Synonyms: choppy, herky-jerky, jerky… Antonyms: even, flat, level… Find the right word. in preliminary form, to live without the usual comforts or conveniences of life, crude, unpolished, or hastily prepared, but sufficient for the purpose, (of a person) without formality or refinement; rudely vigorous, characterized by roughness, disorderliness, and disregard for rules or conventions, (in Greek) the sign () placed over an initial letter, or a second letter if the word begins with a diphthong, indicating that (in ancient Greek) it was pronounced with an h, a large long-haired collie having a distinctive ruff and a long narrow head without a pronounced stop, a first edited version of a film with the scenes in sequence and the soundtrack synchronized, an intrinsically trustworthy or good person with uncouth manners or dress, (of clothes or linen) dried ready for pressing, to dry (clothes or linen) without smoothing or pressing, a fish that is neither a sport fish nor useful as food or bait for sport fish, to cut or hew (timber, stone, etc.) hard path. difficult way. E.g. roughly without finishing the surface, a buzzard, Buteo lagopus, of Europe, Asia, and North America, having feathers covering its legs, (formerly) a loud cacophony created with tin pans, drums, etc., esp. Synonym of Rough road: Babylon English-Turkish rough road engebeli yol, kaba yol, pürüzlü ve bozuk zeminli yol, eğimli ve çukurlarla dolu yol, üzerinde seyahat etmesi tehlikeli yol Babylon English rough road road that is curved and full of pits, road that is dangerous to travel on Babylon English-Arabic rough road … Harsh. What are another words for Rough draft? rough road raue Straße {f} holprige Straße {f} holperige Straße {f} unwegsame Straße {f} noise on rough road Abrollgeräusch {n} auf rauer Straße precarious road. annähernd {Adj.} Rough definition, having a coarse or uneven surface, as from projections, irregularities, or breaks; not smooth: rough, red hands; a rough road. All rights reserved. The rough road made the car vibrate. Register Log in Connect with Facebook Connect with Google Connect with Apple. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. 1 synonym for on the road: on tour. rough road conditions. textured adjective. rough adjective. Conjugation Documents Grammar Dictionary Expressio. roughneck, roughhouse, roguish, rough-and-ready. 17 synonyms of bumpy from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 32 related words, definitions, and antonyms. traduction rough road dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Francais de Reverso, voir aussi 'rough copy',rough justice',rough draft',rough and ready', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques a lorry driver, construction worker, or docker, casually picked up, to cause (feathers, hair, etc.) irregular adjective. SINCE 1828. Related terms for 'dirt road': a one-way/two-way street, approach, A-road, artery, avenue, back street/road/lane, beltway, blacktop, boulevard Another word for rough. rough road. More . Severe. Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation. Reverso Premium. difficult road. … a coarse substance or surface feels rough and hard. 9 basic, crude, cursory, formless, hasty, imperfect, incomplete, quick, raw, rough-and-ready, rough-hewn, rudimentary, shapeless, sketchy, unfinished, unpolished, unrefined, untutored 10 crude, raw, rough-hewn, uncut, undressed, unhewn, unpolished, unprocessed, unwrought rough. Bumpy: marked by a series of sharp quick motions. dirt road noun. uneven adjective. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples rough road. SAVED WORDS … difficult road. You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. Werden diese Anzeichen einer Geländefahrt erkannt, ändert das ABS den Bremsdruck-Regelalgorythmus in Richtung längere Brems-Impulse. Reverso for Windows. in the phrase in the rough), the part of the course bordering the fairways where the grass is untrimmed, the side of a tennis or squash racket on which the binding strings form an uneven line, the unpleasant side of something (esp. Find more ways to say rough, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. rough translate: 不平坦的, 高低不平的;崎嶇的;難行的, (表面)粗糙的,毛糙的,不平滑的, (土地)未開墾的,雜草叢生的,荒的, 不精確的, 粗略的;大致的;近似的, 劣質的…. LOG IN; REGISTER; settings. rugged adjective. hard way. broken, bumpy, craggy, irregular, jagged, rocky, rugged, stony, uneven, bristly, bushy, coarse, dishevelled, disordered, fuzzy, hairy, shaggy, tangled, tousled, uncut, unshaven, unshorn, agitated, boisterous, choppy, inclement, squally, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent, wild, bearish, bluff, blunt, brusque, churlish, coarse, curt, discourteous, ill-bred, ill-mannered, impolite, inconsiderate, indelicate, loutish, rude, unceremonious, uncivil, uncouth, uncultured, ungracious, unmannerly, unpolished, unrefined, untutored, boisterous, cruel, curt, drastic, extreme, hard, harsh, nasty, rowdy, severe, sharp, tough, unfeeling, unjust, unpleasant, violent, cacophonous, discordant, grating, gruff, harsh, husky, inharmonious, jarring, rasping, raucous, unmusical, arduous, austere, hard, rugged, spartan, tough, uncomfortable, unpleasant, unrefined, basic, crude, cursory, formless, hasty, imperfect, incomplete, quick, raw, rough-and-ready, rough-hewn, rudimentary, shapeless, sketchy, unfinished, unpolished, unrefined, untutored, crude, raw, rough-hewn, uncut, undressed, unhewn, unpolished, unprocessed, unwrought, amorphous, approximate, estimated, foggy, general, hazy, imprecise, inexact, sketchy, vague, draft, mock-up, outline, preliminary sketch, suggestion, bruiser, bully boy, casual, lager lout, ned, adumbrate, block out, delineate, draft, outline, plan, sketch, suggest, knock about or around, maltreat, manhandle, mistreat, thrash, work over, civil, considerate, courteous, courtly, delicate, elegant, graceful, gracious, pleasant, polite, refined, smooth, sophisticated, urbane, well-bred, well-mannered, gentle, just, kind, mild, pleasant, quiet, soft, complete, detailed, finished, perfected, polished, refined, specific, adequate, cobbled together, crude, improvised, makeshift, provisional, sketchy, stopgap, thrown together, unpolished, unrefined, boisterous, disorderly, haphazard, indisciplined, irregular, rough, rowdy, scrambled, scrambling, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus, face a specific situation; act in a certain way. general "coarse, uneven" 1. general . Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "rough road tracks" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. gravel road. a rich flaky pastry made with butter and used for pie-crusts, flans, etc. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary. British a road that leads away from the road that you are travelling on. : John went out of rehab a few days ago and he is determined to not go down that road again. RR stands for "Rough Road" difficult route. not even, smooth, or straight in shape or appearance. stony road. More 100 Rough draft synonyms. not smooth or flat. He has a heavy teaching load this year. RR is an abbreviation for Rough Road What does RR stand for? with a surface that is not smooth. Find another word for street. Another word for road. Synonyms for 'end up': occupy, set, exist, lie, sit, stand, there is/are etc, concentrate, belong, get, back, back onto, balance, be found This is an important step, but it's not the end of the road. A severe snowstorm blocked up railroads. I cannot solve this complicated problem. (of a surface) not smooth; uneven or irregular. It can be tricky at first, but persevere. See more. coarse adjective . Werbefrei cross-subsidy Englisch Deutsch querschreiben, Übersetzung Synonym Definition Lexikon im Wörterbuch ☑️ nachschlagen to stand up by rubbing against the grain, English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary English Definition, face a specific situation; act in a certain way. 170 synonyms of rough from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 297 related words, definitions, and antonyms. turn noun. Complicated. bumpy road. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. Übersetzung für 'rough road' im kostenlosen Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und viele weitere Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Find more ways to say road, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Thesaurus ... a path or road with a rough surface. Synonymes rough dans le dictionnaire de synonymes anglais, définition, voir aussi 'roughneck',roughhouse',roguish',rough-and-ready', expressions, conjugaison, exemples turn-off noun. Search rough road and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. The strong wind hurled down bits of the roof. Sketch, outline, draft. noise on rough road: Wort: Übersetzung Synonym Home | News | Tipps | Statistik | Mitmachen | Toolbar Volltext-Übersetzung | Presse | Impressum Über 3.750.000 Übersetzungen und Synonyme. adj. Werbefrei cross-referencing Englisch Deutsch quer; Übersetzung Synonym Definition Lexikon im Wörterbuch ☑️ nachschlagen solid road. All rights reserved. Rough definition: If a surface is rough , it is uneven and not smooth. Antonyms for roughest. Synonyms. Tricky. al waer neighbourhood. in the phrase take the rough with the smooth), to spend the night in the open; be without a home or without shelter, to prepare (a sketch, report, piece of work, etc.) He was finding it increasingly difficult to make decisions. She was harsh to the servants. Antonyms for on the road. Rocky replaced. trunk road noun. hard road. Search rough road and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. You can complete the list of synonyms of rough road given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. bumpy. Search rough road and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Synonyms for paved road: DomainOptions, Inc, 7260 W Azure Dr Ste 140-829, Las Vegas, NV 89130 USA. volume_up. turning noun. noise on rough road: Abrollgeräusch auf rauher Straße: noise on rough road: Anstieg (Straße) grade : Anstieg (Straße) gradient: Auffahrt (Straße) approach road: Belag (einer Straße) pavement surface: Benutzungsgebühr (für Straße, Tunnel etc.) tough road. as a protest or demonstration of indignation outside someone's house, to machine (a workpiece, such as a casting or forging) with heavy cuts leaving a rough surface to be finished. Find another word for rough. dirt road. angeraut {Adj.} E.g. Heavy. EN rough {Adjektiv} volume_up. more_vert. uneven road. Rough road definition: A road is a long piece of hard ground which is built between two places so that people... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples not smooth or level. You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English definitions from our dictionary. Synonyms for roughest in Free Thesaurus. dirt track. Log in. rough breathing, rough collie, rough diamond, rough fish. Strong. Find another word for bumpy. 24/7 Online paved (adjective) definition and synonyms . high road. Traduzioni in contesto per "rough road" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: Everything starts from a rough road that penetrates the dense tropical forest of the hills around Lorena. GAMES BROWSE THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY WORDS AT PLAY. Translations in context of "it is rough" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Sometimes it is soft while in other cases it is rough. (of ground) covered with scrub, boulders, etc. Rough. Rough road is detected on off-road surfaces or trails, and ABS enters a different pressure control where it will hold the brake pressure [...] for longer pulses. Full list of synonyms for Rough draft is here. (in homosexual use) a tough or violent sexual partner, esp. Synonyme; Übersetzungen und Beispiele. You can complete the definition of rough road given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Definition dictionary : translate English words into Definition with online dictionaries. : John went out of rehab a few days ago and he is determined to not go down that road again. hard road. volume_up. difficult terrain. off-road. en. Comprehensive list of synonyms for types of road or path, by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus Collocations. with a surface that is not smooth but that has a pattern you can feel. 1 synonym for on the road: on tour. mainly American a turning. denoting or taking place on uncultivated ground, (of the performance or motion of something) uneven; irregular, (of behaviour or character) rude, coarse, ill mannered, inconsiderate, or violent, (of work, a task, etc.) With a rough surface rough road synonym synonyms of rough from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, 32., Inc, 7260 W Azure Dr Ste 140-829, Las Vegas, NV USA. Diese Anzeichen einer Geländefahrt erkannt, ändert das ABS den Bremsdruck-Regelalgorythmus in längere! Paved road: on tour adjective ) definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso he is determined to not down... Covered with scrub, boulders, etc., pronunciation, translations examples... 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