherBox, the steak from ButcherBox is baller. Jordan Harbinger: [01:04:07] Yeah, I was going to bring that up. Facial features, nothing. Stanford psychologist Jennifer Eberhardt led a team of linguists and computer scientists who examined police body camera footage from one month — April 2014 — of routine traffic stops in the racially diverse city of Oakland It's an anatomical design, they get targeted compression. Jordan Harbinger: [00:30:56] It's comical in a way. Do we know, by the way, how long that familiarity takes? EXTERNAL & THIRD-PARTY CONTENT. And so they're taking hints from us about who was to be feared, who is valued, who is okay. And then you also hear like, "Oh, this dog or that dog is a little bit racist." All of the other pictures are identical. AMENDMENTS. We've heard this before a few times. They are clearly — when you feel them, you know they are a higher quality sock than the other socks that you've been wearing. And so what we did is that we show people the faces of people who were white and black, and then some of the faces were repeated and some weren't. And like, you can just show the person is there. Meanwhile, other researchers have shown how academic achievement can be hindered in other ways. It also seems to confuse the way that we interpret emotion. Like, "Okay. They suggest 50 measures to improve police-community relations. Research using a Stanford database of test scores from all U.S. public schools is the first to document the relationship at a national level. There was no agreed-upon definition of what furtive movement was in a department at that point. What on earth can we actually do about it? "Not in my department." And I'm wearing shorts at night. They're seeing the bathroom, the kitchen, the bedroom, the backyard, everything is the same. Jennifer Eberhardt: [00:24:57] That's so funny because that was happening to me when I moved to that neighborhood when I was 12. Personal data is information that can be used to identify you such as your name, IP address, and email address. "He's three and a half pounds heavier. Download your free guide — Seven Key Strategies to Grow Your Profits — at netsuite.com/jordan! Like, maybe there is some resemblance there between this man and my husband that I'm just missing. But where do we begin? has worked with police departments across the country to help them recognize implicit bias and … No problem. So for example, with Asian-Americans, they would change their hobbies and the things that they like to do and all of that to things that were more palatable to white Americans. A book summary of the 3 big ideas, 2 most compelling quotes and 1 action you can take from Biased by Dr Jennifer Eberhardt. I thought, "All right," so I looked at my son, I'm like, "You're going to get the talk." And so there was a way in which disparities in the criminal justice system for some people, you think maybe there's something going on with the system for other people. We were interested in how the brain would respond when they were looking at faces of their own race versus faces of a different race. I love a good steak. Jennifer Eberhardt: [01:07:50] Yeah. Jennifer Eberhardt: [00:07:23] Yeah, my husband is a law professor. However, we use certain third parties to assist us with processing your personal data including the following categories of recipients: These third parties have signed agreements with us in which they are prohibited from utilizing, sharing or retaining your personal data for any purpose other than that agreed upon by us and them within our business relationship. The conversations at the table were very interesting, but there really wasn't a lot of structure. We will communicate with you by email or by posting notices on the Website. So for example, Kristina Olson and colleagues, they actually did this with really young children where they exposed them to a videotape of someone who was treating another person either poorly by kind of staring at them and leaning away from them and that kind of thing. [01:17:08] I'm teaching you how to connect with great people and manage relationships, using systems and tiny habits over at our Six-Minute Networking course, which is free. They would fit in culturally. Like, "Oh, well our company's not discriminating against resumes that aren't white enough because we had biases training three Thursdays in a row." They've repurposed their visual cortex. But before I close the show and give you my final thoughts, I wanted to throw down this trailer of episode 201 of The Jordan Harbinger Show. Jordan Harbinger: [00:21:32] When I had my son, Jayden, unsurprisingly, he looked like an old Chinese man because he's a newborn and he's half Asian. Jordan Harbinger: [00:44:18] Really? America, ready to get back to work but if we're going to win in the new economy, you got to have every advantage to succeed. And we find that they evaluate the house more negatively when there's a black family standing in it. Jennifer Eberhardt: [01:12:01] Yeah, it was, it was indeed. TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Our brains create categories to make sense of the world, recognize patterns and make quick decisions. For more than two decades, she has been unpacking implicit racial bias, how our perceptions of race play into our everyday interactions, even when we're not aware of it. [00:12:22] So he's decided he's going to turn and confront him. So this was another neuroimaging study we did where we showed people faces in a scanner. I have to think this might be the first time someone's actually been robbed during an episode of the show. It's unconscious, right? Get your free guide and schedule your free product tour right now at netsuite.com/jordan. If you're treated well, that means you're a good person. "Well, I hope that man doesn't rob the plane." President Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Provost Persis Drell and Medical School Dean Lloyd Minor brought the campus community up to date Thursday with news of the university’s adjustments to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. UNITED STATES And smart companies run on NetSuite by Oracle, the world's number one cloud business system. But as that world becomes smaller and more familiar, this bias that served us well in the past hinders us from progressing forward as a species. And so he said he would, you know, out undercover and he noticed this man in the distance. [01:08:52] And we found that. And what we found is that if you show white people different white faces, you'll get a pretty strong response because it's a different white face. Jordan Harbinger: [01:10:07] Can you give us the short version of that? I can keep selling them to you, but I strongly recommend trying these out. So they had preschoolers watch this videotape of all this going on. And so that's what we found. So in our minds, these people were in completely different buckets, even though there were objectively a lot of similarities. How do we mitigate bias? I'm not sure how that's even possible. Like, "Oh, I don't have that because I know about this. I mean, I love everything, but you know, who's not a bacon guy. Jordan Harbinger LLC (the “COMPANY”) welcomes to you jordanharbinger.com (the “WEBSITE” or “SERVICE”) and any other websites operated by the Company. You agree that in the event that you have any right, claim or action against any User arising out of that User’s use of the Website, then you will pursue such right, claim or action independently of and without recourse to us. That's not exactly the same thing. They pause. And I barely remember this. I don't know if it's a new industry but certainly, right now it's going to be very de rigueur. Jennifer Eberhardt: [00:39:35] He was not African-American. But yeah, like you said, you know, you need to do more than that. By using the Website or any services provided in connection with the Website, you agree to abide by these Terms of Use, as they may be amended by Jordan Harbinger, LLC (“Company”) from time to time. A winner of the MacArthur Fellowship in 2014, Eberhardt is also a co-director of SPARQ (Social Psychological Answers to Real-World Questions) and a member of the National Academy of Sciences ever since 2016. I think a lot of people feel like if you just bring in someone to inform people about bias, that bias can go away because now everybody understands what it is. They were worried they were barking. So it's not just our experience, it's also how we're taught to categorize people when they look people in the same group. 1821 S Bascom Ave #174 I can give you an example there, you know, working with people from the police department here in California and the Oakland Police Department, we were able to reduce the number of stops made by officers of people who weren't committing any serious crimes. Like that's not really a descriptor anymore. And I'm looking for any kind of resemblance. Eberhardt, who studies race and criminality, said she wanted to find out whether racial stereotypicality involving African Americans might affect sentencing outcomes in capital cases. They don't look at shows where, you know, black people were in negative positions, right? And so that's where we were looking, in particular, to see if there was a difference and there was. You grant Company a license to use the materials you post to the Website or Service. There are three black men in the lineup that look nothing — one has dreads and one is bald. Eberhardt and her colleagues developed research that introduced alternative approaches to considering race and ethnicity. But they don't expect that people do that to them. For example, he studied violent confrontations between white nationalist protesters and anti-racist counter-protesters in both Charlottesville, Virginia, and Berkeley, California, and found that violence by anti-racist protesters can lead people to view them as unreasonable, which may, in turn, lead to people identifying less with the group. Like in police departments, for example, you know, this is a pretty common thing. Eberhardt turned next to a 2007 study by researchers led by Joshua Correll. The following are my favorite notes from Jennifer L. Eberhardt's Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do. As protest erupts across the country, what makes some demonstrations more effective than others? Hopefully, you find something great in every episode. That's two pounds of ground beef in every box for the life of their subscription. More specifically, research in the MCS lab examines how race, ethnicity, culture, gender, and social class affect perception, Whitened resumes did indeed receive more calls backs from employers than unwhitened resumes. FOR SPECIFIC CONCERNS, QUESTIONS OR SITUATIONS REQUIRING PROFESSIONAL OR MEDICAL ADVICE, YOU SHOULD CONSULT WITH AN APPROPRIATELY TRAINED AND QUALIFIED SPECIALIST, SUCH AS A LICENSED PHYSICIAN, PSYCHOLOGIST, OR OTHER HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. They said they would feel less attached to that neighborhood that they didn't even see, just because that black family was standing at it. That's netsuite.com/jordan. And they've got a free guidebook here. Jennifer Lynn Eberhardt (born 1965 in Cleveland, Ohio) is a social psychologist and associate professor at Stanford University and a 2014 MacArthur fellow. But they see the Thomas family standing in the living room and that family's black or that family's white. And I feel like that's true but it's not the only place they get it. [00:11:46] Anyway, so he noticed a guy up there and so he starts to approach the guy. Some stuff is bad for the environment, man. And so it was a real problem. But according to the book, your book, that's not true at all. And so then I start to look around on the plane and I realized that this man was the only black man on the plane. I'm looking forward to hearing the feedback from the audience on this as well. I don't know why I was thinking that." White people, we are very — we're so diverse," and it's like, "Well, you know, come on, man." And I said, "Well, aren't there any schedules. Jennifer Eberhardt: [00:46:35] Right. If you have any questions about this, please contact us. You're able to treat one different from the other and that's reflected and how responsive your brain is to them. Jordan Harbinger: [01:02:01] Yeah. What really surprised me was that knowing someone's race as a category actually affected how we see their facial features. 1821 S Bascom Ave #174 "How come it's just your dog? And that's because it's not just about evolution, it's also about exposure. Jennifer Eberhardt: [00:44:10] Yeah. Company does not transfer either the title or the intellectual property rights to the Software, and Company retains full and complete title to the Software as well as all intellectual property rights therein. And so that's what we want to help people to understand that it's something that can be triggered by your environment. Jennifer Eberhardt: [01:00:55] I don't know if I'm following you exactly. Jen Harbinger: [00:50:57] Receive your free guide Seven Actions Businesses Need to Take Now and schedule your free product tour at netsuite.com/jordan. Let's put the person who's auditioning behind like a curtain. You agree not to attempt any unauthorized access to any part or component of the Website. Very disturbing there. And if they couldn't ID them able to do this and not get caught. A new study shows that both liberal and conservative protests have had a real impact on U.S. House elections. You change the name so that it's kind of downplaying your identity. [00:04:49] But before I started to lecture him — you know I paused and I thought, you know, children see the world in a different way from adults. They were sisters, but my friend, she looked African-American, but the sister looked white actually, but it was interesting because they had some of the same features. You will not be compensated for any User Content. Jordan Harbinger: [00:24:29] And they eventually — obviously, they get caught because we have video cameras now because it's not 1950. She had the same lips. There's no bunching, no slipping, no friction, no blisters, multiple cushion levels from ultra-light to max cushioning for unsurpassed comfort and performance. Jennifer Eberhardt: [00:02:21] That's a fair assessment. Jordan Harbinger: [00:27:50] Ground beef for life! California users of the Website are entitled to the following information pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1789.3: For any questions or complaints about the Company, our products, services or the Website, please contact us via e-mail at support@jordanharbinger.com, via written correspondence sent to Jordan Harbinger, 1821 S Bascom Ave #174 Campbell, CA 95008-2357 UNITED STATES. You agree that any arbitration or court proceeding shall be limited to the dispute between us and you, individually. 20,000 companies trust NetSuite to make it happen. Not in my backyard kind of situation. Willer, a professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences and the Graduate School of Business (GSB), also found that when anti-racists turn their protest into violence it can backfire even further: In some cases, it can even result in support for the other side. The first area of research on which Eberhardt presented was the association between Black faces and objects matching stereotypes of Black Americans (e.g., crime-relevant objects and, in a separate study, athletic-related objects). They're looking at funding, community organizations — you know that kind of thing. I hope you get your bike back. So they're seeing the outside of the home. So they've done this with these shoot-don't-shoot simulations. Jordan Harbinger: [00:00:00] Coming up on The Jordan Harbinger Show. Therefore I'm going to treat everybody who kind of looks like that person negatively as well." The book is great. More power to you, sister. They go, you know, this dog is a little bit afraid of so-and-so or. And so you're going to say, "Okay, yeah, this person has a gun." But how fragile mi [00:07:52] You know, I have another son who was in first grade, he asked me — he says, "Mommy, do you think people see black people in a different kind of way?" And he said, "Yeah, yeah, I know." And so you don't get that exposure. She has the same name as your sister." Jordan Harbinger: [01:02:52] Yeah. We're responding to what is in front of us and sort of what our experiences like. Yeah. But Eberhardt pivots forward. The Company reserves the right to change pricing related to any products, programs or services offered through the Website at any time. If I see somebody being treated negatively, that might help me not become a victim of that person or suffer at the hands of that person. I noticed that in the book, people who work with children can tell babies apart more easily. Lessons/Courses/Products: To send you lessons, courses or products in which you are interested. Jordan Harbinger: [00:17:46] Yeah, I can imagine. And yet here we are like not able to tell our Asian neighbors apart or not able to tell our white friends apart in our neighborhood that we go to school with for the first three weeks or however long it takes to sort of acclimate. And so he was like, "Yeah," he says, "When the black man got in line, his was the shortest line for a long time because he thought people didn't want to be close to him. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS “DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY” AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY. you know, I can't —. You can find one little crappy little packet of it. That had the shopping district, there would be less opportunities there, fewer banking institutions, all of that, but we didn't give them any information at all about the surrounding neighborhoods. So the requirements are different. I can't really tell Vietnamese and Korean and Japanese apart. Jennifer Eberhardt: [00:41:12] So when they were asked, "Who would you want to share a toy with?" You shall not use the Website for any illegal purposes, and you will use it in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. You may block many cookies by adjusting your browser settings as well as responding to the cookie consent notice that appears when you visit this site. Jordan Harbinger: [00:30:37] But they're so different. It seems like a lot of this is survival mechanisms gone wrong, right? Jennifer Eberhardt: [01:06:02] My colleague Benoît Monin does a lot of work on this, this sort of moral credentialing where you've done a good thing in the past. And now when someone's like, "Oh, my dog is afraid of black people." Jordan Harbinger: [00:33:54] That's incredible. Jen Harbinger: [00:27:34] Right now, ButcherBox is offering new members, ground beef for life. Like how is bias coming through something like that? He's black, he had the same bill. WHERE CERTAIN STATE LAWS DO NOT ALLOW CERTAIN OF THE EXCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS, OR DISCLAIMERS OF LIABILITY SET FORTH IN THESE TERMS OF USE, SUCH EXCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS OR DISCLAIMERS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Company reserves the right to terminate your receipt, transmission, or other distribution of any such material using the Service, and, if applicable, to delete any such material from its servers. Our legal basis for each of the ways we collect information from you is detailed below. Because when he looked at the guy's eyes, he realized he was looking at his own eyes. Simply love the product or send it back, always free returns. And so they have to stay the moment at which that face goes to neutral. Jennifer Eberhardt, a social psychologist at Stanford University, will be the featured speaker at the University of Virginia School of Law’s Community MLK Celebration event. Jordan Harbinger LLC Sorry. ", Jordan Harbinger: [00:14:05] "Because I know it exists." Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt is widely considered one of the world’s leading experts on racial bias.She is a professor of psychology at Stanford and a recipient of a 2014 MacArthur “genius” grant. In their evaluations of high-performing venture capital funds, professional investors rate white-led teams more favorably than they do black-led teams with identical credentials, a new Stanford study led by Jennifer L. Eberhardt finds. Wakeboarding. Miss the episode where we interviewed Google’s Eric Schmidt? My dad invited a lot of guys from work. | Feedback Friday, 459: Steve Madden | How a Cobbler Disrupted an Industry, 458: John Brennan | An Undaunted Fight Against America’s Enemies, 457: Help! Eric Schmidt: [01:13:05] You know, I heard about a search engine. Through interdisciplinary collaborations and a wide ranging array of methods—from laboratory studies to novel field experiments—Eberhardt has revealed the startling, and often dispiriting, extent to which racial imagery and judgments suffuse our culture and … We never say, "Well, I know about gravity so I can fly." And so the sister who is passing was never found out, even though people would meet her sister. No one has witnessed a crime during the show. But do they result in real change? But it is actually a function of biology and exposure. If you do not agree to any change to the Terms of Use then you must stop using the Website immediately. CLASS ACTION WAIVER. They've done this also with biracial faces that they tell people this person is either black or white and they find with the same face, if you're told that that face or that person is black, the anger will linger longer on the face even as the expression is changing to neutral. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) SHALL WE BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE EXEMPLARY OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS), PERSONAL INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) OR PROPERTY DAMAGE OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER THAT ARISE OUT OF OR RESULT FROM THE USE OF OR ANY INABILITY TO USE, THE WEBSITE OR ANY CONTENT OR FUNCTIONS THEREOF; OR ANY ACT OR OMISSION, ONLINE OR OFFLINE, OF ANY USER OF THE WEBSITE OR ANYONE ELSE, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Company will post a notice on the Website any time these Terms of Use have been changed or otherwise updated. Analyzing thousands of data points, the researchers found racial disparities in how Oakland officers treated African Americans on routine traffic and pedestrian stops. People think their own group is just the rich and diverse, but not other groups so much. Don’t let a botched below-the-belt trim snag your summer plans — Manscaped has precision tools for your family jewels! I wonder if bias is contagious, you know, can I get bias from somebody else? And so it took me some time to even notice that that was a relevant feature to be able to distinguish among faces. Jordan Harbinger: [01:12:33] Yes, thank you so much. You agree to indemnify us and our affiliates and designees from and against any and all claims arising out of, resulting from or relating to any such User-Generated Content. And they were standing in the living room of the house. The Website is intended only for users aged 18 or older. I'm not getting stabbed again because of my attempt to be less biased. So that causes a problem. The idea that even small children can recognize faces of their own race, better than other races. You hereby irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state or federal courts in or nearest San Jose, California in all disputes arising out of or related to the use of the Website. I'm learning this right now. You have the right to control your personal data. We'll be right back. Jennifer Eberhardt: [00:52:39] You see a black face, you're seeing it as angrier for longer. She would make facial expressions, but no one ever confused them for sisters because they categorize one as white and the other as black. Should we sell this site or the Company, your personal information will be transferred to the new owner. Jordan Harbinger: [00:50:05] This episode is also sponsored in part by NetSuite. Jordan Harbinger: [00:39:31] Yeah. And it's proximity. Jennifer Eberhardt: [00:03:57] Yeah. So it was just a horrific experience. The Website contains text, graphics, logos, images, coursework, software, video or audio files, and other material provided by or on behalf of the Company (collectively referred to as the “Content”). There's this giant guy who's probably like 6'5" or at least from my little frame, he looked enormous. So that's number one. You know, they look different. So that data, that shines a bright light on a lot of what's going on. of Consumer Affairs in CA, Consumer Information Center may be contacted in writing at 1625 North Market Blvd, Suite N-112, Sacramento, CA 95834 or by calling 1-800-952-5210. Just go to butcherbox.com/jordan. And there's some research to suggest that it is as well. [01:12:55] I've heard that you actually got to Google and didn't think the company was up too much when you were the CEO of Novell and just kind of weren't even interested in the job. Jordan Harbinger: [00:48:32] This is The Jordan Harbinger Show with our guest Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt. People are so — they know that they do that, right? The right to data portability: Ask us to provide your personal data we have for export. GOVERNING LAW. 3:05 AM. I'm going to have to have a little talk with my son about how not all black people look alike." Jordan Harbinger: [01:12:23] it's such a weird thing to happen during the live show. So we see people of different races as armed when they're not. Like, look at his height. Jennifer Eberhardt has been interested in issues of race and bias since she was a child. I feel like there's a way in which when we say that it's a cop-out to some extent because they're getting it also from us. No, we weren't doing rocketry. We don't know if they're Asian, black, white, we're just going to do blind auditions. I'm just now realizing that all of my friends' hobbies are so white, wakeboarding, skiing, camping. So Jamal Anthony Smith on the resume might be Jay Anthony Smith. And we have all the time in the world, we can see this as an African-American male who is unarmed, but in a short amount of time, the data just gets all shook up in a tumbler and then thrown out. [00:27:57] There was a study that you mentioned in the book about how our — I'm going to phrase this in a weird way — but our brain essentially sort of dulls our response after we see something over and over. And we've seen brain data from — is it London cabbies when they learned the knowledge of all the streets, their brains visibly changed within just a few years. Jennifer Eberhardt: [00:39:55] Okay. We keep your personal data for different periods of time depending on the reason it was gathered in the first place. This is weirdly like a gang of thieves using neuroscience somehow to get away with crime, which I'm guessing that was a little bit more of an accident, but I thought that was fascinating. Who was it? That's always helpful while I'm doing these readings. That seems to have a problem with certain people, but no, it gets along great with your family or your extended family that they've seen twice in their life." Jennifer Eberhardt: [00:16:48] It's just about exposure like you said. She's a professor in the department of psychology at Stanford University. You are also prohibited from posting any portion of the Content in either print or digital format, included on any other website, social media page, or in a networked computer environment for any purpose. And he says it again. Can you take us through that? Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally! I was like, I'm never going to get used to this. Little kids or adults. Like what is he reacting to?" Stanford News is a publication of Stanford University Communications. Yeah, so there's a lot of research on this. So they were worried that the owner was in harm's way. And in fact, only one percent of the people who were stopped for furtive movement actually had a weapon during the height of stop and frisk. Taller people have higher salaries and get further in their careers according to somebody. Click here to let Jordan know about your number one takeaway from this episode! The tragic deaths of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia and Breonna Taylor in Kentucky have shown the world how deeply embedded racial injustice and racism are in the social fabric of the United States. Jennifer Eberhardt: [01:04:11] Yeah, it's not. Like, how is that possible that what I am seeing — and we've studied this on the show before discussed this on the show about how our eyes are bringing in photons, and then our brain does the rest of it and calculates the image. In some ways, you know, it might because if you're doing that, instead of doing other things that actually could move the needle, then that's a problem. Their research is … In addition, we may litigate in court to seek injunctive relief. I'm happy to pause. And we did this by adding a simple question to the form that officers complete when they're engaging in a stop. Eberhardt uses history in order to both portray racial bias and speak on the development of the field of cognitive bias research in the social sciences. You shall not settle any third party claim or waive any defense without our prior written consent. They looked at shows where African-Americans were represented in positive ways, where they had roles as strong characters, like doctors and lawyers, and so forth. Any election to arbitrate, at any time, shall be final and binding on the other party. And it's like, well, that's not helping anyone. I've never thought about this. 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